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Teaching with Novellas: All Modes of Communication Robert Patrick with Miriam Patrick.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching with Novellas: All Modes of Communication Robert Patrick with Miriam Patrick."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching with Novellas: All Modes of Communication Robert Patrick with Miriam Patrick

2 Why consider novellas? What kind of novellas to consider? ▧ Consistency of vocabulary ▧ Repetition of vocabulary ▧ High frequency vocabulary ▧ Continuous storyline ▧ Compelling storyline ▧ Flexibility: use as curriculum or as addition to curriculum ▧ Freedom with vocabulary: core or icing? ▧ Freedom with culture

3 Novellas create opportunities both for language profiency and performance.

4 Proficiency is unrehearsed communication Input: ★ Listening--mostly to teacher speaking in L2 ★ Reading--reading in L2 at a level that is comprehensible Output: ★ Speaking--In L2 at appropriate level ★ Writing--In L2 at appropriate level Output is always a result of Input. What are the modes of Proficiency?

5 What are the modes of Performance? Performance is rehearsed communication of L2 ▧ Interpersonal: active negotiation of meaning; adjustments made; involves conversation, reading and writing. ▧ Interpretive: one way communication, interpreting what the generator of language wants receiver to understand; not translation, but involves actual reading, listening, viewing in L2. ▧ Presentational: creation of messages in L2; one way communication; must know audience; involves writing, speaking; creating a video.

6 Novellas help students build confidence in their skills: ● Listening ● Reading ● Speaking ● Writing ● Negotiating meaning in L2 conversation ● Interpreting messages in L2 ● Presenting messages in L2

7 The two requirements: comprehensible and compelling ▧ My mom was so surprised that we are reading a whole book in Latin. ▧ It’s not fair! You can’t leave us hanging like this. ▧ Can I come back later and read this chapter with another class? ▧ Wow, this is easy. ▧ What book are we going to read next?

8 Kinds of Novellas ● Fantasy: Harrius Potter; Insula Thesauraria; Hobbitus Ille; Ille Winnie Pooh; Itinera Petri; Magus Mirabilis Oz; Iter Mirabile Dennis et Debrae ● Modern life: Brandon Brown Canem Vult ● Classical Culture: Satyricon; Navigatio Sancti Brendani; Pluto: Fabula Amoris; Cloelia; Poetulus; Camilla; Euridyce: Fabula Amoris

9 As The Main Topic ▧ Vocabulary to teach comes from the text. ▧ Lessons work in preparation for the next chapter. ▧ Discussions and timed writes come from the novella. ▧ Culture is based on the novella or is support for the novella Complementary to the Main Topic ▧ Vocabulary to teach come from the text, or is in support of the main topic. ▧ Lessons on novella are interspersed in main lessons. ▧ Discussions and timed writes may come from the novella, but support the main topic. ▧ Culture is based on the main topic. A Novella Two Ways

10 Novella use and the modes ● Interpersonal: Dictations based on novel; read and discuss novel in Latin; write progressive character maps. ● Interpretive: SSR of novel; viewing video of teacher introducing or talking about novel in Latin; listening to audio clips describing characters from novelviewing video of teacher introducing or talking about novel in Latin ● Presentational: Writing about a novella or a section of a novel in Latin; presenting a character, scene or commentary about a novel in Latin; creating a video concerning some aspect of a novel in Latin. All done at a level that the audience can understand.

11 Pluto: fabula amoris ▧ Written for Novice High Learners ▧ Taught as the main focus of the quarter. ▧ Vocabulary to hit was taken from the text. ▧ Culture focused on mythology and burial practices. ▧ Regular activities: ○dictationes ○word clouds + discussion ○Read, Discuss, and Draw ○Draw 1-2-3Draw 1-2-3 ○Timed Writes ○Character Maps, descriptions and discussionsCharacter Maps, descriptions and discussions

12 Itinera Petri ▧ Written for Intermediate Learners ▧ Taught in conjunction with focus on Virtues ▧ Vocabulary support provided ▧ Discussions focused on virtues (main focus) within the text (support) ▧ Regular Activities ○Dictationes ○Read and Discuss ○Personalised Question and AnswerPersonalised Question and Answer ○Timed and Extended Writes ○Popcorn Reading (aka volleyball, read dating)Popcorn Reading ○Character maps, descriptions, discussions

13 Magus Mirabilis Oz ▧ Written for Novice/Intermediate Readers ▧ Taught as main focus of Semester ▧ Vocabulary to hit was taken from text ▧ Culture focused on Aeneas, Julius Caesar, and diversity in Rome. ▧ Regular activities ○dictationes ○Read, Discuss, and Draw ○popcorn reading ○Timed Writes

14 A Typical Novel Sequence ●Dictatio--interpersonal ●Movie talk--interpersonal; presentational ●PQA and other circling with the above-- interpersonal ●Read and Draw--interpretive ●Read and Discuss--interpersonal; interpretive ●Comprehension assessment--interpretive ●Timed or Free write, extended write-- presentational

15 Frequent Concerns 1. How often should we read? a. As often as you want. Pluto reading was every 2- 3 days. Itinera Petri and Magus Mirabilis Oz vary from every few days to a particular part of the semester. 2. How often do we write? a. Whenever we feel students are ready. b. When they start to tell us the story. 3. What do assessments look like? They match the way we teach. If we use false statements, it’s because we used them in class. If we use listening questions, we’ve used them before.

16 Resources Latin Best Practices CI Resources MagisterP Pomegrantate Beginnings Todally Comprehensible Latin

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