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Bird Studies Canada 50 Years of Monitoring Bird Migration at Long Point Bird Observatory.

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1 Bird Studies Canada 50 Years of Monitoring Bird Migration at Long Point Bird Observatory


3 Migration Monitoring: Purpose Detecting population changes of migratory birds is needed for species assessments & management Dan Derbyshire Many species are not sampled adequately by other monitoring programs, but are well- sampled as they migrate through southern Canada in spring & fall.

4 Migration Counts Number of birds passing through a defined area during a specified time. Standardized daily banding & Standardized daily count ("census") & Other observations = “Daily Estimated Totals”

5 Migration Monitoring Program Operates every day in spring & fall at 3 field stations. The largest database on migrants in the Western Hemisphere (>800,000 birds of >270 species banded; & billions more counted).

6 TCBO Isotopes & Band Recoveries: Breeding origins of migrating landbirds at LPBO and TCBO LPBO

7 Wood Duck

8 Peregrine Falcon

9 Double-crested Cormorant

10 Sandhill Crane

11 Bay-breasted Warbler

12 Loggerhead Shrike

13 Yellow-breasted Chat

14 Hooded Warbler

15 Bird Studies Canada Ministry of Natural Resources Environment Canada Long Point Company Baillie Birdathon Ontario Trillium Foundation LPBO staff & volunteers The Friends of LPBO Phil Taylor, Tara Crewe, Denis Lepage, David Hussell Thanks!

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