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Child Labor: People: Florence Kelly. Newsboys picture on page 688. What do you think? Any laws? Question: Why do you think juvenile offenders were deprived.

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2 Child Labor: People: Florence Kelly. Newsboys picture on page 688. What do you think? Any laws? Question: Why do you think juvenile offenders were deprived of due process until 1967? Muckrakers -Crusading reporters who pioneered investigative journalism, exposing corruption, illegal practices and overall injustices in popular newspapers and magazines and even books. Examples? Working women and suffrage: Muller vs. Oregon. What is this? “Women are fundamentally weaker than men in all that makes for endurance; in muscular strength, in nervous energy, in the powers of persistent attention and application”. Is this a sound basis for laws pertaining to protecting women workers? Why or why not? Key Points

3 Ideas of labor have changed. Progressives seek legislation to protect workers (especially women and children) from being exploited. 1/3 OF WORKERS between 1907 &1910 stay at their job for less than 1 year! Nature of work is radically changing. How? - Scientific Management (Frederick Taylor) - Machines do work that skilled labor once did - Safety issues Triangle Fire - consequences. Triangle Fire Radical Labor: The IWW and Wobblies. Question: What form of government or philosophy might some workers at this time find appealing?

4 Municipal Reformers: What was one of the chief purposes of city reform? - Make the city more efficient for business and professional workers. - Limit “boss” power How was this done? - creation of city manager and commissioner/planner - City ownership of RR’s and utilities (Tom Johnson, Cleveland) - “City Beautiful” projects. Give examples. Reform in the States: What types of laws were passed by states and for what purposes? - Extending a voice to the people. (initiative, referendum, recall) - 17 th Amendment Question : “Power back to the people”. Is this good? Why or Why not?

5 “The emergence of a national industrial economy spawned conditions that demanded national solutions” Reforms: 1. Elkins Act (1903)- heavy fines could be imposed both on railroad that gave rebates and on all the shippers that accepted them. 2. Hepburn Act (1906)-The infantile ICC was expanded, and its reach was extended to include express companies, sleeping car companies, and pipelines. These put teeth into the Sherman Anti-Trust Act Question: T.R. ‘s legacy is that of a “trustbuster”. Would “regulator” be a better description? Why or why not? What were some of T.R.’s other reforms? - Meat inspection and Pure Food and Drug - Conservation William Howard Taft: Presidency (37:27)Presidency 1912 election: What were the results? Why?

6 1. He attacked the trusts and businesses hard. He pushed through legislation that strengthened the Sherman antitrust act and protected labor unions. 2. Established the Federal Trade Commission to regulate business practices 3. Lowered tariffs. 4. supported the 16 th Amendment for a federal income tax 5. Established the federal reserve system as the basis of the nation’s banking system (probably his most enduring piece of legislation. 6. Women’s Suffrage- he did not initially support suffrage, but women activists staged a protest that wore him down. Women received the right to vote in 1920.

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