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Welcome to 6 th Grade Back to School Night August 24, 2016.

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1 Welcome to 6 th Grade Back to School Night August 24, 2016

2 ● Graduated from Seton Hill University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Family Studies and a Certification in Elementary Education (K-6). ● 18th year—6th grade @ LES ● ● (724) 539-9777 ext 1412 Meet Mrs. Merlin

3 A Wildcat ROARS -School Wide Motto-- R espect others O bserve safety rules A ct responsibly R each for success S how Kindness

4 CAT’S CASH --School Wide Behavior Management System-- ● Teachers reward students who exhibit “ROARS” behavior with a punch on their Wildcat Reward Card. ● Wildcat Reward Cards are kept in the child’s homeroom. ● Students will be able to use their Wildcat Rewards at designated times. ● Demerits earned during a school day will result in the loss of Cat’s Cash.

5 Cat’s Cash: Monthly Rewards Hat Day Ice Cream Movie and Snack Popsicles Extra Recess

6 1. Eyes on me 2. Listen 3. Quiet 4. Hands Free 5. Be Still “Give Me Five” --School Wide Attention Signal--

7 Bring all materials to class. Enter quietly, sit down, and get out materials for the class. Raise a hand and wait for permission before speaking or leaving seat. Keep hands, feet, objects, and unkind comments to yourself. Follow directions the first time they are given. Demerit System Expectations

8 A detailed “Demerit Policy” is on my website. ● 1 demerit → Loss of Cat’s Cash ● 2 demerits → Loss of recess ● 3 demerits → Loss of recess for a second day Demerit System --6 th Grade Consequence System--

9 Dress Code --School Wide Policy-- ● Tank tops are permitted as long as the straps are three fingers wide. No undergarments are allowed to show. ● Appropriate short length: Students’ fingertips, with arms straight, should touch the bottom of the hem. ● Clothing with inappropriate messages are not allowed. ● No flip flops.

10 Homework --6 th Grade Policy-- Quarterly assignment notebooks are required. Assignments are posted on teacher websites daily. Three incomplete assignments will result in a detention. If your child is struggling to complete an assignment, please send a note to the teacher. Ideas for Homework Help: Quiet space Scheduled time Encourage best work Refer to class work for help

11 Recess/Workroom --6 th Grade Policy-- ● Recess will be outside everyday (weather permitting) so be sure your child has appropriate outdoor attire. ● Workroom will be held in Ms. Previte’s, Mrs. Merlin’s or Miss Danser’s room everyday. ● Workroom is by teacher assignment only. ● If students do not attend workroom when assigned, they will be given a detention.

12 Grades/HAC ● We follow the GLSD approved grading scale. Progress reports will be sent home at mid quarter and require a parent signature. ● Please access the Home Access Center (HAC) regularly throughout the year. ● If you do not have a HAC account or have forgotten your login information, please see the school secretary. 92%-100% A 83%-91% B 72%-82% C 61%-71% D 60% or below F

13 6 th Grade Core Curriculum Materials ● Storytown ● Go Math! ● Science Fusion ● Harcourt—Social Studies Textbook ◦ Ancient C ivilizations

14 ● Bonus points can be earned when corrections are made. ● Test/quiz must be signed by a parent/guardian in order for bonus points to be added to the overall grade. ● Corrections must be made on notebook paper attached to the original test/quiz. Test/Quiz Correction Opportunity

15 GLSD Technology ● ● Select LES main page ● Select appropriate teacher ● All curriculum materials are available online.

16 Back to School Forms ○ SchoolMint - Parents/Guardians will be receiving information and instructions on the first day of school along with an access code. (paper form) ■ Email registered with GLSD, parent will receive this information through an email. ■ If a parent does not wish to complete the information online, we will provide them the opportunity to request printed forms. ●District Mobile App / District Website ○ Makeover (appearance and function) ○ FCC Ruling - no longer permitted to send broadcast e-Alerts ○ Anticipated within the next month GLSD Technology Updates

17 Elementary Electronic Device/Cell Phone Policy The Greater Latrobe School District Elementary Schools respect the usefulness of cell phones and electronic devices (iPods, iPads, tablets, etc.) before and after school. Therefore, in accordance with Board Policy 237, cell phones usage at Greater Latrobe School District Elementary Schools will be restricted as follows: Students are prohibited from using electronic devices/cell phones or having them “on” during the school day (9:05 am to 4:00 pm) unless given specific permission by a teacher and under their direct supervision. Electronic devices/cell phones must remain in the student’s backpack during the school day. Students are not permitted to take pictures or videos at any time while on school property (including the bus) unless permitted for educational purposes and under the direct supervision of a faculty member. The School District will not be responsible for the loss, theft, damage or vandalism to student electronic devices/cell phones. GLSD Technology

18 GLSD Transportation NEW this year: Students will be riding the same bus in the morning and afternoon. Students being picked up/dropped off at Kinder Schull or New Horizons will ride the same bus. Please verify your child’s bus number because it may be different from last year.

19 May 17, 2017 - May 19, 2017 Camp meeting for students and parents September 20, 2016 6:15pm-7:15pm Senior High Auditorium Candy Sale information will be available soon. 6th Grade Camp

20 Conferences Tuesday, November 1, 2016 5:00pm-8:00pm Thursday, November 10, 2016 8:00am-3:30pm

21 Math Materials 3-Ring Binder 5 Dividers Composition Notebook Earbuds

22 Places to Visit… ● Encore teachers (Art Room) ● Book Fair in the Library ● PTO & the Spirit Wear Sale

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