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ELCA 102 Pre-Intermediate book- Units 10 – 11 -12-13 Vocabulary and grammar Exercises Prepared by: Areen Al Badri and Azza Khattab.

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Presentation on theme: "ELCA 102 Pre-Intermediate book- Units 10 – 11 -12-13 Vocabulary and grammar Exercises Prepared by: Areen Al Badri and Azza Khattab."— Presentation transcript:

1 ELCA 102 Pre-Intermediate book- Units 10 – 11 -12-13 Vocabulary and grammar Exercises Prepared by: Areen Al Badri and Azza Khattab

2 Unit 10: Vocabulary Exercises: Choose the correct answers: 1. ‘I met a famous movie star today.’ ‘Really? How………….! a. excited b. exciting c. bored 2. I failed my French exam. I worked very hard for it. I am really …………. a. interesting b. boring c. disappointed 3. My laptop’s broken, and I don’t understand the manual. It’s so……… a. confused b. confusing c. worrying 4. Sara: ‘I haven’t heard from my best friend for three months.’ Mona: ‘You must be ………….’ a. excited b. worried c. interested 5. ‘The whole house was on fire.’ Weren’t you…………..? a. disappointed b. confusing c. frightened

3 Answers: 1- b 2- c 3- b 4- b 5- c

4 Unit 10: Grammar Exercises Choose the correct answers: 1-They will …………………………………… their work on time. a-manage finish b- manage finishing c- manage to finish d- manage finished 2-My teacher makes us ………………a lot of activities during the lesson. a-does b- do c- to do d- did 3-Ahmed ……………….football when he was young, but he doesn’t now. a-plays b- playing c- used to play d- used play 4-I’m going to France ………………………some shopping. a-for do b- to do c- do d- doing 5-Is there ……………………to talk to? a-someone b- no one c- everyone d- anyone

5 Answers: 1-c 2- b 3- c 4- b 5- d

6 Unit 11: Vocabulary Exercises Choose the correct answers: 1. I just thought I'd call by and say ………. a. the truth b. a cure c. hello 2. She's always telling. …………. a. a diary b. a promise c. lies 3. We lost our……. last trip. a. way b. the bus c. school 4.I always ask my mother to give me………especially when I am in trouble. a. advice b. the game c. money 5. I've got to get into town. Can you give me …………………………….? a. a story b. a joke c. a lift

7 Answers: 1- c 2- c 3- a 4- a 5- c

8 Unit 11: Grammar Exercises: Choose the correct answers: 1-Ford cars ……………………in the USA. a-make b- makes c- are made d- are making 2-Where ………………………….? a-does coffee grow b- is coffee grown c- coffee grows d-coffee grew 3-“Hamlet” ……………………………….by Shakespeare. a-wrote b- writes c- was written d- had written 4-The school …………………………in 2000. a-is built b- is being built c- will be built d- was built 5-…………………….my car been repaired? a-Has b- Is c- Will d- Was

9 Answers: 1-c 2- b 3- c 4- d 5- a

10 Unit 12: Vocabulary Exercises Choose the correct answers: 1. Put……….. your jacket. It’s cold today. a. on b. up c. back 2. Sally is going to take the children ………. for the day. a. up b. out c. on 3. Leave the kids with me. I’ll look………. them. a. after b. out c. up 4. Where did you ………..? Or have you always lived in London. a. get on with b. look forward to c. grow up 5. Ahmad……….. his job. He is looking for a new one these days. a. gave up b. sort out c. took off

11 Answers: 1- a 2- b 3- a 4- c 5- a

12 Unit 12: Grammar Exercises Choose the correct answers: 1-France ……………… the match. I’m not sure. a-will b- might c- must d- have to 2-If he ……………………..time, he’d watch the film. a-has b- is having c- had d- will have 3-I ………………………in a villa if I had a lot of money. a-will live b- would live c- live d- can live 4-What would he do if he ……………………..famous? a-is b- were c- be d- is being 5-………………………you travel to Taif if you had a vacation? a-Would b- Did c- Are d- Have

13 Answers: 1-b 2- c 3- b 4- b 5- a

14 Unit 13: Vocabulary Exercises Choose the correct answers: 1. I gave the police officer a………….. of the man who stole the money. a. describe b. description c. descriptive 2. I used to speak Spanish ……….., but I’ve forgotten it now. a. fluently b. seriously c. carefully 3. Is he ………..? ‘Yes, he’s a millionaire.’ a. wealth b. wealthy c. wealthier 4. I saw an ………… for a job as a journalist. a. advertise b. advice c. advertisement 5. I travel a lot in my job, …………. to the United States a. mainly b. possibly c. nearly

15 Answers: 1- b 2- a 3- b 4- c 5- a

16 Unit 13: Grammar Exercises Choose the correct answers: 1-I have been playing football ………………..I was very young. a-since b- for c- at d- after 2-I …………………………a new dress last week. a-have bought b- will buy c- have been buying d- bought 3-How long ……………………………………working in the bank? a-did you b- have you c- have you been d- will you 4-You look very dirty! …………………………… the garden? a-Did you work b- Will you work c- Have you been working d- Are you working 5-How long ………………………………….your friend? a-you know b- have you been knowing c- have you known d- are you knowing

17 Answers: 1-a 2- d 3- c 4- c 5- c

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