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Isa Dumanoglu, Samet Lezki , Shuichi Kunori, Bayram Tali, Yalcin Guler, Emine Gurpinar
Types of Filters HFLongShort Filter HFPET Filter HFS8S1 Filter
𝑅= 𝐸 𝐿 − 𝐸 𝑆 𝐸 𝐿 + 𝐸 𝑆 HFPET Filter Long fiber RecHits are flagged if R > RL AND EL > EPET,L(|iη|) = − 10.19||iη|| (|iη|)2 , RL is the R cut applied to the long fiber RecHits Short fiber RecHits are flagged if R < RS AND ES > EPET,S(|iη|) = − 6.61||iη|| (|iη|)2 , RS is the R cut applied to the short fiber RecHits HFS8S1 Filter 𝑆9 𝑆1 𝐿 = 𝐸 𝑆 + 𝑖=1 4 𝐸 𝐿,𝑖 + 𝑖=1 4 𝐸 𝑆,𝑖 𝐸 𝐿 HFDigiTime Hits observed in time earlier than 25 ns is eliminated. HFInTime Window Long fiber RecHits are flagged if E > 40 GeV AND (t < −10 ns OR t > 10 ns)
2012 2012 2012
ALL TRIGGER 2012 2012 2012 2012
Results of Analysis with HLT_ZeroBias_v7
2012 2012 2012 2012
Results of Analysis with HLT_Physics_v5
2012 2012 2012 2012
/JetHT/Run2015B-PromptReco-v1/RECO (50 ns)
JSON File: Cert_ _13TeV_PromptReco_Collisions15_50ns_JSON_v2.txt 2015 50ns 2015 50ns 2015 50ns 2015 50ns
/JetHT/Run2015C-PromptReco-v1/RECO (25 ns)
JSON File: Cert_ _13TeV_PromptReco_Collisions15_25ns_JSON_v3.txt 2015 25ns 2015 25ns 2015 25ns 2015 25ns
/QCD_Pt-15to3000_TuneCUETP8M1_Flat_13TeV_pythia8/RunIISpring15DR74-HFscaleFlat10to30Asympt25ns_MCRUN2_74_V9-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO MC 25ns MC 25ns MC 25ns MC 25ns
/QCD_Pt-15to7000_TuneCUETP8M1_Flat_13TeV_pythia8/RunIISpring15DR74- AsymptFlat0to50bx25Reco_MCRUN2_74_V9-v3/GEN-SIM-RECO MC ?ns MC ?ns MC ?ns MC ?ns
2012 /MinimumBias/Run2012D-22Jan2013-v1/RECO
COMPARISON ACCORDİNG ENERGY NO ENERGY CUT iPhi No Filter HFLongSho HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts (Clean) 43 39 41 45 ALL TRIGGERS HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 9859 1515 9434 53578 32254 6181 30333 42936 27293 5857 25723 596244 8417 616373 24177 4810 22383 584065 8857 604210 Eliminated # hits 2012 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 2,14798E-05 3,30073E-06 2,05538E-05 0,004705 0,000117 0,004821 7,12485E-05 1,36537E-05 6,70051E-05 0,005488 9,48E-05 0,005601 7,96622E-05 1,70953E-05 7,50797E-05 0,00174 2,46E-05 0,001799 7,18524E-05 1,4295E-05 6,65207E-05 0,001736 2,63E-05 0,001796 Eliminated % CUT : E>500 GeV iPhi No Filter HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 43 555 518 531 529 538 554 511 39 808 514 614 618 709 804 502 41 584 391 442 448 522 582 389 45 568 383 431 437 515 562 381 Eliminated % Eliminated # hits HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 37 24 26 17 1 44 294 194 190 99 4 306 193 142 136 62 2 195 185 137 131 53 6 187 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 0, 0, 0, 0,030631 0,001802 0,079279 0, 0, 0, 0,122525 0,00495 0,378713 0, 0, 0, 0,106164 0,003425 0,333904 0, 0, 0, 0,09331 0,010563 0,329225
2012 /MinimumBias/Run2012D-22Jan2013-v1/RECO
COMPARISON ACCORDİNG ENERGY NO ENERGY CUT iPhi No Filter HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts (Clean) 43 39 41 45 HLT_ZeroBias_v7 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 4579 738 4418 81295 25410 107491 15385 2997 14712 207580 18675 232879 13044 2855 12567 142816 2111 152775 11102 2293 10620 140110 2186 149876 Eliminated # hits 2012 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 1,93526E-05 3,11907E-06 1,86722E-05 0,000344 0,000107 0,000454 6,59326E-05 1,28437E-05 6,30484E-05 0,00089 8E-05 0,000998 7,43238E-05 1,62676E-05 7,16058E-05 0,000814 1,2E-05 0,000871 6,44427E-05 1,331E-05 6,16449E-05 0,000813 1,27E-05 0,00087 Eliminated % CUT : E>500 GeV iPhi No Filter HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 43 57 53 56 55 52 39 65 46 64 44 41 24 8 14 13 18 45 27 11 21 20 26 Eliminated % Eliminated # hits HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 4 1 2 5 19 8 21 16 10 11 6 7 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 0, 0, 0,035088 0,087719 0, 0, 0,123077 0,015385 0,323077 0, 0, 0, 0,25 0,666667 0, 0, 0, 0,037037 0,592593
2012 HLT_Physics_v5 /MinimumBias/Run2012D-22Jan2013-v1/RECO
NO ENERGY CUT COMPARISON ACCORDİNG ENERGY iPhi No Filter HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts (Clean) 43 39 41 45 HLT_Physics_v5 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 3716 595 3614 74479 23503 98152 11655 2440 11157 166933 16844 187919 9908 2389 9549 108884 1891 116424 8444 1892 8078 107271 1962 114737 Eliminated # hits 2012 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 2,25622E-05 3,61263E-06 2,19429E-05 0,000452 0,000143 0,000596 7,17503E-05 1,50211E-05 6,86845E-05 0,001028 0,000104 0,001157 7,96144E-05 1,91965E-05 7,67297E-05 0,000875 1,52E-05 0,000936 6,89324E-05 1,54453E-05 6,59445E-05 0,000876 1,6E-05 0,000937 Eliminated % CUT : E>500 GeV iPhi No Filter HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 43 491 459 467 466 477 453 39 735 464 551 555 646 734 454 41 553 380 422 429 500 378 45 532 371 406 413 486 530 369 Eliminated # hits Eliminated % HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 32 24 25 14 38 271 184 180 89 1 281 173 131 124 53 175 161 126 119 46 2 163 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 0, 0, 0, 0,028513 0,077393 0, 0, 0, 0,121088 0,001361 0,382313 0, 0, 0, 0,095841 0,316456 0, 0, 0, 0,086466 0,003759 0,306391
Eliminated # hits Eliminated % ALL TRIG HLT ZERO BİAS V7 HLT PHYS V5
iPhi 43 39 41 45 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 9859 1515 9434 53578 32254 6181 30333 42936 27293 5857 25723 596244 8417 616373 24177 4810 22383 584065 8857 604210 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 2,14798E-05 3,30073E-06 2,05538E-05 0,004705 0,000117 0,004821 7,12485E-05 1,36537E-05 6,70051E-05 0,005488 9,48E-05 0,005601 7,96622E-05 1,70953E-05 7,50797E-05 0,00174 2,46E-05 0,001799 7,18524E-05 1,4295E-05 6,65207E-05 0,001736 2,63E-05 0,001796 ALL TRIG HLT ZERO BİAS V7 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 1,93526E-05 3,11907E-06 1,86722E-05 0,000344 0,000107 0,000454 6,59326E-05 1,28437E-05 6,30484E-05 0,00089 8E-05 0,000998 7,43238E-05 1,62676E-05 7,16058E-05 0,000814 1,2E-05 0,000871 6,44427E-05 1,331E-05 6,16449E-05 0,000813 1,27E-05 0,00087 iPhi 43 39 41 45 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 4579 738 4418 81295 25410 107491 15385 2997 14712 207580 18675 232879 13044 2855 12567 142816 2111 152775 11102 2293 10620 140110 2186 149876 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 2,25622E-05 3,61263E-06 2,19429E-05 0,000452 0,000143 0,000596 7,17503E-05 1,50211E-05 6,86845E-05 0,001028 0,000104 0,001157 7,96144E-05 1,91965E-05 7,67297E-05 0,000875 1,52E-05 0,000936 6,89324E-05 1,54453E-05 6,59445E-05 0,000876 1,6E-05 0,000937 iPhi 43 39 41 45 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 4579 738 4418 81295 25410 107491 15385 2997 14712 207580 18675 232879 13044 2855 12567 142816 2111 152775 11102 2293 10620 140110 2186 149876 HLT PHYS V5 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 2,60024E-06 1,20382E-06 1,6709E-06 0,147777 0,017699 0,153969 2,68952E-06 1,28754E-06 1,6356E-06 0,148316 0,017689 0,154541 3,33877E-06 1,46365E-06 2,1044E-06 0,071879 0,005952 0,076353 3,08083E-06 1,35083E-06 1,967E-06 0,073693 0,005888 0,078115 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 540 250 347 564 270 343 568 249 358 520 228 332 993773 MC 13 TeV 25ns HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 5,242E-06 1,84644E-06 3,6929E-06 0,253898 0,0335 0,261134 5,36073E-06 1,98181E-06 3,7463E-06 0,255444 0,033646 0,262735 6,07773E-06 2,21239E-06 4,2023E-06 0,175323 0,01434 0,181768 6,19393E-06 2,27324E-06 4,323E-06 0,178096 0,014205 0,184448 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 1005 354 708 1036 383 724 956 348 661 970 356 677 MC 13 TeV ? ns
E>300 GeV Eliminated # hits ALL TRIGGER Eliminated %
No Filter 3710 4160 2550 2487 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 103 50 76 77 9 145 584 353 389 226 22 645 401 257 272 132 7 418 339 221 231 108 13 361 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 0, 0, 0, 0,020755 0,002426 0,039084 0, 0, 0, 0,054327 0,005288 0,155048 0, 0, 0, 0,051765 0,002745 0,163922 0, 0, 0, 0,043426 0,005227 0,145155 HLT ZERO BIAS V7 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 26 13 20 10 1 31 116 58 70 46 4 136 112 64 73 27 115 78 43 49 18 85 No Filter 746 836 262 241 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 0, 0, 0, 0,013405 0,00134 0,041555 0, 0, 0, 0,055024 0,004785 0,162679 0, 0, 0, 0,103053 0,003817 0,438931 0, 0, 0, 0,074689 0,004149 0,352697 HLT PHYS V5 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 55 26 44 47 1 85 358 242 262 130 2 387 216 146 151 71 227 195 135 136 54 201 No Filter 2290 2571 1812 1723 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 0, 0, 0, 0,020524 0,000437 0,037118 0, 0, 0, 0,050564 0,000778 0,150525 0, 0, 0, 0,039183 0,000552 0,125276 0, 0, 0, 0,031341 0,001161 0,116657 iPhi 43 39 41 45
E> 500 GeV Eliminated # hits ALL TRIGGER Eliminated %
iPhi 43 39 41 45 E> 500 GeV Eliminated # hits ALL TRIGGER Eliminated % No Filter 555 808 584 568 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 37 24 26 17 1 44 294 194 190 99 4 306 193 142 136 62 2 195 185 137 131 53 6 187 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 0, 0, 0, 0,030631 0,001802 0,079279 0, 0, 0, 0,122525 0,00495 0,378713 0, 0, 0, 0,106164 0,003425 0,333904 0, 0, 0, 0,09331 0,010563 0,329225 HLT ZERO BIAS V7 No Filter 57 65 24 27 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 4 1 2 5 19 8 21 16 10 11 6 7 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 0, 0, 0,035088 0,087719 0, 0, 0,123077 0,015385 0,323077 0, 0, 0, 0,25 0,666667 0, 0, 0, 0,037037 0,592593 HLT PHYS V5 No Filter 491 735 553 532 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 32 24 25 14 38 271 184 180 89 1 281 173 131 124 53 175 161 126 119 46 2 163 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 0, 0, 0, 0,028513 0,077393 0, 0, 0, 0,121088 0,001361 0,382313 0, 0, 0, 0,095841 0,316456 0, 0, 0, 0,086466 0,003759 0,306391
E>1000 GeV Eliminated # hits ALL TRIGGER Eliminated %
iPhi 43 39 41 45 E>1000 GeV Eliminated # hits ALL TRIGGER Eliminated % No Filter 25 148 89 86 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 12 9 141 84 83 54 142 81 27 82 79 51 20 1 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 0,48 0,36 0, 0, 0, 0,364865 0,959459 0, 0, 0,303371 0,921348 0, 0, 0,232558 0,011628 0,918605 HLT ZERO BIAS V7 No Filter 2 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 2 1 1 0,5 HLT PHYS V5 No Filter 25 148 85 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 12 9 141 84 83 54 142 77 52 25 78 50 20 1 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 0,48 0,36 0, 0, 0, 0,364865 0,959459 0, 0, 0,294118 0,917647 0, 0, 0,235294 0,011765
2012 NO CUT Eliminated % ALL TRIGGER Eliminated # hits E>300 GeV
iPhi 43 39 41 45 ALL TRIGGER Eliminated # hits HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 2,14798E-05 3,30073E-06 2,05538E-05 0,004705 0,000117 0,004821 7,12485E-05 1,36537E-05 6,70051E-05 0,005488 9,48E-05 0,005601 7,96622E-05 1,70953E-05 7,50797E-05 0,00174 2,46E-05 0,001799 7,18524E-05 1,4295E-05 6,65207E-05 0,001736 2,63E-05 0,001796 0, 0, 0, 0,020755 0,002426 0,039084 0, 0, 0, 0,054327 0,005288 0,155048 0, 0, 0, 0,051765 0,002745 0,163922 0, 0, 0, 0,043426 0,005227 0,145155 0, 0, 0, 0,030631 0,001802 0,079279 0, 0, 0, 0,122525 0,00495 0,378713 0, 0, 0, 0,106164 0,003425 0,333904 0, 0, 0, 0,09331 0,010563 0,329225 0,48 0,36 0, 0, 0, 0,364865 0,959459 0, 0, 0,303371 0,921348 0, 0, 0,232558 0,011628 0,918605 No Filter 3710 4160 2550 2487 555 808 584 568 25 148 89 86 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 9859 1515 9434 53578 32254 6181 30333 42936 27293 5857 25723 596244 8417 616373 24177 4810 22383 584065 8857 604210 103 50 76 77 9 145 584 353 389 226 22 645 401 257 272 132 7 418 339 221 231 108 13 361 37 24 26 17 1 44 294 194 190 99 4 306 193 142 136 62 2 195 185 137 131 53 6 187 12 141 84 83 54 81 27 82 79 51 20 E>300 GeV E>500 GeV E>1000 GeV
2012 NO CUT Eliminated % PHYSİCS TRIGGER V5 Eliminated # hits
iPhi 43 39 41 45 2012 NO CUT Eliminated % Eliminated # hits PHYSİCS TRIGGER V5 No Filter 746 836 262 241 57 65 24 27 2 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 4579 738 4418 81295 25410 107491 15385 2997 14712 207580 18675 232879 13044 2855 12567 142816 2111 152775 11102 2293 10620 140110 2186 149876 26 13 20 10 1 31 116 58 70 46 4 136 112 64 73 27 115 78 43 49 18 85 2 5 19 8 21 16 11 6 7 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 1,93526E-05 3,11907E-06 1,86722E-05 0,000344 0,000107 0,000454 6,59326E-05 1,28437E-05 6,30484E-05 0,00089 8E-05 0,000998 7,43238E-05 1,62676E-05 7,16058E-05 0,000814 1,2E-05 0,000871 6,44427E-05 1,331E-05 6,16449E-05 0,000813 1,27E-05 0,00087 0, 0, 0, 0,013405 0,00134 0,041555 0, 0, 0, 0,055024 0,004785 0,162679 0, 0, 0, 0,103053 0,003817 0,438931 0, 0, 0, 0,074689 0,004149 0,352697 0, 0, 0,035088 0,087719 0, 0, 0,123077 0,015385 0,323077 0, 0, 0, 0,25 0,666667 0, 0, 0, 0,037037 0,592593 # 1 0,5 E>300 GeV E>500 GeV E>1000 GeV
2012 NO CUT HLT ZERO BIAS V7 Eliminated % Eliminated # hits
iPhi 43 39 41 45 2012 NO CUT HLT ZERO BIAS V7 Eliminated % Eliminated # hits No Filter 2290 2571 1812 1723 491 735 553 532 25 148 85 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 3716 595 3614 74479 23503 98152 11655 2440 11157 166933 16844 187919 9908 2389 9549 108884 1891 116424 8444 1892 8078 107271 1962 114737 55 26 44 47 1 85 358 242 262 130 2 387 216 146 151 71 227 195 135 136 54 201 32 24 25 14 38 271 184 180 89 281 173 131 124 53 175 161 126 119 46 163 12 9 141 84 83 142 77 52 78 50 20 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 2,25622E-05 3,61263E-06 2,19429E-05 0,000452 0,000143 0,000596 7,17503E-05 1,50211E-05 6,86845E-05 0,001028 0,000104 0,001157 7,96144E-05 1,91965E-05 7,67297E-05 0,000875 1,52E-05 0,000936 6,89324E-05 1,54453E-05 6,59445E-05 0,000876 1,6E-05 0,000937 0, 0, 0, 0,020524 0,000437 0,037118 0, 0, 0, 0,050564 0,000778 0,150525 0, 0, 0, 0,039183 0,000552 0,125276 0, 0, 0, 0,031341 0,001161 0,116657 0, 0, 0, 0,028513 0,077393 0, 0, 0, 0,121088 0,001361 0,382313 0, 0, 0, 0,095841 0,316456 0, 0, 0, 0,086466 0,003759 0,306391 0,48 0,36 0, 0, 0, 0,364865 0,959459 0, 0, 0,294118 0,917647 0, 0, 0,235294 0,011765 E>300 GeV E>500 GeV E>1000 GeV
2015 Eliminated # hits Eliminated %
/JetHT/Run2015B-PromptReco-v1/RECO (50 ns) Eliminated % HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 0,000107 1,64076E-06 0,000376 1,7112E-05 0,000443 3,98E-05 1,02547E-06 3,93E-05 0,000172 6,2331E-06 0,000203 3,75E-05 1,49646E-06 3,72E-05 0,000153 1,5386E-06 0,00018 9,36E-05 1,47482E-06 9,3E-05 0,000201 1,8463E-06 0,000275 No Filter HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 11993 184 11944 42121 1919 49707 4463 115 4409 19271 699 22803 3558 142 3527 14475 146 17099 8572 135 8516 18429 169 25179 /JetHT/Run2015C-PromptReco-v1/RECO (25 ns) No Filter HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 20188 216 19718 202263 11657 112 11007 198234 2185 154 2165 460434 13548 471641 5502 131 5473 293653 8958 304812 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 0,000418 4,4751E-06 0,000409 0,056941 0, 0,058196 0,000242 2,32042E-06 0,000228 0,051554 0, 0,052505 5,35E-05 3,77069E-06 5,3E-05 0,011274 0, 0,011548 0,000151 3,59094E-06 0,00015 0,00805 0, 0,008355 /QCD_Pt-15to3000_TuneCUETP8M1_Flat_13TeV_pythia8/RunIISpring15DR74-HFscaleFlat10to30Asympt25ns_MCRUN2_74_V9-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 2,60024E-06 1,20382E-06 1,6709E-06 0,147777 0,017699 0,153969 2,68952E-06 1,28754E-06 1,6356E-06 0,148316 0,017689 0,154541 3,33877E-06 1,46365E-06 2,1044E-06 0,071879 0,005952 0,076353 3,08083E-06 1,35083E-06 1,967E-06 0,073693 0,005888 0,078115 No Filter HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 540 250 347 564 270 343 568 249 358 520 228 332 993773 /QCD_Pt-15to7000_TuneCUETP8M1_Flat_13TeV_pythia8/RunIISpring15DR74-AsymptFlat0to50bx25Reco_MCRUN2_74_V9-v3/GEN-SIM-RECO No Filter HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 1005 354 708 1036 383 724 956 348 661 970 356 677 HFLongShort HFS8S1Ratio HFPET HFDigiTime HFInTimeWindow All Filts 5,242E-06 1,84644E-06 3,6929E-06 0,253898 0,0335 0,261134 5,36073E-06 1,98181E-06 3,7463E-06 0,255444 0,033646 0,262735 6,07773E-06 2,21239E-06 4,2023E-06 0,175323 0,01434 0,181768 6,19393E-06 2,27324E-06 4,323E-06 0,178096 0,014205 0,184448
CONCLUSİONS HFLongShort removes most events.
The HF-In-Time-Window removes least events compared to others. But filters may also removes the real event. This need to be studied. More work need to be done with new (2015) data. I hope Samet will soon with new results.
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