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Agenda  Greek Gods Review  Myths and Creation Stories  Pandora Writing Prompt  List everything you remember about the Greek Gods.  Please turn your.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda  Greek Gods Review  Myths and Creation Stories  Pandora Writing Prompt  List everything you remember about the Greek Gods.  Please turn your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda  Greek Gods Review  Myths and Creation Stories  Pandora Writing Prompt  List everything you remember about the Greek Gods.  Please turn your paper into the box. All I need is the final including works cited page.  Turn in plagiarism sheet  You will need your list book after the break!

2  Most related – convulated\  Each god different area  Titans  Demi-gods, half gods, monsters,  Zeus – Mount Olympus  Poseidon – sea  12 main gods  Hades - underworld

3  Stars – constellations  Hercules – son of Zeus  Heroes have godly parent –  Gods require sacrifice, people pick favorites  Not moral example  Greek gods have emotions, not perfect,  Not omniscient –  Polytheism – many gods  Hades – underworld, not Hell

4  Aphrodite – goddess of beauty and love Zeus – king of gods, married to Hera God or goddess for everything Heph… - fire, forging, Dionysius – wine and fun Athena – goddess of wisdom Poseidon – sea god Hades - underworld

5  Fallible,  Emotional  Compete with each other  Not a moral example  Omniscient  Hades – not hell

6  Example – natural phenomenon, like hurricanes or thunder  In a small group, brainstorm other things stories might be created to explain.

7  Does modern science change the role of creation stories? Why or why not?  If yes, how?

8  What is being created?  What is the role of the gods in creation?

9  Why is there evil in the world? Two examples  Pandora - Greek story – Prometheus handout  Genesis 3 – Judeo-Christian explanation  Lit book pages 40-43, Genesis chapters 2&3

10  1. Who are the main characters?  2. Is there a single person responsible for the introduction of evil? Who? Why this person?  3. What form does evil take? - curiosity  4. How does the world change after evil is introduced?G – humans know evil, separated from God, P – work, illness,  5. How do the god(s) respond to human action? P – no reaction, G – angry for disobeying, sends out of Eden  6. Is there a moral to the story? Don’t disobey god (s)  Curiosity is a problem  7. What does this story tell us about the culture that created it? P – gods are not a moral guide, gods trick humans, gods get irritated, see themselves as separate beings  G – saw relationship with God as valuable,

11  Look for similarities and differences. Consider the following  In both stories a woman lets evil into the world. Is that a fair interpretation of the stories? Coincidence or not?  In both stories the source of evil was placed within human grasp. Why?

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