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June 2016 TD Money Out Omni. 2 2. Looking ahead, are you thinking of buying a home either as a primary or secondary residence? Overview Fieldwork was.

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Presentation on theme: "June 2016 TD Money Out Omni. 2 2. Looking ahead, are you thinking of buying a home either as a primary or secondary residence? Overview Fieldwork was."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 2016 TD Money Out Omni

2 2 2. Looking ahead, are you thinking of buying a home either as a primary or secondary residence? Overview Fieldwork was completed June 21 st - 26 th 2016. Where possible results are tracked to the 2015 Money Out survey fielded June 11 th – June 16 th 2015. This report presents the findings in summary charts and tables. The statistical cross-tabulations are reported under separate cover. Significance is tested at 95% confidence interval and is represented by circles: significantly higher, significantly lower TD Bank conducted a survey focused on potential first time home buyers. Survey topics include how soon respondents are looking to purchase, where they would like to purchase, amenities they’re looking for and how they will finance their home when the time comes. Methodology The total sample includes 1002 respondents who are not currently homeowners and are considering purchasing a home in the next 5 years. The National sample size of 1002 has a margin of error of +/- 3.1%. Data has been weighted by age, gender and region to reflect the population. Timeline for Purchasing Home 1-in-5 potential buyers are actively looking for a home. Actively looking Next 1-2 years Next 3-5 years MaleFemale18-3435-5455+ 23%19%24%20%19% 39%45%38%44%42% 38%36%37%35%39% 2016 2015

3 3 Single-Family Condo and/or town home Vacation home Investment property Multi-family home (less than 3 units) Type of Home Anticipated Type of Home Interested in Buying The large majority are interested in a single family home. MaleFemale18-3435-5455+ 82%88% 87%81% 27%24%27%21%29% 6%2%5%4%3% 9%2%7%4%6% 4%6%4%6%4% Q3. What type of home would you like to buy? Q4. Which of the following best describe the home you would like to buy? MaleFemale18-3435-5455+ 72%77%78%75%72% 32%37%41%33%31% 33%30%34%32%28% State of Home Interested in Buying Move-in ready New Construction/New Home Fixer Upper 68% 31% 2016 2015 Move-in ready is the preferred home. Millennials are more willing to consider something Newly Constructed or a Fixer Upper.

4 4 MaleFemale18-3435-5455+ 62%73%77%68%60% 50%69%62%65%53% 50%51%48%55% 52%50%55%49%50% 49%48%45%44%55% 31%39%57%36%15% 36%26%29%26%37% 5%3% 2%6% Attractive design Amenities such as a back yard or pool Close to theatres, restaurants, shopping Close to parks/water/green space Energy efficient / smart technologies Good schools or childcare Close to public transit None of the above Location & Amenities Most potential buyers are looking in big cities or the suburbs. Big city or urban area Suburban area outside city Small city or town Rural area MaleFemale18-3435-5455+ 22%20%25%22%17% 40%45%47%44%37% 22%23%19% 29% 15%11%8%14%17% 20162015 Ideal Home Location The need for home amenities slightly falls in 2016, while community amenities are on the rise. Amenities Being Looked For 65% 47% 46% 48% 37% 29% 3% 20162015 Q5. Where do you want to buy a home? Q6. What will you look for when purchasing your home?

5 5 MaleFemale18-3435-5455+ 69%65% 70% 55%59%65%54% 50% 56%51%43% 35%40%37%42%32% 31%33%30%32% 30%25%24%27%32% 16%12%19%15%8% Percent Putting 20% or More Down Cash/savings 30-year mortgage Affordability program 15-year mortgage Government loan Assistance from Family and Friends Purchase Behavior Two-thirds plan on putting at least 20% down. Popularity of a 15-year mortgage increases in 2016. Payment & Resources Used Others on The Loan/Mortgage 62% 53% 46% 38% 26% 29% 15% 20162015 Resources: Just Myself Spouse/Partner Family member Friend MaleFemale18-3435-5455+ 47%30% 37%47% 45%59%65%56%37% 7%10%5%7%13% 1% 0% 3% 20162015 Female buyers and Millennials are more likely to have a spouse/partner sign a mortgage/loan with them, versus taking it on by themselves. Q7. Will you put 20% or more down on your home? Q8. Which of the following do you anticipate using to purchase your home? Q9. Who do you anticipate will be on the loan or mortgage with you?

6 6 MaleFemale18-3435-5455+ 61%68%74%68%55% 39%48%58%49%27% 30%22%18%19%38% 18%21%29%15%16% 17%16%14%21%13% 20%10%11%10%22% 20%8%10%11%21% 10%11%24%8%3% 6%11%7%8%10% Reasons for Delays - Those not actively looking Needing to save money and pay down current debt remain the biggest roadblocks for delaying the purchase of a first home. Millennials are also waiting for steady employment and to start a family. Gen-X are having more trouble getting approval in 2016 (21% in 2016, compared to 15% in 2015). 20162015 Need to save money for down payment Need to pay down debt Can't find a home in my price range Waiting for a steady job I can't get approved for a mortgage Can't find a home I like I think renting is better Waiting to get married/start a family Other 64% 45% 22% 19% 12% 13% 7% 10% Q10. Why delay, what is preventing you from purchasing your first home?

7 7 Additional Detail Most Important Element when Looking for a Home Mortgage rates are the most important when looking for a new home. MaleFemale18-3435-5455+ 12%23%15%19%18% 4% 5%6%2% 11%10%12%11%8% 13% 16%13%12% 17%14%15% 17% 10%7% 8%10% 8%11%9%8% 22%20%19% 25% Amount Budgeted for Unexpected Costs Mortgage Rates Mortgage Loan Officer Realtor Insurance Cost MaleFemale18-3435-5455+ 76%79%77%78% 6%4%5% 10%11% 9% 8%7%8%6%9% $0 $1 - $500 $500 - $1,000 $1,001 - $2,000 $2,001 - $3,000 $3,001 - $4,000 $4,001 - $5,000 $5,000+ Q11. What do you think is the most important when looking for a home? Q12. How much have you budgeted for unexpected costs during the home buying process? 1-in-5 potential home buyers are expecting at least $5000 in unexpected costs.


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