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Strategic and Business Plan 2011-12. Topics  2011-12 Initiatives  2011 Cruise Season  Capital Projects  Reputational Survey Results.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic and Business Plan 2011-12. Topics  2011-12 Initiatives  2011 Cruise Season  Capital Projects  Reputational Survey Results."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic and Business Plan 2011-12

2 Topics  2011-12 Initiatives  2011 Cruise Season  Capital Projects  Reputational Survey Results

3 Environmental Stewardship  We apply best environmental practices to all activities  Progressive - measure the effects, research and enact new programs

4 Deliverables  Joining the Green Marine program for Ogden Point  Achieving Clean Marine BC certification for marina properties  Developing sustainability framework  Shore power feasibility  James Bay air quality monitoring, in partnership with BC Ministry of Environment

5 Harbour Leadership  Reaching a shared waterfront vision  Managing properties effectively  Making principled and balanced decisions

6 Deliverables  Ogden Point Master Plan  Fisherman’s Wharf Marina Development Strategy, Facility Plan and Rezoning Application  Seek stakeholder vision for Inner Harbour, including a consolidated air terminal  Support development of the harbour pathway  Pursue divestiture opportunities

7 Community Contribution  Harbour properties strengthen the city’s social fabric  Bring jobs, activities and economic development  Publicly accessible - especially lower causeway, breakwater and Fisherman’s Wharf  Hosting festivals and events

8 Events  BCYBA Floating Boat Show  Massive Outdoor & Marine Garage Sale  Opening Day Sail Past  Swiftsure International Yacht Race  Boat for Hope  International Cycling Festival  Van Isle 360  International Buskers Festival  Symphony Splash  Dragon Boat Festival  Classic Boat Festival  Winter Holiday Season

9 First Nations Partnership  Raise awareness  Economic development opportunities  Employment initiatives  Create net revenue-sharing model for future activities  First Nations business ventures and opportunities through the Ogden Point Master Plan

10 Financial Management GVHA must be run in a self-sustaining manner that keeps port facilities viable.

11 Deliverables  Long-term financial strategy  Market rates on properties  New business ventures  Investing in port infrastructure

12 Customer Satisfaction  Increasing communications meetings and contacts  Train for high level of customer service  Fisherman’s Wharf marina development strategy  Engage and consult with customers  Maintain and enhance facilities

13 Our Team  Engaged and effective workforce is key  human resource strategy  governance effectiveness review  quality management/assurance program

14 2011 Cruise Season  210 ship calls  Four inaugural visits, including the Disney Wonder  Estimated $150 million + regional economic impact

15 Capital Projects In budget or under way:  Crescent floats at Causeway Subject to funding opportunities, studies etc.:  Pier B planning, building expansion & improvements  Huron Street Pier redevelopment  Breakwater enhancements  Johnson Street reconfiguration

16 Reputational Survey 2010  Conducted survey of member agencies, legal influencers, clients, harbour stakeholders and residents in the fall of 2010.  In general, clients and residents are very satisfied with GVHA’s management of the properties.  Many residents are not familiar with GVHA.

17 Effectiveness of GVHA Communication (CMT: 0 – 100)

18 Effectiveness of Stakeholder Engagement – Agreement (%)

19 Performance – GVHA commitment to meeting strategic goals (CMT: 0 – 100)

20 Property Management Survey Results from Member Agencies

21 What can we do for you? How often would you like GVHA to report out to you and how? Would you like more input into GVHA’s strategic and/or business planning? GVHA would like to get to a shared vision for the harbour. Is the goal of the VEHS? If so, how can we partner to make this happen? What initiatives should GVHA focus on?

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