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A biome tour. Where do we live? Temperate deciduous forest.

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Presentation on theme: "A biome tour. Where do we live? Temperate deciduous forest."— Presentation transcript:

1 A biome tour

2 Where do we live?

3 Temperate deciduous forest

4 What’s special about temperate deciduous forest? –Trees lose leaves in winter. WHY? Difficult to photosynthesize when light is low, temperatures are cold, and water is scarce (frozen) Deciduous leaves (broadleaves) are “cheap” and easy to make again in spring –Strong seasonality Warm summers, cold winters (temperate means “not too hot or too cold”) Rain and snow

5 Temperate Forest Oak Hickory Beech Hemlock Maple Basswood Cottonwood Elm Willow Spring- flowering herbs

6 Bank Vole Bank Vole Black Bear Black Bear Gray Squirrel Gray SquirrelRaccoon White-tailed Deer White-tailed Deer Wild Boar Wild BoarCardinal Goshawk Goshawk Turkey Turkey Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Rat Snake Rat Snake Spring Peeper

7 Temperate Forest

8 Tundra Deciduous Forest Savanna Taiga Chaparral Rainforest Grassland Desert Alpine Desert-Scrub

9 Tropical rainforest Hot, with little variation High rainfall but can have dry season

10 Characteristics of the tropical rainforest Many species of plants Long growing season—so lots of plant biomass

11 Tropical rainforest About 12 hours of daylight year-round Little variation in temperature Long growing season –Year-round, or nearly so (may be limited by a short dry season)



14 Leaf-cutter ants. Cut leaves from trees and bring them back to their nest. They DON’T eat the leaves, however...

15 Notice the shape of the tree trunk  called ``buttresses”




19 Tundra Deciduous Forest Savanna Taiga Chaparral Rainforest Grassland Desert Alpine Desert-Scrub

20 Boreal forest = taiga Most months freezing or below Little precip so trees must have adaptation to low water Short, warm, most summers

21 Taiga: most extensive forest Trees shaped to shed snow Covers more area than any other forest

22 Boreal forest (taiga) Long, cold winter Short, warm, moist summer –Growing season relatively short –10-50 days shorter than temperate deciduous forest

23 Boreal forest (taiga) Needles, not broad leaves. WHY? Less surface area  less evaporation –In winter, water is frozen, so trees can’t replenish water lost Trees are green in winter, but no photosynthesis—no water. –But the leaves are ready to photosynthesize when short growing season begins.

24 Boreal forest (taiga) Needles are like a leaf rolled up. Low surface area Waxy outer layer

25 Boreal forest (here, in Siberia) wetlands—bogs, swamps—are common

26 Tundra Deciduous Forest Savanna Taiga Chaparral Rainforest Grassland Desert Alpine Desert-Scrub Biggest biome

27 Which of the following is an adaptation to freezing winters? A) Trees lose their leaves B) Trees keep needles, but make them tough C) Trees store water in their trunks D) A and B E) A and B and C

28 Which kind of forest has the shortest growing season? A)Temperate deciduous forest B) Taiga C) Tundra D) Tropical rainforest

29 Which forests cover the most area in the world? A) Tropical rainforest B) Boreal forest C) Taiga D) Temperate deciduous forest

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