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Using Multi Media on Part I Francisca Wentworth.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Multi Media on Part I Francisca Wentworth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Multi Media on Part I Francisca Wentworth

2 PoodLL What is PoodLL? A plug-in added to Moodle 2.9 Audio Recorder Video Recorder Snapshot

3 What can you do with PoodLL? You can add audio and video to your Moodle course. Leave oral instructions and feedback for your students Students can submit oral comments and oral assignments

4 How do you find PoodLL? PoodLL is available whenever you have the editing toolbar in Moodle

5 Editing Toolbar Toolbar Expanded Toolbar Microphone & Video, Camera Icons Click to expand toolbar

6 Using PoodLL to add Audio When you click on the microphone, you will need to click on allow/remember and then close Hint: Works better with Firefox. Doesn’t work well with Chrome.

7 Record Click on the red record button. When you are finished click stop. Wait until file is converted before you click on insert. You will have the option to play the recording and redo it if you don’t like it.

8 Audio Insertion This is what it looks like before you save. Once you save, the recorder looks like this.

9 Student Submission

10 Video and Snapshot Click on the video camera icon and then click on the record button. Then insert. For the snapshot, just click on the camera and then insert.

11 Learn 360 Integrate Learn360 Media into Moodle

12 What is Learn 360? A site designed for educators with hundreds of video and other media resources to engage learners.



15 Choose a Video


17 Showing segments or transcript

18 Segments of video broken down by minutes

19 Above the video there are other tabs you can choose from



22 Advanced Search Feature

23 Related videos





28 Log into

29 Where to find Learn 360 You can find Learn 360 by selecting the media icon from the format bar in any of the activities. 1. Select an activity. Choose Page or Assignment. Format barMedia icon

30 Choose Learn 360 from the File Picker.

31 Log into Learn 360

32 Embed Video Once you have found your video, you can embed it into your page or assignment using the html option. Expand toolbar

33 Embed Code Description Page Content

34 Copy embed code Copy the embed code from Learn 360 and paste into the html area in Moodle. Embed code example Page Content

35 Save Once saved, students will be able to watch the video from within Moodle.

36 Questions?

37 Using Multi Media on Part II Francisca Wentworth

38 Hosting Online Meetings with Adobe Connect in Moodle Synchronous Meetings in Moodle

39 Asynchronous vs. Synchronous Asynchronous Forum Messaging E-mail Choice Feedback Synchronous Chat Adobe Connect (Webinar)

40 Adobe Connect in Moodle What does it do? Create and/or access an Adobe Connect room (just like the webinars you do with OTAN) from within your Moodle course Meet your students online for real time instruction Single Sign On (SS) – students login to their course > select a link > enter your Connect room Archive recordings for asynchronous viewing

41 Adobe Connect Uses What is it? Adobe Connect-a web conferencing tool. What can you do with it? Live online sessions with students as a part of your course. You can have F2F online! Create virtual online meetings for student orientations, weekly lectures, or maybe online tutoring sessions on specific topics.

42 Creating a Meeting In Moodle you can create your meeting. You can have a single meeting or you can create a meeting that recurs. – Want a recording of the meeting? Create a NEW meeting for each time. – Don’t need a recording? Create ONE meeting and set it up to recur over the length of the course.

43 Create a Meeting Turn Editing ON in Moodle Add an activity

44 Select Meeting

45 Create a New Meeting URL – Type the name of your session (no spaces) and click on ‘generate’ and Moodle will generate the URL for the Connect room. You will not see the URL. There will be a link after you save. Name - Do not use special characters and keep it short This creates a "unique URL" that if you record your meeting, this activity will be converted to a recorded session.


47 Create a New Meeting (cont) Start Date – date and time of your meeting Duration – length of your scheduled session Summary

48 More Settings to Finish Your Meeting Completion Settings Completion Delay - the amount of time you want Moodle to wait before pulling the grades to your grade book (should be at least 15 minutes longer than the scheduled end of the meeting)

49 More Settings to Finish Your Meeting Completion Settings Attendance Report Email - add your email to receive attendance report via email Unenroll after attendance - leave at default!

50 Restrict access and activity completion This is the same as all activities in Moodle

51 Iconic Display Standard icons ** Icon position ** Leave others at default Suppress all icon text Suppress mouseovers Do not allow guests Do not point to recordings Extra HTML Custom Icon File This.. Versus this…

52 Iconic Display

53 To show the Icon Select size of icon On the front page it looks like this When clicked-it goes directly into an Adobe Connect room.

54 Meeting Icons change… When you set up a meeting the icon appears like this: Scheduled Meeting icon When you record the meeting, and after you close/end the meeting, the icon appears like this: Recorded Meeting icon

55 Reminders Link to calendar event Send reminders before and after the event Send to participants o After attending o After no-show

56 Reminders Set Up

57 Calendar Events If link to the calendar in Reminders, you get Calendar events Pink highlighted events on the calendar

58 Recurring Meetings Set up: – Multiple meeting dates and times in same meeting room – Multiple rooms in the same course – Get attendance report from each meeting

59 Meetings you want to recur Follow the same steps to create a meeting. – Remember, these are meetings you do NOT intend to record – Set up your meeting duration and date – Select “Save and return to course” Use the “Recurring schedule” icon (calendar) to repeat this meeting on the dates/times you select.

60 To add a Recurring Meeting Select the Calendar Icon. (Be sure editing is turned on).

61 Select: Add an Instance to schedule a recurring meeting. FYI: These meetings cannot be recorded and are ideal for online Office Hours.

62 Adding an Instance Set the date. You can set multiple instances following the same process.

63 Reminders Setup-Same

64 Once Recurring Meeting is Setup Once you create the recurring session you will see this. Session dates are highlighted. Students click on a date. Then, they click on the link to enter Adobe Connect.

65 Meeting Grading You can assign a grade for attending all or part of a meeting. => (equal to or greater than) define percentage of grade 60 minute meeting; if they attend 55 minutes or more they get 100% 30 minutes or more they get 50% o You do not have to assign a grade

66 Meeting Grading Select Adobe Grading Assign % for time spent in webinar

67 Once Your Meeting Begins… For a New Meeting you want to make available to students who may not be able to attend, RECORD your meeting in Adobe Connect! Click on Record Meeting Select Meeting

68 To Record a Meeting A notification will appear along with the red dot indicating that recording is in progress. Write a short description

69 After You End the Meeting…

70 What you see once you are in Adobe Connect

71 Your name will appear as presenter. You will see your students’ name under participants. Type in the chat pod and read messages

72 Audio Set Up Click on the mike icon to activate it after going through the wizard. You will need to check ‘Allow”. Once it is activated, it will turn green. You and your students will need to go through the audio set up just like you did for this session.

73 Adobe Connect Add-In If this is the first time you (or students) have accessed Adobe Connect on your computer you may need to download an add-in. When you click on the Audio Set Up Wizard, it will prompt you if this is needed. This might knock you out of the room and you’ll have to go back in.

74 If you don’t want to use a Webcam Click on the drop-down menu and select Hide. The pod will disappear

75 To add a pod-Select PodsUse the share pod to share your screen or upload a Power Point. Pod Menu

76 Share Pod Select the Down arrow to share your desktop, a document or an application.

77 Sharing a Document

78 Some Hints Have students mute their mikes when they aren’t speaking. Show them the Status icon where they can raise their hand. Show them how they can adjust their volume on the audio.

79 Questions?

80 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit OTAN activities are funded by contract CN150138 from the Adult Education Office, in the Coordinated Student Support and Adult Education Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education. Thank you for attending Francisca Wentworth

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