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Your Classroom is Full of Hazards!...Let’s Fix It. Presented by James Hernandez

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1 Your Classroom is Full of Hazards!...Let’s Fix It. Presented by James Hernandez

2 Safety Action taken to reduce the likelihood of personal injury Upon completion of this unit, the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the concepts, skills and rules related to health and safety in the [field of study].

3 Safety Should be understood and practiced by everyone Should follow workplace standards Assures safe and healthy working conditions Protects people (you and others) from injury

4 Safety: OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration “Requires employers to provide employees with conditions that are free of known dangers.” Sets and enforces protective workplace safety and health standards

5 Using Electricity Always have the power off when you unplug or plug in equipment Always remove cords from receptacles by gently pulling the plug, not the cord

6 Using Electricity, cont’d Do not use equipment with damaged cords or exposed wires If you must use an extension cord, use a heavy-duty extension cord

7 Using Electricity, cont’d Left slot - "neutral" Right slot - "hot" Hole below - "ground" Electricity must flow in a circuit Power flows from hot to neutral Appliance plug completes the circuit from the hot slot to the neutral slot Ground wires (left & round) all connect to the ground

8 Using Electricity, cont’d Equipment should be grounded to protect the people from electric shock Appliances with a metal case have a three-prong outlet The casing is connected directly to the ground prong Appliances with plastic cases may have a metal-encased power supply and use a 3 prong plug

9 Using Electricity, cont’d Do not over-load electrical circuits Several plug strips (power strips) on the same circuit may overload the circuit and cause a fire. Power strip's circuit breaker only protects the power strip, not the circuit wiring. Most home circuits are 15-amp circuit 15-amps can carry 1500 watts A hair dryer can draw 1400 watts

10 Using Electricity, cont’d Never operate electrical equipment while you are standing in water Keep equipment dry Do not touch electrical outlets, switches or appliances with wet or moist hands

11 Safety: Conduct Definition: Correct behavior in the appropriate place and time Varies by place and event Unsafe actions include throwing objects, running, wrestling, pushing Disruptive behavior is not to be tolerated

12 Safety: Workstations At keyboard & work surfaces - your arms should form a 90 0 angle Top of the monitor – no higher than eye level Chairs should have backrests

13 Safety: Workstations, cont’d Sit in the chair properly All 4 feet of the chair - flat on the floor Never lean or tilt back in a chair or stool Don’t sit on the back of the chair Don't sit on tables or edit station shelves

14 Safety: Maintenance Keep food and beverages out of work and equipment areas Store equipment and materials in proper place Floors must be free of objects that might cause falls - cords, pens, paper...

15 Safety: Maintenance, cont’d Do not attempt to repair equipment Do not remove outer cover, or put objects in slots/vents in the cover Do not stack objects on the equipment or cover vents

16 Fire Safety Type A fires - combustible materials, paper, cloth, wood Type B fires – flammable liquids, solvents, oil Type C fires – electrical equipment or electrical wires Using the wrong type of extinguisher on the wrong type of fire can be dangerous

17 Fire Safety: P.A.S.S.

18 Lifting and Carrying Size up the load Lift using leg muscles – not your back (don’t bend over) Think before you lift Obtain help Balance the load Carry less, more times- make several trips

19 In Case of an Accident Immediately report accidents to the teacher The school nurse should treat injuries

20 Safety: Human Error The one element common to most accidents Not applying common sense is the cause of most accidents Report unsafe conditions and actions to the teacher



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