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Online Testing Infrastructure Readiness Checklist and Infrastructure Trial.

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1 Online Testing Infrastructure Readiness Checklist and Infrastructure Trial

2 Online Testing Infrastructure Readiness Checklist 2 The checklist provides activities and timeframes for District Assessment and District Technology Coordinators who are preparing for an online assessment. The checklist is available on the User Guides and Technology tab (PearsonAccess > Resources > User Guides and Technology).the User Guides and Technology tab

3 Online Testing Infrastructure Readiness Checklist 3 The checklist summarizes the steps necessary to prepare for an online administration. Some steps can be performed in parallel. For example, technology staff can verify device readiness while reviewing bandwidth requirements. An Infrastructure Trial is recommended to confirm readiness and ensure your staff is prepared.

4 Steps 1 – 3 (Up to 3 months before Testing) 4 Begin with...  Create user accounts for staff participating in the online assessment. Users will need access to the Training Center and the PearsonAccess live assessment site.  Identify which labs or classrooms will be used for online testing.  Make sure you review the software and hardware requirements. You should become familiar with the guides and resources available to you on the PearsonAccess resources page. TIP: Make sure you develop a communication plan for your staff so everyone knows what to do and is prepared for any situations that may arise.

5 Steps 4 – 9 (Computers and Environment ) 5 Next, prepare your environment..  Verify that you have prevented other applications from launching during testing.  Verify that you have installed and configured Java and Flash applications.  Verify that your firewall and content filters will allow TestNav to run.  Install Proctor Caching software to support bandwidth management.  Review all testing computers using SystemCheck to make sure each device meets the minimum system requirements and can launch TestNav.  Set up your technology configuration in PearsonAccess to define Proctor Caching workstations and student response file save locations.

6 Steps 10 – 18 (Infrastructure Trial) 6 Answer: An Infrastructure Trial is a “dress rehearsal” of an online assessment. It does not use real student information. This is a low-stakes, dry run for final confirmation that: TestNav is configured correctly Devices can successfully run TestNav Network will bear the full load Participating staff know what to do for computer-based assessment What is an Infrastructure Trial?

7 Access the Infrastructure Trial 7 Answer: The Infrastructure Trial is conducted within the Minnesota Training Center at The Training Center offers the ability to load “dummy” students using the Training Center student upload process. Set up login access for your staff Create “dummy” students in the Training Center for the Infrastructure Trial and practice self-registration student admittance to online sessions Confirm technology setup and configuration using Minnesota Sampler tests available in the Training Center Where do I access the Infrastructure Trial?

8 Training Center and Live PearsonAccess Site 8 Minnesota Training Center log in Minnesota live assessment site log in

9 Infrastructure Trial User Guide 9 The Infrastructure Trial User Guide provides information and instructions for conducting an Infrastructure Trial in preparation for an online assessment. The guide is available on the User Guides and Technology tab (PearsonAccess > Resources > User Guides and Technology).the User Guides and Technology tab

10 Why Complete an Infrastructure Trial? 10 Answer: Reviewing set up and communications prior to testing in an Infrastructure Trial can avoid possible problems and delays during the live assessment. Provides practice for all participating users Minimal additional activities are needed to conduct an Infrastructure Trial Students and test results are not affected Provides practice of communication plans to be sure everyone knows who to contact for help Validates device and system configuration set up Why is an Infrastructure Trial necessary?

11 Steps 19 – 21 (Final Preparation) 11 End with...  Pre-cache content for Proctor Caching approximately one week before testing.  Run SystemCheck to confirm your network capacity and verify requirements on any computers added to the testing labs.  Monitor network performance the week before testing to make sure that there are no significant changes that could affect testing. TIP: Make sure to update settings in the live PearsonAccess site if you made any changes in the Training Center during the Infrastructure Trial.

12 Questions? Pearson Help Desk 888-817-8659 Monday – Friday, 6:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. (CT)

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