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Keisuke Makino, Director Office of Society-Academia Collaboration for Innovation, SACI ( Innovative Collaboration Center, ICC ) Kyoto University Academia-Industry.

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Presentation on theme: "Keisuke Makino, Director Office of Society-Academia Collaboration for Innovation, SACI ( Innovative Collaboration Center, ICC ) Kyoto University Academia-Industry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Keisuke Makino, Director Office of Society-Academia Collaboration for Innovation, SACI ( Innovative Collaboration Center, ICC ) Kyoto University Academia-Industry Collaboration of Kyoto University (KU) November 17, 2008 At Seoul National University

2 Location of Kyoto University

3 Old Imperial Palace Nijo Castle Kyoto University KU located in Kyoto City, an old capital.

4 Location of SACI & ICC Kyoto University has three campuses SACI & ICC ICC

5 KU is science-oriented. List of Nobel Prize Laureates In 2008, Drs. Kobayashi and Masukawa obtained in Physics and Shimomura in Chemistry.

6 International Activities of KU Exchange of Students

7 International Activities of KU Exchange of Researchers

8 Structure and Activities of Office of Society-Academia Collaboration for Innovation, SACI and Innovative Collaboration Center, ICC Kyoto University has just finished the total renovation of the systems for the promotion of industry-academia collaboration and for the intellectual property applications and licensing. Office of Society-Academia Collaboration for Innovation (SACI), administration office, and Innovative Collaboration Center (ICC), work office, have been established. Venture company supporting system has also been introduced. Now international activities including not only academic exchange but business exchange has been added to the new system.

9 Structure of SACI and ICC Kyoto University inaugurated Innovative Collaboration Center (ICC) in July, 2007. Missions of ICC are (1) promotion of collaborative researches among academia, industries, and government, (2) support for venture start-ups, and (3) management of intellectual properties. All activities are under supervision of Office of Society-Academia Collaboration for Innovation (SACI).

10 Activities of Innovative Collaboration Center Incubation Office Technology Licensing Organization Promotion of Industry-Academia Collaboration Section Promotion of Industry-Academia Collaboration Section Intellectual Property Section Intellectual Property Section Entrepreneur Support Section Entrepreneur Support Section ICC plays an active role in coordinating joint research projects based on industry- government-academia collaboration efforts. Through flexible and advanced attempts to challenge those projects, ICC makes it possible to return the research results back to society in an effective way. ICC appropriately secures intellectual properties created as a result of the research accomplishments at Kyoto University. ICC also promotes technology transfer activities in cooperation with other licensing organization, making efforts to realize efficient and effective use of intellectual properties. ICC, together with Kyoto University Venture Fund, helps venture startups to grow, contributes to the development of human resources rich in creativity and venture spirit, and accelerates return benefit to the society through the activities of those ventures. Promation of International Collaboration Section Promation of International Collaboration Section Legal Affairs Section ICC facilitates industry-governmant-academia collaboration of Kyoto University on international scene and builds a global network with foreign enterprises and other research universities. ICC provides administrative support and legal advice on all sorts of contracts in order for Kyoto University to promote industry-government-academia collaboration activities.

11 Results Obtained in the Promotion of Collaboration and Patent Application By now, mainly through the previous systems, Kyoto University achieved high level results in the promotion of industry-academia collaboration and patent application.

12 1. Promotion of Industry-Academia Collaboration Overhead of 10% from each collaborative research fund reaches 200 million Yen per year. Received 70 million yen from Japanese government for intellectual property activities and 80 million yen from Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST) for foreign patent applications. 1999200020032004 FY 200220011998 Thousand Yen Number of collaborative research projects Total Amount of Joint Research Funds 2007 20052006

13 2. Activities of Intellectual Property Division (2006 Academic Year) 392 patent notifications were reported in 2006 academic year. About 200 foreign patent applications, including patent application under the PCT or EPC were conducted. By now, totally more than 1,300 Japanese and foerign patent applications have been performed. We own 78 Japanese patent rights and 28 foreign patent rights. We are managing these intellectual properties in collaboration with external organizations such as Technology Licensing Organization (TLO).

14 Improved System for Patent Application Ideas and concepts for patent are evaluated by marketing, which will be conducted by collaborating with TLO (technology licensing organization): Note that number of patent application decreased in 2007, indicative of improved quality of the patents. This system is being tried to apply.

15 3. Entrepreneur Support Section Investors Investment Company (Venture Fund) Entrepreneur Support Section Kyoto University Business School Kyoto University Researchers Start-Up Companies Innovative Collaboration Center (ICC) Applicant Information Return Investment Capital Gain Investment / Support Spread of Research Results Coorporation Collaboration Consult Information Entrepreneur Advice / Human Resources Advice Data Advice / Human Resources Cooperation Innovation Management Science Laboratory

16 4. New Activity: International Collaborations Current status of Academic Exchange Memoranda

17 Basic Ideas for the International Collaborations ● Establishment of International Collaboration Policies ● Establishment of International Branch Offices - Promotion of projects - Securement of human network - Promotion of international inter-university collaboration ●Development of Information Service for Overseas - Information service - Provision of research resource database ●International Patent Evaluation and Marketing - International patent submission/Management strategy - Seeking alliance companies 5. Recently the legal affairs division has been added.

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