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Anaphylaxis Be Prepared not Panicked Karen Andrews MD.

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Presentation on theme: "Anaphylaxis Be Prepared not Panicked Karen Andrews MD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anaphylaxis Be Prepared not Panicked Karen Andrews MD

2 Successful management of Anaphylaxis Understand what is happens during an anaphylactic reaction Risk factors for fatal anaphylaxis Signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis Feel comfortable using epinephrine

3 What Happens in an Allergic Reaction

4 Fatal Anaphylaxis Triggers #1 Medications- older adults #2 Foods- cows milk in younger children, peanuts and tree nuts in young adults/adolescents #3 Insect stings-older adults Other: latex, parasites

5 Characteristics Fatalities occur within 60 minutes in most cases Dose 1gm of a nut versus 10gm of other foods Respiratory arrest in food allergy reactions Cardiovascular collapse in venom and medication reactions

6 Factors that Can Influence Severity Dose of allergen Other illness ie fever, asthma exacerbation Medications – Beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, aspirin, ibuprofen Exercise Alcohol Hormones

7 Risk Factors for Fatal Anaphylaxis Asthma Delayed or No Epinephrine Upright posture Misdiagnosis Carelessness about avoidance

8 Signs and Symptoms

9 Recognizing Anaphylaxis in Infants

10 Anaphylaxis can be confused with: Asthma Choking Panic attack & Anxiety Fainting Heart attack Seizure, Stroke Scromboidosis

11 Diagnostic Criteria for Anaphylaxis

12 Prevention of Fatal Reactions Train Practice- monthly Carry injectable epinephrine Educate others

13 Treatment of Anaphylaxis Epinephrine, Epinephrine, Epinephrine Lay Down ABC’s & Activate EMS Other medications that can be given – H1 Blocker ie Zyrtec or Benadryl – H2 Blocker ie ranitidine – Rescue inhalers – Steroids

14 Post Anaphylaxis Care Be aware of biphasic anaphylaxis Continue oral steroid and anti-histamine for at least 48 hours after the reaction Refill injectable epinephrine


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