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SECONDARY / ALL LEVEL APPLICATION For students seeking certification in 6-12, 7-12, 8-12, or All Level Art, Music, PE, or Spanish Fillable Application.

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Presentation on theme: "SECONDARY / ALL LEVEL APPLICATION For students seeking certification in 6-12, 7-12, 8-12, or All Level Art, Music, PE, or Spanish Fillable Application."— Presentation transcript:

1 SECONDARY / ALL LEVEL APPLICATION For students seeking certification in 6-12, 7-12, 8-12, or All Level Art, Music, PE, or Spanish Fillable Application Packet

2 THE APPLICATION Applications are found under Teacher Education Program – Apply Now!Apply Now! The application will open as a fillable pdf form. We prefer typed applications but will accept handwritten ones as long as they are legible. Applications are to be turned into Suite 101 in the Math Building.

3 TO APPLY, YOU WILL FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THE GREEN BOX ON THE APPLY NOW! SCREEN.APPLY NOW! For Secondary/All Level: 6-12, 7-12, 8-12, All Level Art, Music, PE, Spanish 1.Make an appointment with your advisor and make any necessary arrangements to complete the departmental screening. 2.Complete the Secondary / All-Level Application packet. Secondary / All-Level Application packet 3.Print out your unofficial transcript or Degree Evaluation from myGateway and use it to complete your certificate plan. complete your certificate plan 4.When you meet with your advisor, make sure your advisor signs your checklist and certificate plan, completes the verification of successful completion of departmental screening form or makes arrangements to complete it at a later date, and completes any necessary substitution forms. 5.Bring your completed application, certificate plan, transcript, and departmental screening form, along with a $35 application fee (cash, check, or money order), to Room 101 of the Math Building. Please do not wait until the deadline day. Math Building

4 Application Packet consists of: $35 Application Fee (cash, check, or money order) Application SEC 1 – name/address SEC 2 – certification area SEC 3 – checklist SEC 4 – departmental screening form SEC 5 – current enrollment information SEC 6 -- GPA changes acknowledgement Certificate Plan Transcript or Degree Evaluation printed from myGateway (make sure all transfer work is showing) Copy (not original) of New Substitution Forms (if needed) (route original for signatures; only include a copy with student and advisor signature in file) Advisor signatures are required on: Checklist Certificate Plan Departmental Screening Form Substitution Form (if needed)

5 SEC 1 – NAME/ADDRESS The first page of the application contains instructions to apply. SEC 1 of the application is where you will enter in your contact information. TEA ID: Should be created during EDUC 3320 lab SSN: Used with TEA Preferred Email: Email will be the main form of communication from our office. You do not have to use your email but must use one you check often. Make sure you have added all EPS staff to your safe senders list to ensure our emails do not end up in your junk or spam folders.

6 SEC 2 – CERTIFICATION AREA SEC 2 is where you will designate your certification area. Choose your Major Certification Field from the list on SEC 2. If you are getting a minor and/or planning on testing out in a different area after you are certified, do not list this anywhere on the application. Only list an additional certification field if you are completing the requirements for both certifications while in the Teacher Education Program.

7 SEC 3 – CHECKLIST SEC 3 is the CHECKLIST. The checklist shows all of the requirements for admission. The items listed on the top section of the form must be submitted to EPS in Suite 101 of the Math Building by the application due date. The items on the bottom section are due by the end of the application semester (see website for exact dates.) Use the notes column to add information about requirements that are in progress.see website for exact dates This form requires your advisor’s signature.

8 SEC 4 - DEPARTMENTAL SCREENING Each student is required to pass a departmental screening. Please contact your advisor in your department early to find out how to complete the screening. Each department conducts their own screening, so do not use the instructions from any other certification area. Once you have passed the departmental screening, someone in your department should fill out the Verification of Successful Completion of Departmental Screening form. If this is not submitted with your application, it is your responsibility to make sure it is turned in by the deadline (see website for specific date.)

9 SEC 5 - CURRENT ENROLLMENT FORM If you are not taking classes at another university the semester you are applying for admission to the TEP, check NO and sign at the bottom. If you are taking courses at another university, check YES, list the university, course(s), and end date on the form, and sign at the bottom. If you checked YES, you will also need to make sure to send a copy of your unofficial grades to Allison Andrews no later than the Friday after Commencement. Courses without grades posted by this date cannot be counted towards admission. This can be a screenshot of your transcript in the student system. Send by email to or fax to 254-

10 SEC 6 -- GPA CHANGES Please sign and include this GPA statement page. For admission into the Teacher Education Program, you must meet TEP GPA requirements that may not match the requirements listed on your degree evaluation if you have a catalog year before Fall 2014.

11 Find your Certificate Plan by clicking on Certifications Offered.Certifications Offered. If you do not yet have an advisor in your department, please use the departmental contact listed. They will either be your advisor or will direct you to the appropriate person in the department.

12 CERTIFICATE PLAN INSTRUCTIONS The Certificate Plan will open as an Excel worksheet. Fill in your name and ID number. Using your transcript or Degree Evaluation from myGateway, input your letter grades into the appropriate boxes. Please use caps lock. Your GPAs will be automatically calculated for you at the bottom of the sheet. Once completed, save and print. If a class has been taken, that grade must be entered, even if it is a D or an F. (Make sure to check Unused Courses at the bottom of your Degree Evaluation.) If you have taken a class that is not on the certificate plan, it can only be used if you have electives listed. If your advisor finds any NEW substitutions that need to be made, please include a copy of the new substitution form with your application. (Only advisor and student signature required.) At the end of the application semester, the Program Specialist for Certification will redo your Certificate Plan and update all grades. If a class has been taken more than once, the highest grade will be used.

13 WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? At the end of the application semester, certificate plans will be updated and all admission requirements will be checked for completion (listed on checklist). If any requirement has not been met, the application will be denied. A denial letter will be mailed out and if the student has enrolled in EDUC 3330, they will be sent an email stating they are not eligible to take the class. If the student does not drop the class, their instructor will be notified to ask them to leave. The student will need to reapply with a new application. If all admission requirements have been met, the student’s name will go on an admissions report that is presented to the Educator Preparation Council for a final vote on the Friday before the next semester is to begin. Students are then notified by email that Tarleton State University is offering them admission into the Teacher Education Program. Students must send back a reply either accepting or rejecting the offer of admission. This must be completed ASAP, so it is important to watch for this email. (Date will be listed on website.)Date will be listed on website.) A hard copy admission letter will follow in the mail.

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