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Published byLesley Copeland Modified over 8 years ago
Peter Spiller, November 2012, MAC @ Structure and Tasks of the Project Division Primary Beams Peter Spiller Machine Advisory Committee Meeting
Peter Spiller, November 2012, MAC @ FAIR@GSIFAIR@GSI Structure Presently 72 employees
Peter Spiller, November 2012, MAC @ Tasks of Primary Beams Construction and upgrade of the primary beams facilities consisting of the measures described under “Link existing facility” for the upgrade of SIS18, the new heavy ion synchrotron SIS100 and the new high energy beam guidance system HEBT. Responsibility for a functional design of the machines situated in this division, particularly regarding the agreed target parameters of the ion beams to be delivered. Responsible leadership of system planning and project coordination and also coordination and follow up in the work packages of the above-named sub-projects. Supervision of deadlines and budget goals for the devices and the equipment to be realized in this division. Ensuring the targeted collaboration with international inkind-partners (consortia).
Peter Spiller, November 2012, MAC @ Tasks of Primary Beams Preservation and advancement of skills for planning and realization of primary beams facilities, particularly of synchrotrons to deliver high intensive heavy ion beams, beam transport systems and systems for target matching and focusing. Realization of the goals of the technical work packages in support of the different FAIR-sub-projects (also situated in other divisions) which are distributed among the technical departments and project groups of this division. This includes the completion of specification, procurement, follow up, acceptance tests and commissioning of the equipment of these work packages. Particularly also the achievement of the project goals for the magnet test facilities to be constructed from this division and the agreed magnet test schedules. Developing and realization of the system/software for set value generation for controlling the FAIR and existing GSI accelerators and devices.
Peter Spiller, November 2012, MAC @ Tasks of Primary Beams Realization and construction of the German inkind-contribution for the experiments of plasma physics and CBM/HADES collaborations. Ensuring of the agreed quality standards for the equipment and facilities, to be provided by this division (quality control) in close interaction with the project coordination. Ensuring the legal regulations and the agreed security standards for the devices and facilities, to be provided by this division. Planning and realization of the supply areas and infrastructure for all facilities to be realized by this division. Ensuring of the necessary information exchange with FAIR SB (e.g. GAP). Ensuring of the communication and information exchange with the FAIR@GSI project coordination. Ensuring of the communication and information exchange with the technical coordinator of the experiment collaborations plasma physics, CBM/HADES and BIOMAT. Clarifying of interfaces as well as definition and control of the project goals.
Peter Spiller, November 2012, MAC @ Structure of Primary Beams The project division “primary beams” is composed of different units and functional groups. There are functional groups with disciplinary subunits. Other subunits are disciplinary linked to the division head. Disciplinary subunits (departments) with their own leadership are the following departments: Presently existing departments: 1. System planning and set value generation – Head of department: D. Ondreka 2. Beam physics – Head of department: O. Boine-Frankenheim 3. Superconducting magnet systems and testing – Head of department: E. Fischer 4. Ring RF – Head of department: H. Klingbeil 5. CBM/HADES detectors 6. Plasma physics detectors
Peter Spiller, November 2012, MAC @ Structure of Primary Beams In addition to the departments as disciplinary units there are following functional groups: a) The machine project groups (not in disciplinary sense) SIS18, SIS100 and HEBT b) Groups/teams (in disciplinary sense): - high-voltage pulse power (to be founded) - technical coordination (to be founded) c) Work package project group (not in disciplinary sense): special installations These groups, particularly the project leaders are directly linked to the division head. The group of the experiment project leaders is supported by an experiment coordinator, who reports to the division head. This experiment coordinator is J. Stadlmann.
Peter Spiller, November 2012, MAC @ Structure of Primary Beams The division office supports the division head in all administrative tasks and reporting. The technical coordination primary beams supports the division head in all technical tasks related to the issues of this division.
Peter Spiller, November 2012, MAC @ Motivation for the structure In the functional units specific skills are concentrated. This concentration of skills leads to synergy effects (e.g. in contrary to splitting technical departments). This enables a flexible handling of the sub-projects, according to the actual resources. Furthermore, except the follow-up of the project tasks the goal is to keep and further develop these special skills of the function units, in particular the skill to plan and build other accelerator facilities in the future.
Peter Spiller, November 2012, MAC @ Organizational Units Department “System planning and data supply” The department system planning has been founded due to a lack of experienced accelerator physicists. It is not possible to cover all levels of system planning in all sub- projects (SIS18, SIS100 and HEBT) with the existing manpower. The available resources, with skills in accelerator system planning, accelerator physics and accelerator techniques are therefore concentrated in one department. This department serves all accelerator sub-projects and has in addition the task to realize the data supply for their control. The department has 2 sub-units, the unit system planning and the unit set value generation. Both tasks require the same skills and knowledge and are therefore concentrated in one common department. The relation of the department system planning an the sub-project leaders is as follows: The sub-project leaders are supported via a work package leader system planning in the definition of the overall machine layout, integration and the specification of the (physical) devices.
Peter Spiller, November 2012, MAC @ Organizational Units Department “Beam physics” This department supports the sub-projects by specific, demanding and time-consuming studies in the field of highly sophisticated beam dynamics, in particular at the limits of beam stability under the influence of high-current and space-charge effects. The beam physics supports the department system planning or reports directly to the sub-project leaders. The department beam physics studies the dynamics of high intensity beams and has therefore its main focus on the facilities to be realized by this division.
Peter Spiller, November 2012, MAC @ Organizational Units Project devision core “sub-projects” The project core is composed of the leaders of the accelerator sub-projects. They organize and supervise the machine project groups consisting of all attributed WPLs. The division head as responsible person for the assembly of machine projects, is authorized to issue directives to the sub project leaders or initiate project related decisions on the level of the division heads. The WPLs of the sub-projects are provided by the technical departments and the technical project groups of the different divisions of FAIR@GSI.
Peter Spiller, November 2012, MAC @ Organizational Units Technical department “superconducting magnet systems” The technical department SMS provides the WPLs for the superconducting magnet systems in the following sub-projects: SIS100 sc magnets incl. SIS100 sc magnet tests and SIS100 string test, Super-FRS sc magnets, incl. Super-FRS sc magnet tests, as well as sc focusing system of plasma physics. Technical department “Ring Rf” The technical department Ring Rf provides the WPLs for Ring RF systems in the sub- projects SIS18, SIS100 and CR. Furthermore, they specify rules for standardization in agreement with the WPL HESR Ring RF. Technical group “high-voltage and pulse power” The technical group provides the WPLs for the injection/extraction components of SIS18, SIS100 and CR and also for the HV pulse power devices of the pbar separator. Furthermore, they define rules for standardization in agreement with the WPL injection/extraction HESR.
Peter Spiller, November 2012, MAC @ Organizational Units Project group “special installations” This project group includes the WPLs for special installations in the sub-projects SIS18, SIS100 and HEBT (e.g. collimators, catcher, beam dumps, diffusors, internal laser cooling experiment etc.) Experiment coordinator The coordinator of sub-project “experiments” is supports and is responsible for the follow up of the realization of the agreed deliveries inside the sub-project “experiments”. He reports on the progress to the division head. Furthermore, he supports the leaders of the sub-projects “experiments” regarding coordination and handling of the technical work packages.
Peter Spiller, November 2012, MAC @ Technical division coordination The group of technical division coordination of primary beams ensures the realization of the agreed and defined standards of safety and quality in collaboration with the division head and the project coordination. This regards all sub-projects and work packages of the division. Furthermore, the technical coordination supports all sub-projects regarding issues of the accelerator buildings, accelerator infrastructure, tunnel and supply areas. The head of technical coordination acts as deputy for the division head with respect to FAIR project related issues. Organizational Units
Peter Spiller, November 2012, MAC @ Technical groups and departments Division Head Peter Spiller Deputies: Fair project C. Omet Administration: J. Stadlmann Sub Projects Accelerators SIS100 Peter Spiller Deputy: C. Omet SIS18 (no WP structure) Interface operation: J. Stadlmann HEBT F. Hagenbuck Deputy: NN Sub Projects Experiments Plasma physics A. Blazewic Delegate: NN CBM C. Sturm Delegate: NN Division office Reporting, Assistance and Secretary High current beam physics Synchrotrons O. Boine-Frankenheim Deputy: V. Kornilov Planning departments High-voltage and pulse power Udo Blell Deputy: I. Petzenhauser Superconducting magnet systems and testing E. Fischer Deputy: P. Schnizer Special installation – Synchrotrons and HEBT L. Bozyk Deputy: F. Chill Technical coordination Primary Beams C. Omet Project realization Coordination J. Stadlmann Funtional Structure of Primary Beams System planning and set value generation Synchrotrons, beam transport and target matching D. Ondreka Deputy: N. Pyka
Peter Spiller, November 2012, MAC @ Required Resources
Peter Spiller, November 2012, MAC @ Status Procurements: -SIS100 dipole modules: contract signed, FDR completed, preseries magnet in production -SIS100 quadrupole modules preseries (including all components): Detailed design(at GSI) and specifications close to be completed (expected before ny) -SIS100 quadrupole module series: Tendering of module design running, EOIs achieved -Power converter upgrade for s.c. magnet test stand (20 kA): in production -High current HTS current leads (for test stand and option for series): type 1 in production -Sc. wire (all s.c. SIS100 magnets): tendering running, offer received -SIS100 dipole magnet chambers: contract signed -SIS18 h=2 acceleration cavity: Test of first module in January, installation in May 2013 -SIS18 main dipole power converter upgrade: Tendering running, offer received -SIS18 correction coils PC: production running -Main specifications (long lead items) -SIS100 acceleration system: spec completed (transfered to FAIR) – procurement in preparation -SIS100 bunch compression systems: completed – procurement in preparation -HEBT nc magnets (incl. chambers and support) batch 1: specifications completed (transferred to FAIR) inkind contract in preparation -HEBT nc magnets batch 2 and 3: specification almost completed -SIS100 dipole in test stands cryogenics plant: tendering started Next main goal: Completion of design and specifications for the preseries SIS100 quadrupole module, including all components until the end of 2012. Major concern: Unresolved financial issues in terms of the estimated costs for the quadrupole module production and testing at JINR. Status of Major Procurements
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