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TYPES and KINDS of Sentences RATE YOURSELF. SUBJECT and PREDICATE Subject – Main noun of the sentence. Who or what the sentences is about. Predicate –

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Presentation on theme: "TYPES and KINDS of Sentences RATE YOURSELF. SUBJECT and PREDICATE Subject – Main noun of the sentence. Who or what the sentences is about. Predicate –"— Presentation transcript:


2 SUBJECT and PREDICATE Subject – Main noun of the sentence. Who or what the sentences is about. Predicate – Main verb of the sentence. Tells about the subject or what the subject is doing. ton(Skee-lo).m4v ton(Skee-lo).m4v

3 CLAUSES Clause – A group of words that has a subject and a predicate. It is used as a part of a sentence. Independent clause – Full thought sentence Dependent clause – Incomplete thought non-sentence. Must have a complete thought in order to exist. Example#1: I tripped over my cat. Does it have a subject and predicate? Is it a complete thought? Sentence or Independent clause Example#2: After I stumbled through the door. Does it have a subject and a predicate? Is it a complete thought? Dependent clause

4 Types of Sentences Simple sentence – Most common. One clause with a subject and predicate that is a complete thought. Could have two subjects or two predicates, but not both in one thought. Example: The apple fell off the tree. (One subject/one predicate) The apple and branch fell off the tree. (Two subjects/one predicate) The apple fell of the tree and rolled. (One subject/two predicates) Compound sentence – Two simple sentences joined by a conjunction or semi-colon(;) Example: The apple fell of the tree, so the boy ate it. OR The apple fell of the tree; the boy ate it. Complex sentence – Has one dependent clause with one independent clause. If you start with dependent clause you will need a comma. KEY WORDS: While, Since, Although, If, Because, As (Most common trigger words) Example: Betty will do poorly on her test if she doesn’t study. OR If Betty doesn’t study, she will do poorly on the test.

5 KINDS of Sentences Declarative – Makes a statement ends with a period(.) Interrogative – Asks a question(?) Imperative – Gives a command or makes a request(./!) Implied “you.” Exclamatory – Shows strong feelings(!) Create double bubble map in journal. Compound vs. Complex.

6 GUESS THE SLOGAN AND THE SENTENCE SloganCompanyKind of Sentence Eat More Chicken. ___________________________ Have it your way! ___________________________ Respect the pouch, respect it. ___________________________ Is it in you? ___________________________ Give me a break. ___________________________ I’m lovin’ it. ___________________________ It’s finger lickin’ good. ___________________________ Do the Dew! ___________________________ Taste the rainbow. ___________________________ Where you at? ___________________________ Melts in your mouth, not in your hands. ___________________________ They’rrre GR-R-REAT!! ___________________________ Live Mas. ___________________________ Can you hear me now? ___________________________ Just do it! ___________________________

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