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THE TELEPHONE (Alexander Graham Bell) 1875 transmitting electrially the human voice.

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Presentation on theme: "THE TELEPHONE (Alexander Graham Bell) 1875 transmitting electrially the human voice."— Presentation transcript:


2 THE TELEPHONE (Alexander Graham Bell) 1875 transmitting electrially the human voice

3 COMPUTER (Kondrad Zuse) 1936 freely programmable computer

4 TELEVISION (Paul Nipkow) 1884 used a rotating metal disk technology with 18 lines of resolution

5 THE AUTHOMOBILE (Nicolas Joseph Cugnot) 1769 self-propelled road vehicle

6 THE COTTON GIN (Eli Whitney) 1794 machine that seperates seed, hulls…

7 THE CAMERA (Joseph Nicephore Niepce) 1814 photographic image

8 THE STEAM ENGINE (Thomas Savery) 1698 patented crude steam engine

9 THE SEWING MACHINE (Barthelemy Thimonnier) 1830 invented

10 THE LIGHT BULB (Humphry Davy) 1809 electric light

11 PENICILLIN (Alexander Fleming) 1928

12 1)THOMAS EDISON (1847-1931) 2)ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL (1847-1869) 3)GEORGE WASHINGTON CARVER (1864-1943) 4)ELI WHITNEY (1765-1825) 5)JOHANNES GUTENBERG (1394-1468) 6)JOHN LOGIE BAIRD (1888-1946)

13 7) BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706-1790) 8)HENRY FORD (1863-1947) 9) JAMES NAISITH (1861-1939) 10) HERMAN HOLLERITH (1860-1929)

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