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What is Sikhism? A 500 year old, monotheistic religion of Northwest India, followed by some 20 million "there is no Muslim, there is no Hindu; all are.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Sikhism? A 500 year old, monotheistic religion of Northwest India, followed by some 20 million "there is no Muslim, there is no Hindu; all are."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Sikhism? A 500 year old, monotheistic religion of Northwest India, followed by some 20 million "there is no Muslim, there is no Hindu; all are equal human beings because they are the children of the same Father, God.“ – Guru Nanak

2 What is Sikhism? “Sikh” comes from the Punjabi word shishya, which means “disciple” or “follower” Sikhs follow the teachings revealed by God to men known as “Gurus,” who lived between 1469 – 1708

3 Guru A Guru is someone whom people believe can take away spiritual darkness and bring spiritual light. “Guru” has several different uses in Sikhism It can mean God, the ten human Gurus, the sacred scripture, and the place of worship.

4 The founder of the faith Guru Nanak (1469-1538) Hindu by birth and upbringing One morning while bathing in a river Guru Nanak was spoken to by God. God told him to spend the rest of his life practicing nam japna ( meditation of God’s name) and teaching others to do the same.

5 Nanak’s teaching Preached a unifying message that overcame religious differences, uniting both Hindu and Muslim in common devotion to the same God Recognized that behind all human names and forms for God, is one True God ( Sat Nam – the “true name”) Rejected meaningless ritual, images and idols of gods in favor of simple, heartfelt devotion

6 Beliefs One God (whom people call by many names) Sat Nam (“true name”), Waheguru (“great guru”) Equality of all human beings (reject caste distinctions) Karma and reincarnation The spirit of the guru (Nanak) continued for 200 years through a succession of ten human gurus…

7 Development of the faith 2 nd guru (Angad Dev) developed written form of Punjabi language for recording hymns 3 rd guru (Amar Das) instituted the community kitchen ( Langar ) to feed all in need 4 th guru (Ram Das) built the Sikh holy city of Amritsar (in Punjab ) 5 th guru (Arjun Dev) built the Golden Temple in Amritsar as the center of the Sikh world; also compiled hymns of the earlier gurus, creating the Sikh holy book: Adi Granth

8 Martyrdom and defense 5 th guru was martyred, 6 th guru (Har Gobind) began a tradition of training Sikhs in martial arts to protect those persecuted for their religion (Sikh, Hindu or otherwise) 7 th guru (Har Rai) best known for opening hospitals and offering free medical treatment to those in need 8 th guru (Har Krishan) was just a child but continued caring for the sick (died at age 8) 9 th guru (Tegh Bahadur) worked to combat religious persecution, ultimately became the 2 nd Sikh martyr

9 The 10 th Guru – Gobind Singh Wrote hymns and completed the compilation of the Adi Granth In 1699, Initiated the Sikh Khalsa (“brotherhood”) as a military defense force Declared the end of the line of human gurus, transferring guruship to the Khalsa community and the holy book, now known as “ Guru Granth Sahib ” Died 1708

10 The K halsa Today, the Khalsa is simply the community of the faithful Amrit ceremony as baptism and initiation into the Khalsa (male and female, must be at least 16 years of age) Khalsa members take a new last name: Singh (“lion”) for men, Kaur (“princess”) for women Khalsa members wear the “Five K’s” as symbols of their faith…

11 The Five K’s Kesh : Long, uncut hair (both men and women) Men wear a turban to cover their hair Kangha : a comb to keep the hair clean and presentable Kara : a steel bracelet worn on the right wrist as a reminder to think of God and do one’s duty Kachh : undergarments as a reminder of chastity (outside of marriage) and purity Kirpan : a defensive sword symbolic of God’s power and the Sikh duty to protect the weak and persecuted

12 Other Sikh symbols The Khanda : the double edged sword represents God’s power, the circle is for continuity, the two outer swords for spiritual and political balance “ Ek-Onkar ” meaning “one God” The Golden Temple: a place of worship, pilgrimage, and seat of worldwide Sikh leadership; open on four sides for access by all people; surrounded by a pool of water for purification rites

13 The G urdwara – the Sikh temple “Door to the Guru,” housing and honoring the Guru Granth Sahib A “ Granthi ” (priest) is caretaker of the Gurdwara and the holy book as well as spiritual leader of the community

14 The Gurdwara – the Sikh temple Contains a kitchen and dining hall (for Langar ) and prayer hall for singing of Kirtan (hymns) from the holy book Open daily (in India) with continuous reading and singing from holy book, serving food to all who come Following worship, all partake in the Langar, sitting (on the floor) and eating a meal together (equality)

15 Sikh holy days and ceremonies Vaisakhi : April 13 th, anniversary of founding of the Khalsa Guru Nanak’s birthday (November 28th) Baby naming Amrit /Baptism (Initiation into Khalsa ) Marriage ( Anand Karaj ): takes place in the Gurdwara with the community before the Guru Granth Death: cremation of body

16 The Sikh way of life Mediation and personal prayer morning and evening Honest and hard work Charity Service to humanity, God, and guru Strong family values Strong identity with the Sikh community Khalsa members abstain from smoking, drinking and illicite drugs

17 Sikhism on the Web: The Sikhism Home Page: The SikhNetwork: a virtual worldwide Sikh community (includes areas for on-line discussion and live chats with Sikhs from around the world)

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