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Technology & Sustainability Coursework 2 B101. If Nuclear Power is going to be our source of energy in the future, how do we maximise its efficiency?

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Presentation on theme: "Technology & Sustainability Coursework 2 B101. If Nuclear Power is going to be our source of energy in the future, how do we maximise its efficiency?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology & Sustainability Coursework 2 B101

2 If Nuclear Power is going to be our source of energy in the future, how do we maximise its efficiency? The answer to the above question, I believe is the use of the correct reactor type.

3 Firstly lets look at how Nuclear Energy compares to other energy sources used in the UK to produce energy. Gas= 40% Nuclear = 19% Coal= 33% Electricity Imports= 2.5% Other= 2.5% Hydro= 1% Oil= 1%

4 What types of Nuclear Reactors are available? Magnox PWR (Pressurized Water Reactors) AGR (Advanced Gas-Cooled reactor)

5 Magnox Type: Magnox reactors are a type of nuclear power reactor which were designed and used in the United Kingdom, and exported to other countries, both as a power plant, and when operated accordingly, as a producer of plutonium for nuclear weapons. The name Magnox comes from the alloy used to clad the fuel rods inside the reactor.

6 PWR Type Reactor. Pressurized water reactors are second generation nuclear reactors that use ordinary water under high pressure as coolant and neutron moderator. The primary coolant loop is kept under high pressure to prevent the water from reaching film boiling (Leiden frost effect) hence the name. PWRs are most common type of power producing reactor and are widely used all over the world. PWR reactors are also used as a possible power source for navel propulsion. The Three Mile Island Accident occurred in a PWR plant!

7 AGR Type Reactor. An Advanced Gas-Cooled reactor (AGR) is another British built nuclear reactor. They use graphite as the neutron moderator and carbon dioxide as the coolant. The AGR was developed from the Magnox reactor, operating at a higher gas temperature for improved efficiency, and using enriched uranium fuel therefore requiring less frequent refuelling. The first AGR became operational in 1962.

8 Power Stations that use Magnox reactors.

9 Power Stations that use AGR and PWR reactor types.

10 So which power stations produce the most energy? Having Reviewed the Graphs I have come to the conclusion that the PWR & AGR reactors should be used instead of the Magnox type reactors because the mean values are higher: The median value (MW) of the AGR/PWR reactor = 1040MW The median value (MW) of the Magnox reactor = 423MW

11 In order to further evaluate the performance of AGR’s and PWR’s and find out which, of the two would generate more power I have constructed two graphs to illustrate there performance (energy produced) Please not that due to the fact that there are only a few PWR reactors within the UK, I have made up the numbers (for comparison) with PWR’s that operate in French Power stations.

12 Power Stations that use AGR reactors.

13 Power Stations that use PWR reactors.

14 So which reactor types produce the most energy? The median value (MW) of the AGR reactors is 1197 MW The median value (MW) of the PWR reactors is 1285 MW To Conclude: the graphs in which I have entered in my researched data proves that, should we choose to build more nuclear power stations then a Magnox reactor should not be used. It is evident that either a PWR or an AGR reactor type would be significantly more effective. In terms of a choice between the two, there is little data that separates the two in terms of power output. Other issues such as cos could be brought into account, however, with so many variables i do not believe it would be wise for me to make further analysis/judgement.

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