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Contract: EIE/07/069/SI2.466698 Duration: October 2007 – March 2010Version: July 7, 2009 Calculation of the integrated energy performance of buildings.

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Presentation on theme: "Contract: EIE/07/069/SI2.466698 Duration: October 2007 – March 2010Version: July 7, 2009 Calculation of the integrated energy performance of buildings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contract: EIE/07/069/SI2.466698 Duration: October 2007 – March 2010Version: July 7, 2009 Calculation of the integrated energy performance of buildings EN 15378 - Heating systems in buildings Inspection of boilers and heating systems Laurent SOCAL EDILCLIMA/ Italy

2 slide 2 The EU CENSE project (Oct. 2007 - March 2010) Aim of the project: To accelerate adoption and improved effectiveness of the EPBD related CEN- standards in the EU Member States These standards were successively published in the years 2007-2008 and are being implemented or planned to be implemented in many EU Member States. However, the full implementation is not a trivial task Main project activities: A.To widely communicate role, status and content of these standards; to provide guidance on the implementation B.To collect comments and good practice examples from Member States aiming to remove obstacles C.To prepare recommendations to CEN for a “second generation” of standards on the integrated energy performance of buildings

3 slide 3 Brief introduction A brief introduction to the CENSE project and the CEN-EPBD standards is provided in a separate presentation:

4 slide 4 More information More information and downloads: Disclaimer: CENSE has received funding from the Community’s Intelligent Energy Europe programme under the contract EIE/07/069/SI2.466698. The content of this presentation reflects the authors view. The author(s) and the European Commission are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Moreover, because this is an interim result of the project: any conclusions are only preliminary and may change in the course of the project based on further feedback from the contributors, additional collected information and/or increased insight.

5 What’s in there? slide 5

6 What is an ispection according to EN 15378 EN 15378 has been organized to meet the requirements set by article 8, option a) of EPBD Directive, which requires two types and levels of inspection: –a "regular" (repetitive) inspection of boilers; –a "one-off" (once for all) inspection of the entire heating system. “INSPECTION” ACCORDING TO EN 15378 IS NOT A FULL ENERGY AUDIT NOR A BASIS FOR DESIGN INSPECTION SHOULD PRODUCE …  INFORMATION TO USER  INFORMATION TO PUBLIC AUTHORITIES …TO TRIGGER FURTHER ACTION …WHICH SHALL BE LATER PROPERLY DESIGNED slide 6

7 Objectives of boiler inspection Boilers regular inspection –Check if the boiler is correctly set and maintained for optimal energy performance (safety check may or should be added but it is not in the scope of EPBD)  ARE YOU GETTING THE BEST OF IT? –Estimate boiler energy performance  WHAT DO YOU ACTUALLY GET? –Support any advice, if required (literally, advice is not required following boiler inspection, but why inspect if there is no follow-up or information to the user?)  WHAT COULD YOU GET OF IT …  HOW COULD YOU GET MORE … INSPECTION SHOULD PRODUCE INFORMATION TO USER  TRIGGER FOR FURTHER ACTION Other possible information: statistical data (example: actual energy use and net heated surface provide the basis for a simple ranking) slide 7

8 Objectives of heating system inspection Heating system one-off inspection –Check if the heating system is correctly set and maintained for optimal energy performance (safety check may or should be added but it is not in the scope of EPBD)  ARE YOU GETTING THE BEST OF IT? –Estimate heating system energy performance (by sub-systems)  WHAT DO YOU ACTUALLY GET? –Support any advice  WHAT COULD YOU GET OF IT …  HOW COULD YOU GET MORE … “INSPECTION” IS NOT A FULL ENERGY AUDIT OR A BASIS FOR DESIGN INSPECTION SHOULD PROVIDE INFORMATION TO USER  TRIGGER FOR FURTHER ACTION … THROUGH ADVICE slide 8

9 General structure of prEN 15378 EN 15378 is intended to support article 8, option a) of directive 2002/91/EC Chapters 1…3Introduction, definitions, symbols…  Introduction contains an explanation about 15378 use Chapter 4General principles: definition of inspection classes mechanism Chapter 5Boiler inspection procedure Chapter 6Heating system inspection procedure  6.12 is dedicated to boiler sizing check (explicit requirement) Annex ADefault classes and tables for guidance Annex B…P Default inspection methodologies and examples (toolbox)  Annex E sample improvement actions list  Annex K sample report  Annex O boiler sizing methods slide 9

10 10 Boiler regular inspection PROCEDURE (REQUIREMENTS) DETAILS (ANNEXES AND CLASSES) Determine boiler class Details according to class: fuel, kW, age … Identify boiler User address, model, serial number, etc. Collect documentation. Is it OK? Instructions, log-book, installation reports, …  according to legal requirements Visual inspection Any evidence of flue or fuel leaks… Is boiler maintained? Manufacturer instruction, legal requirements… Does the boiler work? User feed-back, other evidences Are settings correct? Sensors location, controls setting Read available meters Fuel meters, hour counters, dhw, others… This is cheap valuable information! Evaluate performance Set power, flue losses, energy Consumption… Which method? Measure? Check reports? Report and (optional) advice Keep a record and optionally suggest possible improvements Check actual consumption  screening value to trigger further attention

11 11 Heating system one-off inspection 1 PROCEDURE (REQUIREMENTS) DETAILS (ANNEXES AND CLASSES) Determine class Details according to class: fuel, kW, m³ or m²… Inspection preparation Gather available information Identify heating system Address, building use, functional diagrams, Location of main components… Collect documentation. Is it OK? Instructions, log-book, installation reports, …  according to legal requirements Functionality check Does the system work? User feed-back, other evidences Is heating system maintained? Manufacturer instruction, legal requirements… Are settings correct? Sensors location, controls setting Energyware consumption check Check historical fuel consumption Is it consistent with design, declaration, expected? Screening value for further action.

12 12 Heating system one-off inspection 2 PROCEDURE (REQUIREMENTS) DETAILS (ANNEXES AND CLASSES) Heat emission Location, type, positioning of emitters Heat emission control Type (indoor temp. Sensing), settings, zoning… Heat distribution Insulation, balancing, sizing, water losses… Heat generation –Boiler identification –Boiler inspection More accurate to get data for generation efficiency –Other generation devices –Heat generation sizing Simplest method: energy signature Evaluate performance Performance of subsystems Based on tabulated values (from 15316…) For generation simplified boiler cycling method Domestic hot water Report and (optional) advice Keep a record and suggest possible improvements

13 Classes… why classes There are different ideas about contents of inspection… Optimal inspection procedure depends on: –Local heating system typologies –Impact of legal requirements (design, maintenance, inspection)  age of building and heating system –Large/small systems limit  typically: boiler rated power –Impact of climate –Expected possible improvements (available technologies) Solution: flexibility through national classes –Only inspection essential requirements in the normative part –Level of details required and how to fulfill them (which method) is nationally specified according to classes slide 13

14 14 Classes… how classes For each inspection class, required and/or alternative inspection items and/or procedures shall be specified through tables where: –each row corresponds to a specific inspection item and/or partial inspection procedure and/or methodology; –each column corresponds to an inspection class; –each cell specifies whether or not the specific inspection item and/or partial inspection procedure and/or methodology (row) is required for the inspection class (column) Example: Inspection item: combustion power Class: gaseous fuel, more than 100 kW Measurement is suitable, record from maintance data is not enough

15 15 Class: gaseous or liquid fuel, nominal power > 100 kW Inspection item: combustion power Method 1: measurement according to M.1 Method 2: data from maintenance record, according to M.2 1 Suitable 2 Not enough

16 16 Classes… how classes Classes borders are defined nationally, according to typical existing building/heating systems types Criteria to define classes may include: –Power (Large/small systems limit  35 kW…70 kW) –Age of building / heating system (date of legal requirements) –Volume of building –Subsystems typologies –Climate zone (degree-days) –… and others Which methodologies can be indicated? –Methodologies defined in the annexes to EN 15378 –Methodologies from existing national standards

17 17 Example of the use of classes – boiler identification 5.2 Record information on user, building (i.e. address, location) and boiler identification as specified in the appropriate table of the national annex. If no national annex is available, record information specified in default Table A.2.

18 18 Classes example – alternative methodologies 5.9 Boiler performance evaluation Inspection of correct setting and actual performance of the boiler may include: –combustion power check; –energyware consumption check; –boiler basic setting and combustion efficiency check; –other boiler losses (radiation, total stand-by, etc.) check; –boiler seasonal efficiency check; –controls setting check; –boiler sizing check. The items which shall be inspected and the required methodologies according to the inspection class are specified in the appropriate table of the national annex or in default Table A.3. Examples of methodologies related to flue gas analysis and boiler basic setting inspection are given in informative Annex C.

19 slide 19 Basic boiler setting may be checked with a simple flue gas analysis. A check of the set maximum and/or minimum power can also provide useful advice.

20 20 Classes example – alternative methodologies

21 21 Inspection report Identification of the boiler or heating system Identification of the required inspection class Description of any activity performed during the inspection Data recorded and/or measured as required by the inspection class, together with: –source of recorded data (measured, from previous records…) –reference and benchmark values, indicated near corresponding actual values. AVICE TO END USER  TRIGGER FOR ACTUAL ACTION –Annex E contains a list of possible improvement actions to pick from –Recommended actions shall be economically feasible…  ….this requires an estimate of actual fuel consumption, possible efficiency improvements and action cost. –Only expertise can show which are the typical useful recommendations This should be later summarised in national tables

22 22 Why to look at actual consumption It is the easiest value to measure It is the only one that is already always measured (for billing purpose, at least…) It is the first indicator that something went wrong It is a simple screening value: –there is no need (and no chance) to reduce an already low consumption, whichever the reason –there is a high probability to find economically effective improvements if the consumption is high It is the basis for a simple check of generation system sizing (explicit Directive requirement) It is the real objective (their reduction) of the Directive and of the whole process of inspection, advice, design and retrofit  therefore in the default classes it was suggested for boiler inspection and required for heating system inspection

23 23 The reading is 62823 Stm³ Installation year is 1999 Reading year was 2006 Yearly consumption was 8974 Stm³ per year ≈ 86 MWh/year Heated surface is ≈ 1200 m² Heating performance is 71,7 kWh/m² per year

24 slide 24 Starting point 0 kW @ 17 °C Point according to seasonal average boiler power (50 kW) and average external temperature(7°C) Design external temperature: -5 °C Sizing 110 kW

25 Screening according to actual performance Data input: –Fuel consumption Ein in X years –Heated surface S (or volume V) Data processing –Ep = Ein / (S x X)  kWh/m² –Statistic slide 25 RED AREA: 10% HIGHEST ENERGY CONSUMING HEATING SYSTEMS: … we should start investigating here …

26 26 Why an inspection standard To give a common frame to get comparable results To be able to exchange expertise and data –First edition of EN 15378: A first set of methodologies is included in annexes It is also allowed to refer to existing national standardised methods Countries who has no special methodologies are encouraged to use those suggested in the annexes Countries who has already theirs can use them and are encouraged to propose and support them for the next revision –Revisions (revision after 5 years) Inclusion in the standard of methodologies that have been successfully implemented Discarding those methodologies that had no application To facilitate convergence of methodologies

27 27 Link with other standards Links with EN 15316 –En 15378 structure follows the same sub-systems approach –Performance evaluation is done using tabulated values methods –Boiler cicling method is the basis for generation performance (very often tabulated values are not enough here) Links with EN 15603 –The energy signature method found in EN 15603, annex A, is the basis for a fast generation sub-system sizing method. –The actual energyware consumption is the basis for the operational rating, to be compared with the design rating. –Inspection is a valuable source of data to be compared with design, declared or certified energy performance. For heating service, correlation is easy through the energy signature method.

28 28 Link example: generation seasonal efficiency Boiler cycling method can be rearranged to get: α ch,on  from measurement (ordinary smoke test) α ch,off  from tabulated values α ge  from tabulated values β cmb  load factor, from average energy (fuel) consumption, operating time and installed power NOTE: 1/ β cmb = average oversizing of the generator

29 Annexes BOILER INSPECTION CFlue gas analysis and boiler basic settings check L Boiler settings verification M Boiler combustion power N Boiler seasonal efficiency O Boiler or generation sub-system sizing DSample boiler inspection report slide 29 HEATING SYSTEM INSPECTION F Evaluation of energyware consumption for space heating GStratification in high ceiling rooms (heat emission sub-system) H Space heating emission control sub-system ISpace heating distribution sub-system JDomestic hot water system K Sample heating system inspection report P Examples of national data Each annex includes Measuring / evaluation procedures Reference values (good practice) Specific advice criteria

30 30 Discussion on the structure of the standard The most challenging issue: how far should we inspect? –Extreme 1: look for and measure everything  Good results but in many cases not cost effective (too expensive) –Extreme 2: just identify and then look in the database  Low cost but in many cases not cost effective (useless) Standardisation solution: flexibility –“Classes” to adapt inspection details to system size and type (this means that classes should be related to expected average possible improvements) –Sample classes (annex A) are an “average”. Operative solution: screening –This standard requires data to allow a fast and easy screening: actual energyware consumption and heated surface  high kWh/m²  high probability to reduce consumption  high probability of cost-effectiveness… –Inspection requirements should be linked to actual kWh/m²…

31 slide 31 More information More information and downloads: Disclaimer: CENSE has received funding from the Community’s Intelligent Energy Europe programme under the contract EIE/07/069/SI2.466698. The content of this presentation reflects the authors view. The author(s) and the European Commission are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Moreover, because this is an interim result of the project: any conclusions are only preliminary and may change in the course of the project based on further feedback from the contributors, additional collected information and/or increased insight.

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