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Teacher Gender and Student Achievement -Evidence from gender mixed co-teacher pairs WORK IN PROGRESS Louise Beuchert Aarhus University TrygFonden’s Child.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher Gender and Student Achievement -Evidence from gender mixed co-teacher pairs WORK IN PROGRESS Louise Beuchert Aarhus University TrygFonden’s Child."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher Gender and Student Achievement -Evidence from gender mixed co-teacher pairs WORK IN PROGRESS Louise Beuchert Aarhus University TrygFonden’s Child Research Centre

2 THIS PAPER Exploits eksperimental data combined with register and survey data about students and their teachers Question 1: The relationship between same-gender teacher and student achivement – Shows that boys taught by a male teacher have sign. higher achievements – Gender inequality in education (Bertrand & Pan 2013; Goldin et al 2006) (OECD 2015) Question 2: Implications for policy? -70% of school employees are female (DK) -Flexible policy: male co-teachers/aides -Shows that boys seem to benefit when introducing a male co-teacher, compared to a female co-teacher, in female-taught classrooms.

3 OUTLINE Data Empirical strategy: Student FE model Results: Teacher gender Introduce policy eksperiment with co-teachers Results: Co-teacher pairs Conclusion and future research

4 LITTERATURE Data development: linking students and teachers – Student FE + Teacher FE – Revise importance of teacher characteristics (Ladd et al 2008;2016) – Hanushek 1997; Goldhaber 2008; Ladd et al 2016 Having a same-gender teacher seem to benefit students – Student FE models – Dee 2007; Ladd 2008; Cho 2012; Winters, Haight, Swaim and Pickering 2013 – Primary/middle school

5 DATA Data from the Danish Co-teacher Experiment – See Andersen, Beuchert, Kjærgaard and Nielsen (2014) – Large-scaled RCT – 221 schools – Representative sample of Danish public schools – All 6 th grade classes (10,199 students) (age 12) Register each teacher in Danish and Math – Personal identifiers: teachers, students, co-teachers – Link each teacher and student (New in DK!) – Link with register data and survey information – Register data yearly, from before school start

6 EMPIRICAL STRATEGY Do students who are taught by a same-gender teacher have higher academic performance? – Exploit within-student across-subject variation – Subject 1: Boy taught by Female teacher – Subject 2: Boy taught by Male teacher (i.e. same-gender) Estimation sample: Identifying variation <- - MIXED



9 Think of this as –.. role model effects etc. work in the same way –.. the teacher applying same teaching strategies etc. In paper: – Teacher surveys, 85% response rate – Teaching strategies across subjects/teacher gender (i) The effect of a SAMEGENDER teacher does not depend on the subject taught



12 Think of this as.. – Students are assigned to classrooms on the basis of their average ability/motivation, not subject-specific Classes formed when enter grade 0, stays throughout grades 0-9 <2% move class during – Potential threats: Tracking: low performing GIRLS assigned FEMALE teachers High ability BOY moved to MATH class taught by MALE Parental bias towards teacher gender/subject (Grönqvist and Vlachos 2014) – Registerdata: Parents’ edu/empl. mesured before school start – OLS: Teacher char. on parents’ baggrund, interact w/subject – F-tests: jointly insignificant, not different across subjects ii) Students are assigned teachers based on the same mechanisms across all subjects (within schools) DK: Not allowed

13 RESULTS: OUTCOME Outcomes: grade 6 national test in reading and math Danish national tests – Mandatory testing program in grades 2 to 8 – End of the year-test – Online and adaptive test system Questions adapt to the students proficiency during the testsession Advantage: No teacher-assessment (reduce teacher bias) – Standardized (mean 0, std 1)


15 The estimated effects are robust when including.. – Teacher FE – Teacher controls measured before students start school (e.g. HS GPA, credentials, experience, income, children) Results in line with newest evidence from Student FE models - e.g. Dee 2007; Ladd 2008; Cho 2012; Winters, Haight, Swaim and Pickering 2013; Grönqvist and Vlachos 2014; RESULTS: THE EFFECT OF A SAME-GENDER TEACHER

16 The effect of a same-gender teacher is larger among.. – Children of parents living apart in the year of birth – Firstborn children – Girls of low educated mothers RESULTS: THE EFFECT OF A SAME-GENDER TEACHER

17 Boys seem to benefit academically when taught by a male teacher compared to a female teacher Mechanisms / Channels – Role model effects /Stereotype threats (Hinnerich 2013; Beilock et al 2010; Antecol 2013; Lavy and Sand 2015) – Teacher bias in grading (Lavy 2008; Mechtenberg 2009; Falch and Naper 2013; Rangvid 2014) In ”behavior” in class (Bertrand and Pan 2013; Cornwell et al 2013; Kristoffersen et al 2015) – Males just better teachers? (In paper: registerdata track in/outflow) MECHANISMS AND POLICY

18 Policy – Female-dominated professions: Child care (94%); Schools 70%; after school program 75%; youth club 52% – Student-teacher gender interactions in the classroom e.g. awareness of own teacher bias, teaching strategies etc. (OECD 2015) – Regulation of the teacher pool e.g. teacher college enrollment, recruitment programs etc. Change margin of inference? MECHANISMS AND POLICY

19 More flexible: Male co-teacher/aide in the classroom Introducing co-teachers – The Danish Co-teacher Experiment (Andersen et al. 2014) – Randomly assigned to 35 schools – Teacher educated – The teacher and co-teacher prepare and teach the class in cooperation – 10 lessons per week/class – In Danish and math – ~1 school year (Oct.-June) – Co-teacher gender not randomly assigned – Search and hire between Aug. 5 th –Oct 1 st CO-TEACHER POLICY

20 Extension of the same empirical strategy: – Within-student across-subject variation in gender combinations of the co-teacher pairs Illustration of variation (Danish classes) % of studentsGender combination 20 %Female teacher w/ male co-teacher (mixed gender) 15 % Male teacher w/ female co-teacher (mixed gender) 59 %Female teacher w/ female co-teacher 3 %Male teacher w/ male co-teacher


22 Achievement of boys are significantly higher when introducing a male in the classroom Boys introduced to a co-teacher pair of mixed gender benefit significantly more compared to having a co-teacher pair of two females – Female teacher w/ Male co-teacher: 0.27 SD – Male teacher w/ Female co-teacher: 0.16 SD..without harming the achievement of girls! i.e. closes 6 th grade avg. reading gender gap: 0.11 SD Future research: Replicate experiment with randomisation of teacher char. (e.g. Papay et al 2016) CONCLUSION AND FUTURE RESEARCH

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