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Our Class Schedule. 2016 Curriculum Night Andrea Crowell 3 rd Grade Teacher 3 rd Grade Teacher Escolares Academy at Harbison West Elementary  Please.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Class Schedule. 2016 Curriculum Night Andrea Crowell 3 rd Grade Teacher 3 rd Grade Teacher Escolares Academy at Harbison West Elementary  Please."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Class Schedule

2 2016 Curriculum Night Andrea Crowell 3 rd Grade Teacher 3 rd Grade Teacher Escolares Academy at Harbison West Elementary  Please initial the sign in sheet that is coming around. 2006

3 Mrs. Crowell’s Classroom Website

4 Homework  Expect assignments Monday through Thursday, with the exception of projects. (Reading Log and Daily Math Practice, when necessary, Math Stars)  Students are responsible for completing their agendas daily.  If homework assignment or project is not turned in when students arrive at school on the due date, it is late, regardless of whether or not parent brings it to school later in the day—Class Participation Grades.

5 Homework & Grading Policy  Most tests are open book, unless otherwise stated, for all subject areas (except quizzes, pre-tests, and math tests)  Homework/Class Participation: 10% Projects: 10% Projects: 10% Weekly Problem Solving: 20% Weekly Problem Solving: 20% Quizzes: 20% Quizzes: 20% Tests: 40% Tests: 40%  Corrections are accepted for grades below an 89 on tests and turned in on a separate sheet, with exception of reading log and Math Stars (lowest score is dropped).  Check system grading rubric  Writing assignments are kept in a portfolio throughout the school year to show growth.  Please sign and return the last page of the Homework and Grading Policy.

6 Grading Scale 90-100A – Excellent 80-89B – Good 70-79C – Average 60-69D – Needs Improvement 50-59F – Failure *Per the student handbook, grades lower than a 60 will not be recorded in final grades, however you may see them on graded assignments since students are expected and allowed to turn in corrections.

7 3 rd Graders have textbooks this year! 3 rd Graders have textbooks this year!  Math Investigations resource book and My Math student workbook;  Science Textbook;  Social Studies Textbook;  Cursive Writing Workbook.  Homework folder with agenda;  Thursday folders every Thursday.

8 English/Language Arts 1 st Nine Weeks 2 nd Nine Weeks 3 rd Nine Weeks 4 th Nine Weeks Reading Launching Reading Workshop- Building Stamina and Independence (Narrative) Reading to Gain Knowledge- Main Idea & Text Structure (Informational Text) Character Study: Deepening Comprehension (Narrative) and Persuasive Text (Point of View/Compare and Contrast) Research Book Clubs: Expert Projects (Informational Text) Writing Launching Writing Workshop- Narrative and Literary Nonfiction Crafting Informational Text: Articles and Brochures Writing Fairy Tales Persuasive Text: Point of View and Compare/Contrast Spelling, vocabulary, and grammar are integrated into writing workshop, as well as our Daily Five Guided Reading groups.

9 Math Curriculum- My Math and Investigations  Awesome Algebra  Hands on Equations- Introduces variables and basic linear equations  Problem Solving with Math Stars and Notebooks /Math Games and centers 1 st Nine Weeks 2 nd Nine Weeks 3 rd Nine Weeks 4 th Nine Weeks Unit 1: Place Value Unit 2: Addition and Subtraction Unit 3: Multiplication and Division Strategies Unit 3: Multiplication and Division Problem Solving Unit 4: Properties and Equations Unit 5: Fractions Unit 6: Geometry Unit 7: Measurement Unit 8: Perimeter and Area Unit 9: Represent and Interpret Data Review

10 Science  1 st Nine Weeks  Environments and Habitats  2 nd Nine Weeks  Earth’s Materials and Processes  3 rd Nine Weeks  Properties and Changes in Matter  4 th Nine Weeks  Energy Transfer- Electricity and Magnetism  Dr. Doug In-School Field Studies (letter will go home in Thursday folders this week).

11 Social Studies-South Carolina  Geography of South Carolina  State Symbols and Regions  Native Americans and European Explorers  Colonization of South Carolina  American Revolution in SC  Federal and State Government and the U.S. Constitution  Antebellum Period and Social Classes of the time period  The Civil War  Reconstruction Period  The Civil Rights Movement  The World at War, Growth and Change  Time for Kids and Social Studies Weekly: Current Events  Historic Brattonsville Field Study

12 Student Recognition  Student work displays  Morning Meeting/Community Building  PBIS and Hands  Small group and whole class rewards  Star student certificates  Birthday recognition and Birthday Book Lunch  Projects displayed on classroom website  Fun Friday

13 Student Consequences  Reminder/Redirect Behavior Choice  Refocus Area to address issue and reinforce rules (teacher conference)  Appropriate Consequences

14 SNACK Can my child bring a snack to class? YES! Grumbling stomachs distract our focus. Food fuels the brain, so snacking is encouraged! Snack time usually takes place any time after our related arts time. Students may also bring a reusable water bottle to cut down on trips to the water fountain.

15 HWES Procedures  Lunch/School Visits: 12:30-1:00  Dismissal Changes – Please send a note to school with your child or contact Main Office (476-3800) per school policy. We cannot accept transportation changes via email  Escolares Parent/Student Contract  School Visitation: Must be a parent or guardian, or someone with parent/guardian approval. Visitors will be checked at the main office.

16 Conferencing  Preferably, by appointment (even if it is going to be scheduled that same day) so that I can be prepared for the issues to be discussed.  Parents are welcome to visit during the day (lesson observations, lunch visits, etc.) however our time is reserved for the children during instructional time, and unless it is an emergency, conferencing will not be done at that time. Confidentiality is important.  Parent Conference Weeks are scheduled in October. Appointment procedures will go home the last week in September after 1 st quarter interim reports go home.

17 Where can you go for information?  Classroom newsletters emailed each week.  Parent Portal for grades: See Mrs. Graham in the main office for log-in procedures Interim Reports and Report Cards Interim Reports and Report Cards  Thursday folders  comment section  Phone: 803-476-3800  Email Address:;  Student Agendas: student’s responsibility  Classroom Website Classroom WebsiteClassroom Website  Remind Messaging  @b8a090

18 Questions?

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