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1 J.M. Heuser − STS R&D Johann M. Heuser, GSI CBM-STS Project Leader Meeting on Experiment with external HI beams of the Nuclotron-M JINR, 4 February 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "1 J.M. Heuser − STS R&D Johann M. Heuser, GSI CBM-STS Project Leader Meeting on Experiment with external HI beams of the Nuclotron-M JINR, 4 February 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 J.M. Heuser − STS R&D Johann M. Heuser, GSI CBM-STS Project Leader Meeting on Experiment with external HI beams of the Nuclotron-M JINR, 4 February 2011 Development of the CBM Silicon Tracking System

2 2 J.M. Heuser − STS R&D R&D overview system concept + performance study detectors readout cables front-end electronics mechanics integration time line from R&D to construction

3 3 J.M. Heuser − STS R&D Silicon Tracking System ~1m

4 4 J.M. Heuser − STS R&D STS terminology silicon microstrip sensors half ladder ladder module half station station half station half ladder cable FEE carbon support sector sectors

5 5 J.M. Heuser − STS R&D 1 m

6 6 J.M. Heuser − STS R&D Breakdown of components 4 different types of ladders special version for central part of the stations 8 stations 4 m 2 area 106 ladders 1292 sensors 1040 sectors 2080 FEBs 16640 r/o chips 2.1 M r/o channels

7 7 J.M. Heuser − STS R&D momentum resolution Au+Au collision 25A GeV, central (UrQMD) X-Z view X-Y view 97% p [GeV/c] reconstruction efficiency STS performance study [%] 1.5% p [GeV/c]

8 8 J.M. Heuser − STS R&D Silicon Microstrip Sensors GSI-CiS, GermanyMSU-RIMST, Russia

9 9 J.M. Heuser − STS R&D Detector characterization IV and CV behaviour irradiation tests

10 10 J.M. Heuser − STS R&D Readout cables C1 (pF) C2 ( pF) C mean (pF) C (pF/cm) С126,807,106,950,29 С133,904,104,000,17 С348,008,308,150,34 С1G5,805,905,850,24 C3G7,007,107,050,29

11 11 J.M. Heuser − STS R&D detector operation with purely data driven, self triggered readout engineering run prepared by H.K. Soltveit, PI Heidelberg n-XYTER, non rad hard AMS 0.35µ Interim work-horse front-end ASIC for FAIR detector prototyping Front-end electronics n-XYTERCBM FEE CBM STS r/o chip: Low power, low resolution, TOT AGH Krakow, R. Szczygiel et al work on 16 ch. test chip ongoing CBM-dedicated FEE chips; development started in radiation hard UMC 0.180µ

12 12 J.M. Heuser − STS R&D Front-end board Exploration of new development directions required for achieving a small high-density FEB. One idea that is followed up by the GSI team: 3D-assembly with standard PCB manufacturing technologies, commercially available. efm-systems GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany

13 13 J.M. Heuser − STS R&D Building on technology developed for the ALICE Strip Tracker module Carbon fiber structure front view of a (half)-station front top view of a station Mechanical Support

14 14 J.M. Heuser − STS R&D System integration

15 15 J.M. Heuser − STS R&D Assembly of demonstrator modules sensor + r/o cable front-end electronics board based on n-XYTER chip mockup of a tracker module carbon fiber support structures

16 16 J.M. Heuser − STS R&D In-beam tests COSY 12/2010 (3 GeV protons)

17 17 J.M. Heuser − STS R&D CBM-MPD STS Consortium GSI Univ. Tübingen AGH Krakow JU Krakow JINR +MSU +ITEP +IHEP +KRI CBM Collaboration Who develops and builds the STS?  R&D

18 18 J.M. Heuser − STS R&D Timeline of CBM-STS 2011201320182016 TDR prototypingpre-series componentsmass production lab and beam tests small-experiment proofconstruction CBM-STS setup exp. set-up of labs and exp. area experiment at Nuclotron-M begin installation

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