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Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results ATLAS 3D Sensors Recent Test Beam Results 5 th Trento Workshop On.

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Presentation on theme: "Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results ATLAS 3D Sensors Recent Test Beam Results 5 th Trento Workshop On."— Presentation transcript:

1 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results ATLAS 3D Sensors Recent Test Beam Results 5 th Trento Workshop On Advanced Silicon Radiation Detectors Philippe Grenier (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) For the ATLAS 3D Collaboration 1

2 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results Outline 2 1.ATLAS 3D Collaboration 2.ATLAS 3D Sensors 3.Experimental setup at the CERN SPS North Area 4.Test beam results 5.Summary and outlook

3 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results ATLAS 3D Project 3 Approved ATLAS R&D project 18 Institutions (10 institutions in September 2008) Industrial partners “Development, testing and industrialization of full-3D active-edge and modified-3D silicon radiation pixel sensors with extreme radiation hardness for the ATLAS experiment.” Bonn University, University of Udine, Calabria University, CERN, Czech Technical University, Freiburg University, INFN-Genova, Glasgow University, University of Hawaii, LBNL, University of Manchester, University of New Mexico, University of Oslo, University of Bergen, SLAC and Stony Brook University. Stanford (US) SINTEF (Norway) FBK/IRST (Italy) CNM (Spain)

4 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results ATLAS 3D Collaboration 4 Copyright: Cinzia Da Via Collaboration is growing, and given the important deadlines coming up and the various on-going activities, several working groups have been formed:

5 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results 3D sensors: basics 5 Proposed by Sherwood Parker et al.: NIM A 395 (1997) 328. Electrodes (both types) are processed inside the wafer bulk instead of being implanted on the wafer surface. Active edges: the edge of the sensor is an electrode. Cell configuration: 2E, 3E or 4E. Advantages:Complications: lower full depletion voltage short collection distance smaller trapping probability: higher signal yield after irradiation active edge partially inactive columns: efficiency loss at normal incidence higher capacitance (but higher signal): no consequence to overall Signal budget production cost

6 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results 3D sensors: Technologies 6 Two technologies are being studied. Converging on a single design. Full 3D Active EdgeDouble Side Double Type Column 3D Consortium 3DC: fabricated at Stanford and tested with ATLAS pixel readout. Design at its 5 th generation. SINTEF: FE-I3 bump bonded sensors. FE-I4 run produced at Fall 09. FBK/IRST:completed a FE-I3 run. Full 3D in the next run. CNM: being completed and bump bonded to FE-I3 (March 2010). All designs actively tested in lab and beam

7 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results Radiation tolerance and Most Probable Signal 7 Strong on-going systematic radiation hardness studies Early studies: radiation tolerance up to 3-5 x 10 15 n eq /cm 2 MPS: 230  m x 75 e - = 17250 e - MPS expectation after irradiation Fluence ( -2 )MPS (e - ) 017250 1x10 15 16380 5x10 15 12075

8 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results Operation Voltage 8 Operation voltage obtained from Signal vs. Bias Voltage at given fluence. Fluence ( -2 )Voltage (V) 0<75 5x10 15 ~120-160 More and most recent results in upcoming presentations

9 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results 3D Sensors for ATLAS 9 ATLAS Insertable-B-Layer (IBL) innermost layer: deteriorating performance additional layer installed in 2014 (>200 Mrad), mounted on beam pipe small radial envelop smaller pixel size: 50x250  m 2 large ASIC area (20.2 x 16.8 mm 2 ): FE-I4 prototype modules for testbeam/irradiation: fall 2010 3 competing technologies: Planar, Diamonds and 3D choice: early 2011 ATLAS Forward Physics (AFP) ATLAS Upgrade Phase II: SuperLHC IBL Turbine layout (14 o ) Other applications…

10 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results Front-end electronics for beam tests 10 Single Chip Assemblies: current ATLAS design sensors bump bonded to ATLAS chip FE-I3 pixel size: 50 x 400  m 2 160 rows x 18 columns wire bonded to PCB: SCA (8x8 cm 2 ) FE-I3 tune: Threshold: 3200 e- signal amplitude: time over threshold TOT 60 TOT at 20Ke- (~MIP through 210  m in silicon)

11 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results Test beam activities in 2009 11 Heavy test beam activity in 2009 (at the CERN SPS North Area) Lots of people of people involved. Results from May presented at: Hiroshima 09, Vertex 09, RD09 ane VCI 2010. Working on Eudet track reconstruction May 2009: H8 in Morpurgo Magnet (1.55 T) 3D sensor in magnetic field and Tilt angle Bonn ATLAS Telescope (BAT) Efficiency, Charge Sharing (CS) Device Under Test (DUT): STA-3E, 2 FBK, Planar October 2009: H6 with EUDET (high resolution) Electrode efficiency near electrode, edge studies, CS Tilt angle scan: -25 o  +25 o DUTs: STA-3E, FBK, Planar October 2009: H8 in Morpurgo and BAT CS, efficiency Tilt angle scan: -30 o  +30 o DUTs: STA-3E, FBK, Planar November 2009: H6 with EUDET Sintef/STA new batch

12 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results Bonn ATLAS Telescope and Trigger system 12 Bonn ATLAS Telescope Developed for the current ATLAS Pixel detector beam tests. Three telescope planes Each plane: double sided silicon  -strip (50  m pitch) sensor Online Data Quality DAQ Integrated to DUT DAQ (TurboDAQ) Trigger System Two upstream scintillators in coincidence One downstream veto scintillator

13 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results Morpurgo magnet in H8 13 H8 beamline: CERN SPS North Area 180 GeV  + beam Cooling box movable inside Magnet Large (3m x 1.6  ) Super Conducting Dipole B=1.56 T

14 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results May data set 14 IBL stave inclination: from 10 o to 25 o Plans was to scan, but problems with PS booster Measurements at 0 o and 15 o Tilt angle determined from alignment: from 11.4 o to 14.1 o B fieldAngleTriggers(10 6 )Tracks(10 6 )Through DUT(10 3 ) OFF02.11.0300 151.71.2430 ON01.71.3520 150.60.5210

15 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results Lorentz Angle in Magnetic Field 15 PLANAR Sensors E and B fields are orthogonal Focusing or de-focusing drifting charges Cluster size minimum at Lorentz angle incidence 3D Sensors ATLAS barrel configuration No magnetic field Magnetic field E and B fields are coplanar Minimal effect on charge cloud Possibly some small effect on surface Expects very small effect of magnetic field on 3D sensors

16 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results Detector response: Cluster Charge 16 Magnetic Field OFFMagnetic Field ON PLANAR STA-3E 0 degrees 15 degrees

17 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results Detector response: Cluster Charge 17 Magnetic Field OFFMagnetic Field ON FBK-3E7 FBK-3EM5 0 degrees 15 degrees 0 degrees 15 degrees

18 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results Hit Efficiency 18 STA-3E Use extrapolated track position to estimate the efficiency as a function of position in pixel (sum up all cells) Electrodes clearly visible: drops in hit efficiency No more effect when sensor is tilted Negligible effect of magnetic field

19 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results Hit Efficiency: Electrode efficiencies 19 STA-3E bias and read-out electrodes: different inefficiencies due to different filling. X-ray beam scan: signal loss of 60% (40%) for n(p) electrodes. New poly-silicon filling on latest batch.

20 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results Signal from the Electrode area 20 Column vicinityBulk area Plan to study more carefully the electrode region (EUDET) STA-3E

21 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results Hit Efficiency 21 FBK-3E7 Normal incidence: more efficient compared to STA-3E Inclined tracks, same as STA-3E Negligible effect of magnetic field

22 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results Hit Efficiency: Summary 22 B FieldAnglePLASTA-3EFBK-3E7FBK-3EM5 OFF0o0o 99.896.699.093.0 15 o 99.899.699.8 ON0o0o 99.896.398.998.7 15 o 99.899.699.897.9 (FBK-3EM5: worse operating characteristics of that device…)

23 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results Active Edge 23 Edge is an electrode Sensor active up to a few microns from mechanical edge Traditional sensors have large dead material (guard wires) Easier stave mechanical design

24 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results Detector response: Cluster Size 24 Magnetic Field OFFMagnetic Field ON PLANAR STA-3E 0 degrees 15 degrees Cluster size (N cells )

25 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results Detector response: Cluster Size 25 Magnetic Field OFFMagnetic Field ON FBK-3E7 FBK-3EM5 0 degrees 15 degrees Cluster size (N cells )

26 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results Detector response: Charge Sharing Probability 26 Magnetic Field OFFMagnetic Field ON PLANAR STA-3E 0 degrees 15 degrees Distance to edge of pixel (  m)

27 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results Detector response: Charge Sharing Probability 27 Magnetic Field OFFMagnetic Field ON FBK-3E7 FBK-3EM5 0 degrees 15 degrees Distance to edge of pixel (  m)

28 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results Detector response: 2D Charge Sharing Probability 28 Field ON Field OFF B FieldAnglePLASTA-3EFBK-3E7FBK-3EM5 OFF0o0o 15 o 79.760.352.464.9 ON0o0o 45.622.519.015.4 15 o 43.355.747.953.9 Summary of charge sharing probabilities (%) Important characteristics of pixel sensors Keep high signal after large dose Incident angle is main parameter Small magnetic effect on 3D Large magnetic effect on Planar

29 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results Position measurement: tracks residuals 29 Normal IncidenceInclined tracks PLANAR STA-3E Estimate of track position resolution Use pixels charge weighted mean Use RMS as FOM 3D perform similar to Planar B FieldAnglePLASTA-3EFBK-3E7FBK-3EM5 OFF0o0o 13.814.314.015.4 15 o 9.710.810.411.9 ON0o0o 10.213.913.514.8 15 o Residuals RMS (  m):

30 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results Preliminary: October beam test 30 Back to H8/Morpurgo in October 2009 DUT: Planar, STA-3E and new FBK-3E9 Scan tilt angle: -30 o to + 30 o Study: Charge Sharing, Cluster Size, TOT vs Tilt Nicer setup wrt. May 2009… Very Preliminary: Cluster Size vs. Tilt Expected behavior: symmetric for 3D and asymmetric for Planar Extraction of Lorentz angle for Planar on-going Tilt angle (deg) Cluster Size

31 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results October 2009: EUDET Telescope in H6 31 First ATLAS users…! Lots of software and hardware development: nice collaboration between Planar/3D. Offline more complicated than expected: track reconstruction still on going Expect nice resolution: ~3  m: efficiency near electrode, charge sharing, etc… Scan in tilt angle: -25 o to +25 o

32 Philippe Grenier5 th Trento Workshop - 24-26 Feb. 2010 - 3D Sensors test beam results Summary 32 3D Collaboration very active in 2009, with four test beam periods. Lots of nice results from May 2009 active edge no sensitivity to magnetic field More to come from October/November 2009: tilt angle scan, Eudet. Preparing for 2010 campaign three periods have been allocated (to be confirmed) measurement of irradiated sensors common IBL beam test with FE-I4

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