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The Comma Commas are the sounds of silence They are short pauses that contrast with the longer pause that comes at the end of each sentence Commas cut.

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Presentation on theme: "The Comma Commas are the sounds of silence They are short pauses that contrast with the longer pause that comes at the end of each sentence Commas cut."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Comma Commas are the sounds of silence They are short pauses that contrast with the longer pause that comes at the end of each sentence Commas cut parts of your sentence away from the whole, separating something from whatever’s around it, in order to change the meaning of the sentence

2 Comma - Rule #1 Ex. 1.Charlie has to buy flashlight batteries butter cookies ice cream cake from the store. 2.Sandwiches fruit candy and cookies filled the picnic box. 3.I can buy him a tie or a shirt or a hat. (rewrite)

3 Comma - Rule #2 Ex. 1.Those puppies play on the back steps in the flower beds and under the house. 2.My parents are interested in what I do where I go and how I behave. 3.The candidate promised to lower taxes protect the government reduce crime and end unemployment.

4 Comma - Rule #3 Ex. 1.I think you are a sniffling smelly pimple- tongued frizzy-haired monster. 2.I have four sniffling smelly pimple-tongued frizzy-haired monsters waiting outside. 3.You are a helpful courteous young man. 4.There are many helpful courteous young men waiting to seat the guests.

5 Comma - Rule #4 Ex. 1.The wall of flames nearly engulfed the firemen and they were forced to withdraw from the building. 2.I went to the theater and I saw my friend Bucky. 3.Will she be coming with us or will she go with her boyfriend? 4.Bill ran fast but he did not win a prize.

6 Comma - Rule #5 Ex. 1.Johnny Cash in all black attire sang most of his old hit tunes 2.The grocery store with such small parking spots barely has enough space for the cart return. 3.Cardinals fans arguably the best in baseball will celebrate the 2011 World Series win for years to come. 4.That kid on the right is the one who cheated.

7 Comma - Rule #6 Ex. 1.The pan which was covered in dirty grease was used to cook your pancakes. 2.The candidate who had spent the least amount of money lost the election. 3.That baby who has been crying for hours is her niece. 4.Mary’s dog which likes to dig hole in my yard is a German Shepherd.

8 Comma - Rule #7 Ex. 1.The plants I think will grow better if planted over here. 2.Furthermore the senator should be given the best seat because he is our distinguished guest. 3.The children can therefore be left to play in the yard 4.The best song was in fact the first one they sang.

9 Comma - Rule #8 Ex. 1.My only sister Becky just got married last week. 2.My only valuable baseball card a Bob Gibson rookie card is worth more than $200. 3.Bob’s sister an intelligent young lady would not date Fred.

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