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I. Comcast II. Verizon III. T-mobile IV. Sprint

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1 I. Comcast II. Verizon III. T-mobile IV. Sprint
Internet 및 전화 I. Comcast II. Verizon III. T-mobile IV. Sprint

2 I. Comcast 1. TV . Digital Package (62.27)
. Basic Package (Basic:13.06 /Preferred: 48.37) 2. High-speed Internet . High-Speed Internet for Non-Comcast Cable Customers - $57.95 . High-Speed Internet for Current Comcast Cable Customers - $42.95 3. Contact information:

3 II. Verizon 1. Internet : DSL
. Up to 3 Mbps/768 Kbps – (Free combined modem & wireless router )   . Up to 768 Kbps/128 Kbps – (Standard modem included ) 2. Wireless : 대리점 방문 …

4 Steps to Take for Wireless Phone
대리점 방문 (Costco, Circuit City, Bestbuy), T-mobile/sprint (진미 옆 PJ wireless) Deposit Verizon ($400), T-mobile ($500), Sprint($150) 3. Social Security Number & Co-signer 4. 14 days 전에 변경 가능

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