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GLOBAL NUTRITION REPORT Global Nutrition Report Released: One Third of the World’s Population Undernourished or Overweight Main Takeaways from Third Annual.

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1 GLOBAL NUTRITION REPORT Global Nutrition Report Released: One Third of the World’s Population Undernourished or Overweight Main Takeaways from Third Annual Global Nutrition Report Malnutrition Leads to Individual and Societal Challenges A third of the world’s population either undernourished or overweight Countries in Asia and Africa average 11% loss of GDP due to malnutrition and related diseases World is Off Track to Meet Set Targets Almost all countries are off course to meet targets for anemia in women, overweight adults, diabetes and obesity Nutrition also Central to Sustainable Development Goals Good nutrition underlies 12 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. Improved nutrition can propel other initiatives to the target threshold Current Commitments are Not Sufficient The spending allocated to malnutrition and noncommunicable diseases related to poor nutrition does not match the scale of the problem June 14, 2016 | Emilia Varrone Sources: "From promise to Impact: Ending Malnutrition by 2030," Global Nutrition Report, June 12, 2016; Aneeque Ahmed, Thomas Helbig, Evan Shuster, Justin Blake, Havi Davodpour, Noun Project, June 14, 2016; Katy Migiro, “Fast Food, Flashy Cars and Shopping Malls: Africa Hurtles into Obesity Crisis” Reuters, June 14, 2016; Kate Kelland, “Too Fat, Too Thin, Report Finds Malnutrition Fuels Disease Worldwide,” Reuters, June 13, 2016. Targets are Critical to Achievement of Goals Governments with an emphasis on nutrition in their policy documents spend more. Attainable goals are critical to achieving targets, however many countries have unspecific, unattainable goals for nutrition and nutrition-related noncommunicable diseases Need Comprehensive Actions Campaigns to promote breastfeeding are lacking, as are actions to promote core WHO recommendations to promote healthy diets (eg. salt reduction, trans-and saturated-fat reduction, and reduction of marketing to children) Call for More Data and for Increased Accessibility The lack of data prevents progress on nutrition at the global and national level The report recommends disaggregating data to better understand where malnutrition is located $

2 GLOBAL NUTRITION TARGETS 1 Most Countries Not on Course to Hit Nutrition Targets by 2025 2025 Global Nutrition Targets from the World Health Assembly June 14, 2016 | Emilia Varrone Sources: "From promise to Impact: Ending Malnutrition by 2030," Global Nutrtion Report, June 12, 2016; Donald McNeil Jr., "Malnutrition and Obesity Coexist in Many Countries," NYT, June 13, 2016; Universal Icons, Corpus Delicti, Luis Prado, C. Mongeau, Dimitry Baranovskiy, Noun Project, June 14, 2016. Simultaneous Malnutrition, Diet-Related Anemia, and Obesity Countries Praised for Progress: China, Vietnam and South Korea have no significant problems with stunted children, anemia or obesity Nepal for fewer stunted children Suriname for fewer underweight children Jamaica for fewer obese children Peru for less female anemia and more breast- feeding Nauru for fewer adults with a body mass index over 25 North Korea for fewer adults with a B.M.I. over 30 Israel for reduction in adult diabetes. Albania Armenia Botswana Ecuador Egypt Equatorial Guinea Guatemala Haiti Iraq Lesotho Libya Namibia Papua New Guinea Solomon Islands South Africa Swaziland Syria Tajikistan Vanuatu Yemen Reductions in Malnutrition Indicators: Cut number of stunted children by 40% Reduce and maintain child wasting to less than 5% No increase in overweight children Cut anemia in women of reproductive age by 50% Increase exclusive breastfeeding to at least 50% Cut low birth weight by 30% Halt Rise in Prevalence of: Overweight adults Adult Diabetes Adult Obesity Fe

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