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TREASURES 2.1.1 G RAMMAR Statements and Questions 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "TREASURES 2.1.1 G RAMMAR Statements and Questions 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 TREASURES 2.1.1 G RAMMAR Statements and Questions 2016

2 W HAT IS A S TATEMENT ? A statement is a sentence that tells something. I like to eat ice-cream cake. It ALWAYS ends with a period. Point to the period: ?. ! $ /

3 W HAT IS A S TATEMENT ? A statement is a sentence that tells something. I like to eat ice-cream cake. It ALWAYS ends with a period. Point to the period: ?. ! $ /

4 W HAT IS A Q UESTION ? A question is a sentence that asks something. Where is the dog? It ALWAYS ends with a question mark. Point to the question mark: ?. ! $ /

5 W HAT IS A Q UESTION ? A question is a sentence that asks something. Where is the dog? It ALWAYS ends with a question mark. Point to the question mark: ?. ! $ /

6 S TATEMENT OR Q UESTION ? Do you like rabbits? No, I don’t like rabbits. Nancy brings a cake to school. Where is the teacher? Can you give me a pencil? What do you have to do? I have to read a book.

7 Now it’s your turn! Can you give me a statement? Can you give me a question?

8 Begin a sentence with a capital letter. We have gym today. not ‘w’ A sentence tells a complete thought. End a statement with a period. My teacher is nice. End a question with a question mark. What is on the chair ?

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