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David Huang 2015 Center for Structural Biochemistry Montpellier, France.

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1 David Huang 2015 Center for Structural Biochemistry Montpellier, France

2 Protein Preparation, Purification, and Crystallization Preparation – Plasmids were transformed into competent cells and the specific protein was expressed and collected. Purification – Protein was purified using a nickel affinity column and a gel filtration column. Crystallization – Purified proteins were prepared with various solvent and ligands on crystallography plates. Crystals were collected after a few days.

3 Protein Preparation, Purification, and Crystallization

4 Data Collection, Structure Determination, and Analysis Data Collection – Electron density data were collected from the protein crystals using x-ray crystallography. Structure Determination – The electron density data was used to determine the structure of the proteins in complex with the ligands using the COOT software. Analysis – The specific hydrogen bonds or hydrophobic interactions around the ligand binding pocket were analyzed after the structure had been determined.

5 Data Collection, Structure Determination, and Analysis

6 Most Rewarding Aspect of My Work Experience I was able to travel to Grenoble to use the ESRF (European Synchroton Radiation Facility), a large particle accelerator that allows us to collect well resolved x-ray diffraction data. Collecting good x-ray diffraction data and solving these structures was the culmination of all the weeks I spent in the lab doing bench work preparing proteins and crystals.

7 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility

8 How My Work Impacted the Organization I helped to solve the structures of PXR (pregnane X receptor) in complex with the ligands oxadiazon, pretilachlore, fipronil, fenvalerate, α - zearalenol, 4-tert-octylphenol and 2 other unnamed synthetic ligands. Solving these structures give us a better understanding of how the protein binds to different ligands and will help us with structure based rational drug design.

9 Ligands Pretilachlore Oxadiazon Fipronil Fenvalerate α -Zearalenol 4-tert-octylphenol

10 Academic Choices and Career Plans This internship helped me solidify my interest in doing research and made me certain that I want to continue doing research in graduate school. Since I still prefer chemistry research over structural biochemistry research, I hope to work in the relevant field of synthesizing ligands and drug molecules based on the structural data of proteins.

11 Cultural Awareness/Personal Growth Beyond Montpellier, I traveled to Sete, St.Guilhem, Grenoble, Paris, and Barcelona and experienced French and Spanish culture through food and travel. I met a lot of international students and learned their perspective on American politics and education. I learned to be truly independent by surviving in a country that spoke a foreign language, working at a 9 to 6 job everyday, and cooking all meals for myself.

12 Travel



15 Acknowledgments Princeton and IIP Luisa Duarte-Silva Centre de Biochimie Structurale Dr. William Bourguet Dr. Vanessa Delfosse Dr. Deborah Harrus

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