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Unit Three: Hinduism Origins. Hinduism The word Hindu was used by the ancient Persians to refer to people who lived on the other side of the river Indus.

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1 Unit Three: Hinduism Origins

2 Hinduism The word Hindu was used by the ancient Persians to refer to people who lived on the other side of the river Indus (generally, the term given to all religions in India) Unlike other faiths like Christianity or Islam, Hinduism has no messenger or founders to whom it can look with certainty and identify as the person/people through whom God revealed himself (this is because Hinduism is an amalgam of numerous beliefs) It is believed that the Hinduism we know today was an assimilation of many ideas, customs and practices from the Indus Civilization and the Aryan peoples.

3 The Indus Valley Civilization

4 Indus Valley Civilization Remains dug up during the 1920s at the sites of the two walled cities Mohenjo-daro and Harappa, now in Pakistan, proved the existence of a great river civilization which flourished between 3000-2000BCE

5 Indus Valley Civilization More recent excavations by French archeologists have unearthed sites that suggest that the Indus Valley Civilization may be even older – 6000BCE Found in these cities were central areas for civic activities, large residential zones with drainage and sewage systems. There were even bathrooms on the second floors with proper drainpipes and covered sewers.

6 Indus Valley Civilization Their clothes were similar to those inhabitants of Egypt; a loincloth and a shawl for the upper body with a form of turban for the head. Excavation shows ruins of large ceremonial buildings and public baths which indicate that they put great emphasis on religious or ritual purification.

7 Indus Valley Civilization Remains of masks and distinctive head- dress give evidence of a priesthood and funerals were given serious attention and concern. Most likely the people of Mohenjo-daro cremated their dead since no cemetery was found. Whilst at Harappa, burial grounds were found.

8 Indus Valley Civilization Evidence of female figures suggests that there was a strong emphasis on fertility in religious belief and worship. One seal shows a female figure nursing a small child – mother goddess and another is shown waiting for an animal to be sacrificed before her. It is believed that this goddess was adopted by invading Aryans and later developed into the Hindu Durga or KALI

9 Indus Valley Civilization A male deity sitting cross-legged and surrounded by animals probably became the Hindu Shiva. On some seals, the deity has a crescent moon on his head, or has three faces; these details show a connection with various later names of Shiva, such as ‘Moon-Crested’, ‘Three-Faced’, ‘Lord of Beats’ and ‘Great Yogi’. The typical cross-legged yoga posture of the deity shows the Indian meditation pose and suggests that yoga exercises, meditation and philosophy are pre-Aryan in origin.

10 The Arrival of the Aryans The Aryans are a people knows as the Indo-Europeans. The word Arya means noble and was used by the Aryans to describe themselves. Around 1500 BCE, there was a migration of Aryans coming into the Indus Civilization from the Northwest. They overtook the Indus Civilization (Harappa Culture)

11 Aryan Arrival The Aryans came from Central Asia and spoke a form of Sanskrit language. They settled near the Indus River and later migrated to the Ganges River area in what is now Central India.

12 The Vedas The Vedas come from Aryan texts and traditions. The Vedas is acknowledged as the earliest sacred writings of Hinduism and are the authoritative scripture of the Hindu faith. The scripture is written in verse (like a poem) The Vedas gave way for two more religious texts to be created – the first was an interpretation of the Vedas called the Brahmanas and the second was a mystical text on human existence called the Upanishads

13 Aryans Worship The Aryans were in awe of forces of nature and of the magnificent and worshipped them as gods.  Fire was worshipped – called Agni  Agni was considered to be the link between gods and humans  Atman – the human soul – was closely linked with Vayu, the god of wind and air

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