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ANM 20 Symbols, Logos and Marks. Definitions Symbol-Ideograph (graphic or characters) that represent a more complex thought such as: Logotype (Logo)-Symbol,

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Presentation on theme: "ANM 20 Symbols, Logos and Marks. Definitions Symbol-Ideograph (graphic or characters) that represent a more complex thought such as: Logotype (Logo)-Symbol,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ANM 20 Symbols, Logos and Marks

2 Definitions Symbol-Ideograph (graphic or characters) that represent a more complex thought such as: Logotype (Logo)-Symbol, name or combination that identifies a company, product or campaign Mark- Term comes from earliest identifying marks of craftsmen such as jewelers and even early bakers so their products could be identified for quality. Trademarks today offer legal protection.

3 The Evolution of Logotypes Logotypes evolved from the ancient tradition of marking a craftsman’s products. This was sometimes by law. If you purchased a loaf of bread in Rome you could identify the baker by his mark baked into the bottom of the loaf. If the loaf was bad, the baker could be identified and fined or punished. Some marks came to identify a trade such as the druggist or doctor’s caduceus, one of the first recorded logos.

4 The Industrial Revolution in the mid/late 1800s, with its dramatically increasing supply of manufactured and imported goods, brought a more formalized use of marks for the purpose of gaining public attention. The concept of marketing to sell more products and services had arrived. One of the most famous and long lasting logos in history came out of this period. In the early 1900s, the typographer Edward Johnson designed the font and logo for the London Underground. It survives today….

5 The early 20th century also resulted in a boom in corporate identification through the use of logos. IBM is one of the most famous. 1924-461946-56 1956-72 Paul Rand 1972 Pre 1924 2003 An Evolution in Logo Design

6 Paul Rand became one of the most well know and prolific graphic designers of the 1960-80s. His well known logos are lasting icons to modern business and offer an insight into his design process. Paul Rand’s Logo Design “The symbol for Westinghouse (1960) as it appears today was an adaptation of an earlier trademark. The problem was to transform a lackluster emblem with a W, circle and underscore into something unique. The final design, which comprises a circle, a series of dots, and lines, was intended to suggest a printed circuit board. One of the comments this design evoked was that it resembled a mask. Although this was never intended, I believe that the effectiveness of the symbol is due partly to this characteristic-anthropomorphism.” Paul Rand

7 Logos-Concept: Capturing the Essence of a Business A successful logo not only reflects the products or services of a business but it also captures its “soul” through image, text and color. You need to understand what the business does and says about itself and then brainstorm a variety of possible solutions. The best solutions will come to the surface.

8 Logos-Brainstorming: Gathering Ideas Brainstorming is a creative skill that all designers should understand and use. The objective is to come up with new ideas…anything goes! It can be done as a group or solo but its always best in a non-threatening environment where ideas (at least at the initial brainstorming phase) will not be criticized. The key is producing ideas, words, visuals..anything that might relate to solving the problem. Keep track of all the ideas….it’s easy to discard, much harder to remember. I like to study the problem and come up with a list of words that are related to the business, product or services. Then, using free association, let each word or definition of the word lead you to new words or ideas. The ideas should begin to flow…….

9 Logos-Brainstorming: Lateral and Vertical Thinking Lateral Thinking is how we generally solve problems. One idea evolves or leads to another in a logical sequence..think of it as a horizontal idea line. The words in red would be a typical “linear train of thought” for the proposed logo for Snapshot’s Cameras Vertical Thinking digs into a linear idea to create more abstract linkages or combinations of thoughts. Synthesis of Ideas a new idea is the synthesis of two or more existing ideas. Vertical thinking can help with the process. Try it! cameralensshutterfilmcolor printphotographertripodflashphoto album obscura pinhole can positive negative thin plastic eye laser focus high contrast paper press black and white visual artist digital darkroom three stool teepee boom bomb lightning memories tape corners family window leaf swing

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