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Physics 176: Lecture 2 Tuesday, 1/18/2011 Before you take your seat: Pick up PRS transmitter Pick up 1-min questionnaire.

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Presentation on theme: "Physics 176: Lecture 2 Tuesday, 1/18/2011 Before you take your seat: Pick up PRS transmitter Pick up 1-min questionnaire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics 176: Lecture 2 Tuesday, 1/18/2011 Before you take your seat: Pick up PRS transmitter Pick up 1-min questionnaire

2 Please Ask Questions! PLEASE feel free to ask questions during lecture but please also be patient if I feel it would be best to discuss your question with you after lecture, so as not to break the flow of the lecture.

3 Another Demo: A Supersaturated Medium ● Medical gel packs: phase transition of a supercooled material ● Why do you have to click the disk to initiate?

4 Phase Transitions: Metaphor For How Complexity Arises

5 Interesting Transitions to Think About: ● Origin of life: inert chemical soup to something else. Likely or not? ● Cells combining to form animals and plants. ● Neurons combining to form brains, is consciousness a phase transition? ● Computers combining to form networks.

6 Why Thermal Physics Is So Interesting ● Emergence versus reduction: why is the world so interesting? ● Subject involves different approach than mechanics, electrodynamics and quantum: develop insights through conceptual models rather than finding solutions to fundamental equations.

7 State The State of a Physical System ● One of the most important concepts in science: set of numbers that is sufficient and necessary to predict all known properties using sets of equations. ● State of a system is hard to determine, e.g., photon state was discovered in steps: direction, energy (color), polarization. ● Mechanics: state of N point particles is 6N numbers, position vector and velocity vector for each particle at given time. ● E&M: state of is knowledge of E and B fields everywhere at given time, infinite amount of info. ● QM: state is a unit vector, typically specified by passing particles through various filters.

8 Need to Know State Explains Why Star Trek Teleportation is in Trouble

9 Equilibrium Leads to Great Conceptual Simplification for Macroscopic Objects ● In classical mechanics, have to specify position and velocity vectors for each particle, doom for Avogadro's number of particles 10 23. (Current computers simulate 10 8 particles.) ● For quantum mechanics, have to specify wave function  (t,x 1,x 2,...) for all particles at given time, doom again. ● For E&M, have to specify E and B fields at all points in space at given time, doom again if many charges and currents. have to specify just two variables such as T and P ● But for macroscopic systems in equilibrium, have to specify just two variables such as T and P. Crazy paradox: how can things simplify so much with so many particles? ● In classical mechanics, have to specify position and velocity vectors for each particle, doom for Avogadro's number of particles 10 23. (Current computers simulate 10 8 particles.) ● For E&M, have to specify E and B fields at all points in space at given time, doom again if many charges and currents. ● For quantum mechanics, have to specify wave function  (t,x 1,x 2,...) for 10 23 particles at given time, doom again. have to specify just three variables such as T, V, and P ● But for a macroscopic system in equilibrium, have to specify just three variables such as T, V, and P. Crazy: how can things simplify so much with so many particles?

10 Why So Few Numbers for Equilibrium? ● It is a subtle consequence of conservation laws and statistical averaging. ● It is not obvious why this reduction occurs, e.g., fails for glasses and granular media. (Hand out granular flow demos)

11 Practical Criteria For Thermodynamic Equilibrium ● Consists of many components ● Temperature constant in time and space. ● Pressure constant unless external field present. ● Properties time independent up to rigid translation and rotation (no relative motion) ● Properties independent of history of system, this can be hard to achieve. NOTE: Most systems in universe are nonequilibrium! ● Consists of many components (macroscopic) ● Temperature constant in time and space. ● Pressure constant unless external field present. ● No relative motion: properties time independent up to rigid translation and rotation ● Properties independent of history of system (this can be hard to achieve). NOTE: Most systems in universe are nonequilibrium!

12 Short Question: Example of Time-Independent Nonequilibrium System?

13 Nonequilibrium Systems are Hard! Spiral Defect Chaos State of Convecting Fluid

14 Where we are heading? ● Chapter 1: concepts of equilibrium, relaxation time, temperature, ideal gas, work, heat, and heat capacity. First law of thermodynamics. (Mainly review.) ● Chapter 2: microstates of a macrostate, multiplicity W, entropy S, why entropy spontaneously increases, why equilibrium corresponds to maximum entropy (2 nd law). Three models: paramagnet, Einstein solid, ideal gas. ● Chapter 3: 1/T = dS/dE, chemical potential, applications to heat capacities. ● Jump to Chapters 6 and 7 to do some statistical physics then return to Chapters 4 and 5.

15 Time Scale to Attain Equilibrium Scales with Size L of System Time scales to equilibrate over region of size L: More subtle time scales: quantum tunneling means all solids act like liquids over long times (100 times age of universe), protons eventually decay, etc. Let's be reasonable here...

16 PRS: Can One Boil Water With Boiling Water? Plastic cup of water is suspended in middle of pot of boiling water. Then after a while: (a) Tcup > 100 o C and water boils (b) Tcup = 100 o C and water boils (c) Tcup = 100 o C and water doesn't boil (d) Tcup < 100 o C and water doesn't boil.

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