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An introduction to lowland farmland birds Lowland Farmland Birds Workshop 22 nd July 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "An introduction to lowland farmland birds Lowland Farmland Birds Workshop 22 nd July 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 An introduction to lowland farmland birds Lowland Farmland Birds Workshop 22 nd July 2010

2 Lowland Farmland Birds ‘Group’ 33 Species 10 Red-listed 22 Amber-listed 1 (not assessed - extinct) 6 wintering wildfowl (swans/geese) 2 game birds 4 raptors/birds of prey 1 crake 5 breeding/wintering waders 7 seed-eaters 4 insect-eaters 4 rare-breeders

3 Wintering Wildfowl Bewick’s Swan (WDp) Whooper Swan (BR, WL, WI) Brent Goose (SPEC, WL, WI) Barnacle Goose (WL, WI) Greylag Goose (WL, WI) Greenland White-fronted Goose (WL, WI)

4 Game Birds Grey Partridge (HD, BDr) Quail (HD) Crakes Corncrake (IUCN, BDp, BDr)

5 Raptors and Birds of Prey Barn Owl (BDp) Kestrel (SPEC) Red Kite (SPEC, BR) Hen Harrier (SPEC, BDMr)

6 Breeding/Wintering Waders Lapwing (BDp) Snipe (SPEC) Redshank (BDp) Curlew (BDp) Black-tailed Godwit (SPEC, WL)

7 Seed-eating species Yellowhammer (BDp) Stock Dove (BDMp) Skylark (SPEC) Tree Sparrow (SPEC) House Sparrow (SPEC) Linnet (SPEC) Twite (BDp)

8 Insect-eating species Barn Swallow (SPEC) Whinchat (BDMr) Starling (SPEC) Chough (SPEC, BDMp)

9 Rare Breeding Species Turtle Dove (SPEC, BDMr) Yellow Wagtail (BR) Lesser Whitethroat (BR) Corn Bunting (RIP)

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