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TALIS 2013 Results An international perspective on teaching and learning 1.

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1 TALIS 2013 Results An international perspective on teaching and learning 1

2 Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status
TALIS in Brief 2 Fig II.3.3 Over 100 thousand randomly selected lower secondary teachers and their school leaders from over 6500 schools …representing more than 4 million teachers in 34 countries… …took an internationally-agreed survey about the working conditions and learning environments in their schools… …responding to questions about their background, their teaching practices, support and development, their relationships with colleagues and students and the leadership in their schools          

3 TALIS seeks to help with …
Improve the societal view of teaching as a profession Recruit top candidates into the profession Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status TALIS seeks to help with … 3 3 Developing Teaching as a profession Retain and recognise effective teachers – path for growth Support teachers in continued development of practice

4 Teacher Self-Efficacy and Job Satisfaction: Why they Matter
Overview of TALIS The Learning Environment: Characteristics of Teachers and Schools Improving Teaching Using Appraisal and Feedback The Importance of School Leadership Examining Teacher Practices and Classroom Environment Developing and Supporting Teachers Teacher Self-Efficacy and Job Satisfaction: Why they Matter

5 School Leadership

6 Average Principals’ working time 6
Average proportion of time lower secondary principals report spending on the following activities throughout the school year Average From figure 3.1

7 Elements not included in principals' formal education
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 7 Fig II.3.3 Percentage of lower secondary principals whose formal education did not include: Figure 3.6

8 Developing and Supporting Teachers

9 Not everywhere where induction programmes are accessible do teachers use them
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 9 Fig II.3.3 Percentage of lower secondary teachers with less than 3 years experience at their school and as a teacher, who are working in schools with the following reported access to formal induction programmes, and their reported participation in such programmes Figure 4.3

10 Not everywhere where principals say mentoring is available do teachers have mentors
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 10 Fig II.3.3 Figure 4.4

11 Teachers' needs for professional development
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 11 Fig II.3.3 Percentage of lower secondary teachers indicating they have a high level of need for professional development in the following areas Figure 4.14

12 Barriers to professional development participation
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 12 Fig II.3.3 Percentage of lower secondary teachers who "agree" or "strongly agree" that the following elements represent barriers to their participation in professional development activities Figure 4.15

13 Average number of days of participation among those who participated
Professional development recently undertaken by teachers by type and intensity Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 13 Fig II.3.3 Percentage of teachers who participated in the following professional development activities in the 12 months prior to the survey Average number of days of participation among those who participated Courses/workshops 8 Education conferences or seminars where teachers and/or researchers present their research results and discuss educational issues 4 Observation visits to other schools 3 In-service training courses in business premises, public organisations or non-governmental organisations 7 Observation visits to business premises, public Participation in a network of teachers formed specifically for the professional development of teachers Individual or collaborative research on a topic of interest to the teacher Mentoring and/or peer observation and coaching, as part of a formal school arrangement Qualification programme (e.g., a degree programme) Figure 4.8

14 Participation in professional development and level of support received by teachers
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 14 Fig II.3.3 Figure 4.6

15 Regardless of the content, over 3/4 of teachers report that…
Impact of professional development Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 15 Fig II.3.3 Regardless of the content, over 3/4 of teachers report that… …the professional development in which they have participated has had a positive impact on their teaching.          

16 Improving Teaching Using Appraisal and Feedback

17 Teachers and feedback On average across TALIS countries, 17
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status Teachers and feedback 17 Fig II.3.3 On average across TALIS countries, Just above half of the teachers report receiving feedback on their teaching from one or two sources ...and only one in 5 receive feedback from three sources.

18 Emphasis placed on feedback
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 18 18 Fig II.3.3 Percentage of lower secondary teachers who report the feedback they received emphasised the following issues with a "moderate" or "high importance" Figure 5.11

19 Where feedback comes from
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 19 Fig II.3.3 Feedback following classroom observation % Feedback following assessment of teachers' content knowledge Feedback following analysis of student test scores External individuals or bodies 16 11 9 School principal 39 20 24 Member(s) of school management team 32 27 Assigned mentors 12 7 Other teachers (not a part of the management team) 15 18 I have never received this feedback in this school. 21 44 35 Figure 5.9

20 direct classroom observations
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status Teachers feedback : direct classroom observations 20 20 Fig II.3.3 New graph for the PPT – derived from tables 5.5.Web.2, 5.5.Web.3 and 5.5.Web.5.

21 analysis of students' test scores
Teachers feedback : analysis of students' test scores Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 21 Fig II.3.3 New graph for the PPT – derived from tables 5.5.Web.2, 5.5.Web.3 and 5.5.Web.5.

22 assessment of teacher content knowledge
Teachers feedback : assessment of teacher content knowledge Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 22 Fig II.3.3 New graph for the PPT – derived from tables 5.5.Web.2, 5.5.Web.3 and 5.5.Web.5.

23 never received Teachers feedback : 23
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 23 Fig II.3.3 New graph for the PPT – derived from Table 5.5.Web.6

24 Impact of teacher appraisal and feedback systems in schools
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 24 Fig II.3.3 Percentage of lower secondary teachers who "agree" or "strongly agree" that : Figure 5.13

25 Consequences of feedback
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 25 25 Fig II.3.3 Percentage of lower secondary teachers who "agree" or "strongly agree" that: Expended from Figure 5.13

26 Feedback and change in behavior
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status Feedback and change in behavior 26 26 Fig II.3.3 Percentage of lower secondary teachers who report a "moderate" or "large" positive change in the following issues after they received feedback on their work Personal Pedagogical Professional New graph for the PPT – derived from Table 5.7

27 Outcomes of teacher feedback - Personal
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 27 27 Fig II.3.3 Percentage of lower secondary teachers who report a "moderate" or "large" positive change in the following issues after they received feedback on their work New graph for the PPT – derived from Table 5.7

28 Outcomes of teacher feedback - Pedagogical
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 28 28 Fig II.3.3 Percentage of lower secondary teachers who report a "moderate" or "large" positive change in the following issues after they received feedback on their work Percentage of lower secondary teachers who report a "moderate" or "large" positive change in the following issues after they received feedback on their work New graph for the PPT – derived from Table 5.7

29 Outcomes of teacher feedback - Professional
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 29 29 Fig II.3.3 Percentage of lower secondary teachers who report a "moderate" or "large" positive change in the following issues after they received feedback on their work New graph for the PPT – derived from Table 5.7

30 Teacher Practices and Classroom Environment

31 Average Distribution of class time 31
Average proportion of time lower secondary teachers report spending on each of these activities in an average lesson Average Adapted from Figure 6.12

32 What teachers do beyond teaching 32
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 32 Fig II.3.3 Average number of 60-minute hours teachers report spending on the following tasks in an average week Expended from Figure 6.7

33 Exchange and co-ordination
Teacher co-operation 33 Percentage of lower secondary teachers who report doing the following activities at least once per month Exchange and co-ordination Adapted from Figure 6.10

34 Teacher co-operation: Professional collaboration
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 34 Fig II.3.3 Percentage of lower secondary teachers who report never doing the following activities Figure 6.10

35 Teacher co-operation: Exchange and co-ordination
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 35 Fig II.3.3 Percentage of lower secondary teachers who report never doing the following activities Figure 6.10

36 Teachers' beliefs about teaching and learning
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 36 36 Fig II.3.3 Percentage of lower secondary teachers who "agree" or "strongly agree" that: Figure 6.8

37 Teaching practices Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 37 Fig II.3.3 Percentage of lower secondary teachers who report using the following teaching practices "frequently" or "in all or nearly all lessons" Figure 6.2

38 Teaching practices by country
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 38 38 Fig II.3.3 Percentage of lower secondary teachers who report using the following teaching practices "frequently" or "in all or nearly all lessons" Cumulative percentage of the three teaching practices is above 150% Figure 6.3

39 Teachers' use of student assessment practices
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 39 Fig II.3.3 Percentage of lower secondary teachers who report using the following methods of assessing student learning "frequently" or "in all or nearly all lessons" Figure 6.6

40 Reported use of methods of assessing student learning
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 40 40 Fig II.3.3 Percentage of lower secondary teachers who report using the following methods of assessing student learning "frequently" or "in all or nearly all lessons" Adapted from Figure 6.6

41 Teacher Self-Efficacy and Job Satisfaction

42 Teachers' satisfaction with their working environment
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 42 42 Fig II.3.3 Percentage of lower secondary teachers who "agree" or "strongly agree" with the following statements Figure 7.2

43 Teachers' satisfaction with their profession
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 43 43 Fig II.3.3 Percentage of lower secondary teachers who "agree" or "strongly agree" with the following statements Figure 7.2

44 Teachers' satisfaction with their profession
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 44 44 Fig II.3.3 Percentage of lower secondary teachers who "agree" or "strongly agree" with the following statements Figure 7.2

45 Above-average performers in PISA
Teachers' perceptions of the value of teaching Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 45 45 Fig II.3.3 Percentage of lower secondary teachers who "agree" or "strongly agree" that teaching profession is a valued profession in society Figure 7.3 Above-average performers in PISA

46 Countries where teachers believe their profession is valued show higher levels of student achievement Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 46 46 Fig II.3.3 Relationship between lower secondary teachers' views on the value of their profession in society and the country’s share of top mathematics performers in PISA 2012 R2 = r= 0.49 New graph for the PPT

47 Countries where teachers believe their profession is valued show higher levels of student achievement Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 47 47 Fig II.3.3 Relationship between lower secondary teachers' views on the value of their profession in society and the country mean score in mathematics in PISA 2012 R2 = r= 0.38 New graph for the PPT

48 Relationship between the value of the teaching profession and the share of low mathematics performers Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 48 48 Fig II.3.3 Relationship between lower secondary teachers' views on the value of their profession in society and the country’s share of low mathematics performers in PISA 2012 New graph for the PPT R2 = r= 0.23

49 Value of teaching and job satisfaction
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 49 Fig II.3.3 Percentage of lower secondary teachers who "agree" or "strongly agree" with the following statements New graph for the PPT from table 7.2

50 the higher their level of self-efficacy.
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status Drivers of job satisfaction 50 Fig II.3.3 The more frequently that teachers report participating in collaborative practices with their colleagues, the higher their level of self-efficacy. The same is true for job satisfaction.

51 Behavioral issues equate to lower job satisfaction, class size doesn’t
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status Behavioral issues equate to lower job satisfaction, class size doesn’t 51 Fig II.3.3 Teachers' job satisfaction level following the number of students in the classroom in relation to the percentage of students with behavioural problems Figure 7.6 "For the international averages the data are more stable than for individual countries. Please use caution when presenting data that are in the extreme of the graph."

52 Teachers' job satisfaction and experience
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 52 Fig II.3.3 Teachers' job satisfaction level in lower secondary according to their total years of teaching experience Figure 7.5 "For the international averages the data are more stable than for individual countries. Please use caution when presenting data that are in the extreme of the graph."

53 Teachers' self-efficacy and experience
Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 53 Fig II.3.3 Teachers' self-efficacy level in lower secondary according to their total years of teaching experience Figure 7.4 "For the international averages the data are more stable than for individual countries. Please use caution when presenting data that are in the extreme of the graph."

54 Find out more about TALIS at
TALIS in Brief Mean mathematics performance, by school location, after accounting for socio-economic status 54 Fig II.3.3 Find out more about TALIS at All national and international publications The complete micro-level database TALIS is a partnership between an international research consortium OECD Governments in 34 countries Teachers’ unions European Commission

55 Photo credits Cover slide © Hero Images/Corbis ©Tyler Olson/Shutterstock © Andersen Ross/Inmagine LTD Slide 3 © Hero Images/Corbis Slide 4 ©Tyler Olson/Shutterstock Slide 5 © Andersen Ross/Inmagine LTD Slide 6 © Vetta Collection/iStock Slide 7 © Pressmaster/Shutterstock Slide 8 © Digital Vision/Getty Images Slide 9 © Monkey Busines/Fotolia Icon credits Magnifying Glass designed by Kirill Tomilov from the Noun Project Graduate designed by Ben Markoch from the Noun Project Institution designed by Thibault Geffroy from the Noun Project Survey designed by Brennan Novak from the Noun Project Teacher designed by Piotrek Chuchla from the Noun Project Users designed by TukTuk Designz from the Noun Project Brain designed by SuperAtic LABS from the Noun Project Earth designed by Rémy Médard from the Noun Project Brainstorm designed by Jessica Lock from the Noun Project School designed by Chris Cole from the Noun Project

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