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D ispersion of A ir P ollutants & their P enetration into the L ocal E nvironment EPSRC Infrastructure & Environment Programme DAPPLE TAKE 2 19 th April.

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Presentation on theme: "D ispersion of A ir P ollutants & their P enetration into the L ocal E nvironment EPSRC Infrastructure & Environment Programme DAPPLE TAKE 2 19 th April."— Presentation transcript:

1 D ispersion of A ir P ollutants & their P enetration into the L ocal E nvironment EPSRC Infrastructure & Environment Programme DAPPLE TAKE 2 19 th April – 26 th May 2004 Westminster City Council

2 Consortium: University of Surrey Alan Robins Imperial College Roy Colvile University of Bristol Dudley Shallcross University of Cambridge Rex Britter University of Leeds Margaret Bell University of Reading Stephen Belcher Supported by: London - ALG/APRIL/EA/Local Government/TfL/WCC DEFRA, AEQ Division, DSTL (Porton Down), HSE Meteorological Office

3 Motivation: “… We do not yet have the understanding needed to answer fundamental questions about pollution behaviour over short distances in the urban environment. …”

4 Activities In Field:  Weather conditions  Instreet Meteorology  Air quality monitoring  Personal exposure  Traffic Flow  Tracer experiments

5 Idealised Work Plan: EXPOSURE DAYS OTHER DAYS 09:00 Surbjit and Sam meet on site for planning 09:30 10:00 VOLUNTEERS ARRIVE 10:30 EXPOSURE SAMPLES 1 & 2 with SUPORTING MOBILE MET ACTIVITY MAY BE TRAFFIC COUNTS, TRACER RELEASE, MISC! 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 LUNCH 13:30 14:00 14:30 EXPOSURE SAMPLES 3 & 4 with SUPORTING MOBILE MET 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 VOLUNTEERS LEAVE 17:30 Surbjit and Sam Backup days data 18:00 10 am – 5pm 1hour lunch Please be flexible on non-exposure days which are weather dependent!

6 Location WCC: 1/ Westminster City Council (WCC) Intersection of Marylebone Road and Gloucester Place, London, NW1 (Closest Tube – Baker Street). 2/ WCC Security Desk – Sign in each week and keep slip of paper. (Date, Name, DAPPLE, Time in) 3/ Room 12, Basement – stairs behind security, down 1 floor, through door via keypad (4123), turn left, through second door and room on right.

7 Outside Room 12: 4/ notice board (news, weather, notices) and shelf for DAPPLE Daily logging-in book on shelf (Name, in/out, packs) Onsite Packs – map, info sheets – media referrals High visibility vests and badges (MUST BE WORN) First aid kit (Sam Arnold is first aider on Site) Misc – umbrellas, masks for cyclists, etc

8 Inside Room 12: 5/ Workspace in room 12 not very big and the room is still being used by the air pollution group at WCC. Chairs as you come into room on right hand side – place valuables under these as room locked when not manned. A lot of DAPPLE equipment in room 12 so take care not to trip on boxes, beware any cables, and keep drinks/food away from the benches and the far window end of the room where most of the computers and power! 6/ Surbjit in charge of the exposure equipment so please follow her instructions.



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