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All About Second Grade Mrs. Hyler’s Class Hardin Park Elementary 2014-2015.

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1 All About Second Grade Mrs. Hyler’s Class Hardin Park Elementary 2014-2015

2 Second Grade Tips Class will begin at 7:55. Please send a snack and drink for snack time each day. The children may have a water bottle to keep on their desks during the day as well. Please send Take Home Folder to school each day. This folder will have homework and information inside. Changes in transportation must be put in writing. Please send a note in your child’s folder. Emails and phone calls will not be permitted to make changes in a child’s transportation home. Please check our school’s website and our classroom page for information regularly.

3 More Tips……… Please make your child aware of notes that you would like Mrs. Hyler to have. (We may not check folders each day.) Check folder daily for Homework, Information, and Sign and Return items. Please check student planner and sign in the reading section EACH NIGHT after your child has read his/her baggy book to you. Feel free to send in a birthday treat for your child’s birthday! All treats should be prepared in a commercially graded kitchen. Food can not be brought or sent to school in commercially advertised containers. You may wrap it/bag it in a plain package.

4 Tardies and Absences Class will begin at 7:55. If your child arrives to class after that time, he/she will need to go to the office to get a pink slip to be admitted. Notes for absences need to be sent within three days of your child’s return to school. After three days, your child’s absence will be counted unexcused if a note has not been sent. The school social worker will contact parents after three unexcused absences.

5 Hyler’s Schedule Our Class Schedule 8:00-9:30—Math 9:30-10:00—Spelling 10:00-10:30—Snack/Recess 10:30-11:15—Shared Reading (Reading and Language Arts instruction covering 2 nd Grade Standard Course of Study), Science Investigations 11:25-11:55—LUNCH! 12:00-12:15—Teacher Read Aloud 12:15-1:15—Guided Reading (Small group Reading instruction based on students’ reading levels) 1:20-1:50—PE (Everyday! Wear tennis shoes every day!) 1:55-2:25—Specials/Science/Social Studies extensions Monday—Music with Mrs. Hawkins Tuesday—Science Investigations Wednesday—Art with Mr. Safferstone/Guidance with Ms. Jenson Thursday—Science Investigations Friday—Media with Mrs. Trexler *Art and Guidance alternate on Wednesdays. *There is not a scheduled time every week for Computer Lab in 2 nd Grade. It is scheduled by teachers as availability allows.

6 Second Grade Curriculum Math 1.Extending Base 10 2.Standard Units of Measurement 3.Fluency with Addition and Subtraction 4.Describe and Analyze Shapes

7 Mathematical Practices Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Model with mathematics. Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision Look for and make use of structure Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

8 Curriculum Science 1.Life Cycles 2.Changes in Matter 3.Changes in Weather 4.Changes in Sounds

9 Curriculum Social Studies History Geography and Environmental Literacy Economics and Financial Literacy Civics and Governance Culture

10 Curriculum Language Arts 1.Reading Literature 2.Reading Informational Text 3.Reading Foundational Skills 4.Writing 5.Speaking and Listening 6.Language (Vocabulary, Conventions)

11 Read To Achieve Act 2013-2014 Excellent Public Schools Act passed in July, 2012 Part of the state budget act Assessment system for all K-3 schools in N.C. – All students on or above grade level by the end of 3 rd grade

12 Love and Logic Hardin Park has chosen the “Love and Logic” approach for school wide discipline. The Love and Logic philosophy is based on four key principles developed by Jim Fay and Foster Cline. The Four Key Principles are: 1.A student’s self-concept needs to be either maintained or enhanced. 2.Control is a shared commodity. 3.Consequences need to be served up with compassion, empathy, or understanding rather than anger. 4.Thinking needs to be shared.

13 Classroom Expectations Feel free to do anything that does not cause a problem for anyone else. I teach when there are no distractions or other problems. I listen to students who raise their hand. I listen to one person at a time. Please treat me with the same respect I treat you. If someone causes a problem, I will do something. What I do will depend on what happened and what the person is willing to do to solve the problem.

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