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Jacob Clifton Dave McKiernan Ryan Schmid JUMP TRADING SIMULATION INTERFACE.

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Presentation on theme: "Jacob Clifton Dave McKiernan Ryan Schmid JUMP TRADING SIMULATION INTERFACE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jacob Clifton Dave McKiernan Ryan Schmid JUMP TRADING SIMULATION INTERFACE

2 INTRODUCTION Collaboration with OSF Healthcare and Jump Trading Simulation centers for training students in healthcare Virtual environments such as ICU, OR Theater for students to review performance

3 Simulations use Laerdal’s SimMan and software Simulations controlled by operator behind the scenes Computer interface is very complex

4 OBJECTIVE Design a user interface to improve simulation experience Ergonomic design, easy to use Low cost Interface controls most important parameters of simulations Connects to PC software via USB connection


6 6-Way Switches Keypad Buttons 5V Regulator USB Breakout Analog Inputs

7 THE PCB Created in Eagle Milled in ECE parts shop Bad traces

8 LCD Displays the parameter selected on both switches Displays value selected by rotary encoder and keypad entry Real-time refresh rate 12VDC power supply 5V voltage regulator to supply to microcontroller, LCD, user interface Currently not needed but can be used if more features are added POWER SUPPLY

9 MICROCONTROLLER ATMEGA 328 with Arduino bootloader Interprets data from user interface “DIY” Arduino on PCB

10 ROTARY ENCODER Outputs Gray code Used to sweep parameters such as heart rate Verification: Confirmed output on GUI BUTTONS Button outputs 5V when pressed 0V when not Used to execute macros or other functions Verification: Proper response 50/50 times

11 USER INTERFACE - SWITCHES Two 6-position switches Selects parameter to be adjusted Linear voltage drop of ~1V at each node Position determined based on switch output voltage

12 KEYPAD 12 button keypad used for entering a precise value 7 output pins reduced to 1 using schematic shown Determined analogRead voltage ranges via serial output Moving average Key Press Before Avg After Avg 015/2525/25 124/2525/25 224/2525/25 324/2525/25 423/2525/25 523/2525/25 623/2525/25 721/2525/25 821/2525/25 920/2525/25 #12/2525/25 *10/2524/25

13 GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE (GUI) Demonstrates communication between user interface and PC Implemented using Processing Laerdal’s SDK

14 SUCCESSES 3D printed housing device Ergonomic design Communication at 115200 baud Successful implementation of all design goals

15 DIFFICULTIES Integrate with Laerdal Software Keypad values inconsistent initially Poor quality of rotary switches (mechanical) Numerous revisions of 3D housing Processing learning curve Eagle learning curve

16 COSTS 3D case - $25 User interface components - $20 Microcontroller - $25 LCD - $20 Total - $90

17 FUTURE WORK Make the device smaller Integrate our interface with Laerdal software Improve labeling on device Instruction manual Make software more user friendly to allow customization of device

18 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Jump Trading and OSF Healthcare Jimmy Roland Dr. Vozenilek Rajarshi Roy Fab Lab – Andrew Knight


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