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1 Value-added

2 Electronic data interchange - Value-added networks 1 To address the limitations in peer-to-peer adoption of EDI, VANs (value-added networks) were established

3 Bell Sympatico - 2000s: Value-added services and rebranding 1 Starting in Summer 2003, Sympatico tried to differentiate its service from its competitors by adding value-added services

4 Value-added resellers 1 A 'value-added reseller' ('VAR') is a company (law)|company that adds features or services to an existing product, then resells it (usually to end-users) as an integrated product or complete turn-key solution. This practice occurs commonly in the electronics industry, where, for example, a VAR might bundle a software application with supplied hardware.

5 Ad valorem tax - Value-added tax 1 A value-added tax (VAT), or goods and services tax (GST), is tax on exchanges

6 Innovation leadership - Value-added Innovation 1 Research posits that exploratory and value-added innovation require different leadership styles and behaviors in order to be carried out successfully.

7 Innovation leadership - Value-added Innovation 1 Examples of companies whose innovation leaders use transactional leadership for value-added innovation purposes include Toyota Motor Co., General Motors Corp, and Ford Motor Co.; examples of these companies’ value-added innovations such as making improvements on existing cars by making them faster, more comfortable, and getting better gas mileage

8 Innovation leadership - Value-added Innovation 1 While an existing product is being changed and/or improved upon, characterizing it as a value-added innovation, outside-the-box thinking, research, and risk-taking are now required since it is being introduced into a new market

9 Innovation leadership - Value-added Innovation 1 The innovation leader must gauge if (and how much) risk and radical thinking are involved in the value-added innovation at hand in order to determine which leadership style is most appropriate to use in the situation. In this way, the leader must be an ambidextrous leader through flexibly switching leadership behaviors when necessary.

10 LIFO (education) - LIFO and the Value-Added Model 1 In many states, tenure is given to teachers after 3 years, without much indication of job performance. A Value-added modeling|value added model (VAM) could be used in tenure decisions for teachers in order to estimate teacher quality. A VAM would predict how well a teacher would do based on his or her previous experience teaching. Data shows that the VAM based on standardized test scores, is a better indicator of teacher performance than any observable attributes.

11 LIFO (education) - LIFO and the Value-Added Model 1 Evaluating value-added models for teacher accountability

12 Intermediate consumption - Statistical effects of ownership relations on the boundary between intermediate consumption and value-added 1 Likewise, rentals paid by a business on buildings or equipment under an operating lease are recorded in national accounts as intermediate consumption, and are excluded from its value-added.

13 Economy of Armenia - New value-added tax 1 Over half of the tax revenues in the January– August 2008 time period were generated from value-added taxes (VAT). By comparison, corporate profit tax generated less than 16 percent of the revenues. This suggests that tax collection in Armenia is improving at the expense of ordinary citizens, rather than wealthy citizens (who have been the main beneficiaries of Armenia's double- digit economic growth in recent years).

14 Value-added service 1 For mobile phones, technologies like Short message service|SMS, Multimedia Messaging System|MMS and GPRS|data access were historically usually considered value-added services, but in recent years SMS, MMS and data access have more and more become core services, and VAS therefore has begun to exclude those services

15 Value-added service 1 A distinction may also be made between standard (peer-to-peer) content and premium-charged content. These are called mobile value-added services (MVAS) which are often simply referred as VAS.

16 Value-added service 1 Value-added services are supplied either in-house by the mobile network operator themselves or by a third-party 'value- added service provider' ('VASP'), also known as a 'content provider (CP)' such as All Headline News or Reuters.

17 Value-added modeling 1 In this manner, value-added modeling seeks to isolate the contribution, or value added, that each teacher provides in a given year, which can be compared to the performance measures of other teachers

18 Value-added modeling 1 Rockoff, Measuring the impacts of teachers II: Teacher value-added and student outcomes in adulthood, American Economic Review (forthcoming).

19 Value-added modeling - Method 1 In this way, value-added modeling isolates the teacher's contributions from factors outside the teacher's control that are known to strongly affect student test performance, including the student's general intelligence, poverty, and parental involvement.

20 Value-added modeling - Uses 1 Under Race to the Top and other programs advocating for better methods of evaluating teacher performance, districts have looked to value-added modeling as a supplement to observing teachers in classrooms.

21 Value-added modeling - Uses 1 [ c38aaa-8a79-42c4-97d5-0c8b4853a44b Value-added evaluation bill is now law], Louisiana Federation of Teachers Weekly Legislative Digest, May 28, 2010

22 Value-added modeling - Uses 1 Experts do not recommend using value- added modeling as the sole determinant of any decision. Instead, they recommend using it as a significant factor in a multifaceted evaluation program.

23 Value-added modeling - Limitations 1 Value-added scores are more sensitive to teacher effects for mathematics than for language. This may be due to widespread use of poorly constructed tests for reading and language skills, or it may be because teachers ultimately have less influence over language development. Students learn language skills from many sources, especially their families, while they learn math skills primarily in school.

24 Value-added modeling - Limitations 1 Friedman, and Jonah Rockoff, Measuring the impacts of teachers I: Evaluating bias in teacher value-added estimates

25 Value-added modeling - Research 1 Rivkin, [ generalizations-about-using-value-added- measures-teacher-quality Generalizations about the Use of Value-Added Measures of Teacher Quality], American Economic Review, 100(2), May 2010, pp

26 Value-added modeling - Research 1 Statistician William Sanders (statistician)|William Sanders, a senior research manager at SAS Institute Inc.|SAS introduced the concept to school operations when he developed value- added models for school districts in North Carolina and Tennessee

27 Value-added modeling - Research 1 [ 04/RAND_MG158.pdf Evaluating Value- Added Models for Teacher Accountability], RAND Corporation, 2003

28 Value-added modeling - Research 1 The Los Angeles Times reported on the use of the program in that city's schools, creating a searchable web site that provided the score calculated by the value-added modeling system for 6,000 elementary school teachers in the district

29 Value-added modeling - Research 1 [they] undermine rather than validate value-added-based approaches to teacher evaluation.” More recent work from the MET project, however, validates the use of value added approaches.

30 Value-added modeling - Principals and Leaders 1 This outcome-based approach to measuring effectiveness of principals is very similar to the value-added modeling that has been applied to the evaluation of teachers

31 Value-added modeling - Criticism and concerns 1 The study called value-added modeling a fairer means of comparing teachers that allows for better measures of educational methodologies and overall school performance, but argued that student test scores were not sufficiently reliable as a means of making high-stakes personnel decisions.Eva L

32 Value-added theory 1 'Value-added theory' (also known as Strain theory (sociology)|social strain theory) was first proposed by Neil Smelser and is based on the assumption that certain conditions are needed for the development of a social movement.Kendall, 2005 Smelser saw social movements as side- effects of rapid social change.Porta Diani, 2006

33 Value-added (disambiguation) 1 * Value-added tax: A tax based on gross profits (the difference between the cost of goods sold and the selling price)

34 Value-added (disambiguation) 1 * Value-added modeling: A method of teacher evaluation that attempts to identify how much student achievement is due to the teacher

35 Value-added (disambiguation) 1 * Value-added reseller: A company that adds features to an existing product, then resells it, usually to end-users

36 Value-added (disambiguation) 1 * Value-added service: Extra services in the telecommunications industry

37 Value-added (disambiguation) 1 * Value-added network: A hosted service offering that acts as an intermediary between business partners

38 Value-added (disambiguation) 1 * Value-added theory: or social strain theory

39 Value-added (disambiguation) 1 * Value-added agriculture: Manufacturing processes that increase the value of primary agricultural commodities

40 Value-added network 1 A 'Value-added Network' (VAN) is a hosted service offering that acts as an intermediary between business partners sharing standards based or proprietary data via shared Business Processes. The offered service is referred to as Value- added Network Service.

41 Value-added network - 1970s: Marketisation of telecommunication 1 The large-scale allocation of network services by private companies was in conflict with state-controlled telecommunications sector. To be able to gain a license for telecommunication service provision to customers, a private business had to add value to the communications line in order to be a distinguishable service. Therefore, the notion of Value-added Network Services was established to allow for operation of such private businesses as an exemption from state control.

42 Value-added network - 1970s: Marketisation of telecommunication 1 In the later 1980s, running a Value-Added Network Service required licensing in the U.K

43 Value-added network - Perspective 1 In the absence of state-operated telecommunication sector, Value-added Network Service still is used, mainly as a functional description, in conjunction with dedicated leased lines for B2B communications (especially for EDIFACT data transfer).

44 Value-added network - Perspective 1 Governments like South Africa still maintain explicit regulation,[ _vans_2005.html Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA): Regulations for Value-Added Network Services] while others address specific services with licensing.[http://www.ictregulationtoolkit.or g/en/PracticeNote.aspx?id=3112 NERA Economic Consulting: One-Time Initial Authorization Fees in Selected Countries]

45 Value-added network - Perspective 1 Others distinguish Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from International Value- Added Network Services (IVANS) operators.[ e-lic/operator-licensees/pnets-ivans- isp.html Office of the Telecommunications Authority (OFTA) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: International Value-Added Network Services (IVANS) Operator or Internet Service Providers (ISP)]

46 For More Information, Visit: m/the-value-added- toolkit.html m/the-value-added- toolkit.html The Art of Service

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