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Kick off meeting 28-Sep-161. Outline of meeting Proposal presentation The proposal Goals of the project Status Letter of Intents and information on Associated.

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Presentation on theme: "Kick off meeting 28-Sep-161. Outline of meeting Proposal presentation The proposal Goals of the project Status Letter of Intents and information on Associated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kick off meeting 28-Sep-161

2 Outline of meeting Proposal presentation The proposal Goals of the project Status Letter of Intents and information on Associated Partners Project Management Structure Associated Partners’ responsibilities Training programme Calendar Research Themes presentations Questions 28-Sep-162

3 The Proposal ALICE Research Computing, HIghlevel Trigger, detector Electronics and Control systems Training project Focus on the upgrade of the ALICE experiment Monosite proposal in Marie Curie Initial Training Networks: FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN 19 Early Stage Researchers (ESR) positions in 5 Research Themes (RT) Host Institute: CERN with 16 Associated Partners from industry, research institutes and universities 28-Sep-163

4 Goals of the Project Obtain funding of 19 (ESR) traineeships Improve career perspectives of these young researchers through participation in the project Increase independence and employability by exposure to different professional environments and training outside host organization ESR: Any nationality Master degree but not a PhD yet Up to 4 years full-time research experience post MSC Research project should be at the doctoral level 28-Sep-164

5 Goals of the Project (2) Networking Build up on existing networks and establish new ones ESR are involved in the networking Funding ESR salary, mobility allowance, training allowance Expenses incurred by Associated Partners (e.g. reasonable accommodation and travel costs to come to CERN) 28-Sep-165

6 Status Status: PVV and FC writing submission document Main challenge is Part B 30 pages in 4 sections: Scientific and Technical Quality – 95% Training – 95% Implementation – 60% Impact – 75% Aim to have a draft version by Friday 14 th 28-Sep-166

7 Vital information and Docs Need Letter or Intents (LoIs) from all Associated Partners – status 4/15 – deadline PDF signed and back to me before the end of the week. European Commission will not accept APs without this doc attached to submission forms. Info tables for Associated Partners – pleases fill in and include company status ie SME <250 employees and send back – status 3/15. Deadline before end of week. 28-Sep-167

8 LoIs, disclosure and IP issues LoI is a letter of intent not a contract: APs can withdraw at any stage Disclosure agreements and IP clauses can be drawn up if the proposal gets to the grant agreement stage. These are standard issues dealt with by our legal service and your company or institute at the time of signing the grant agreement Further questions on this? 28-Sep-168

9 Associated partners 28-Sep-169 Associated PartnerLetter of IntentInformation Cerntech Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd, UK x ETM x Fondazione Bruno Kessler x x HP- IBRIX INTEL ISEG IZM KFKI Research Institute KISTI/GSDC x x Nvidia Qlogic Quantum University of Frankfurt University of Houston VTT Technical Research Center x

10 Project Management Structure Supervisory Board Approve and oversee the training program for scientific technical and complementary skills Monitor and evaluate overall progress of the research training programme Management Committee Overall management and organization of the training programme Integration of the researchers in the research teams Review of the personal Career Development Plan 28-Sep-1610

11 Project Management Structure (2) Project Coordinator Coordination of the ITN training programme Organization and chair or the management Committee Communication with associated partners Communication and reporting to the European Commission Research Themes Coordinators Propose a Research Theme and the corresponding training programme 28-Sep-1611

12 Project Management Structure (3) Selection Committee Selection and appointment of researchers Monitoring of gender balance and equal opportunities CERN fellowship service + Project Coordinator + Research Theme Coordinator as required + Associated Partners if they wish to attend 28-Sep-1612

13 Associated Partners’ responsibilities Training and/ or hosting of seconded researchers Participation in the Supervisory Board A seat on the Board Meets 2 x a year Can delegate to RT Coordinator Recruitment of researchers A seat on the Board – can be delegated to RT Coordinator Secondment reports may be requested 28-Sep-1613

14 28-Sep-1614 Research Theme 1 - Detector Electronics PartnersCERNVTTIZM Diamond Detector EPFL Fellow MonthsTraining Technic. & compl. Si wafer thining, bonding Diamond process. Circuit design Year123123123123123 ESR1 Tracking detector readout electr. 3*120.5 X ESR2 Low mass intercon. for SPD 3*120.5 22 22 X ESR3 BCM upgrade 3*120.5 33 Total (months)1084.54.0 6.00.0

15 28-Sep-1615 Research Theme 2 - Data Acquisition CERNHP-IntelHP-NVidiaHP-QlogicHP-Quantum Fellow Months Technic. & compl. Multi-Core Comput. New Comput.New Intercon. Cluster File System Year123123123123123 1 System automat. 3*120.5 0.3 2Refactor.3*120.5 1.0 3Readout3*120.5 1.0 4Monitor.3*120.5 1.0 5 Business Intellig. 3*120.5 Total1807.52.32.0 1.0 FrankfurtKFKICerntechHouston Fellow Months High Perf. Comput. Readout Software Logic DesignGreen Comput.Data Visual. Year123123123123123 1 System automat. 2Refactor. 1.0 3Readout 1.0 4Monitor. 1.0 5 Business Intellig. 1.0 Total 2.01.0

16 28-Sep-1616 Research Theme 3 - Offline Computing and Storage CERNHP-IntelHP-NVidiaHP-IbrixHP-Quantum Fellow Months Technic. & compl. Multi-Core Comput. New Comput. File Alloc. & Retrieval Cluster File System Year123123123123123 1AliEn Grid3*120.5 2 Code & GPU 3*120.5 0.3 1.0 3 Code & Multi-Core 3*120.5 1.0 0.3 4 Distrib. Storage 3*120.5 1.0 5 Quality Tools 3*120.5 Total1807.51.3 1.0 FrankfurtKISTIFBKHouston Fellow Months High Perf. Comput. Distri. Comput. Soft. Qual. Tools Green Comput. Data Visual. Year123123123123123 1AliEn Grid 1.02.0 2 Code & GPU 1.0 3 Code & Multi-Core 1.0 4 Distrib. Storage 1.02.0 5 Quality Tools 4.05.0 Total

17 28-Sep-1617 Research Theme 4 - High-Level Trigger CERNHP-IntelHP-NVidiaHP-IbrixHP-Quantum Fellow Months Technic. & compl. Multi-Core Comput. New Comput. File Alloc. & Retrieval Cluster File System Year123123123123123 1 System Automation 3*120.5 1.0 0.3 2 Data Process. 3*120.5 1.0 0.3 3 Fast Reconstr. 3*120.5 1.0 Total1084. FrankfurtHP-QlogicHouston Fellow Months High Perf. Comput. New Intercon. Green Comput. Data Visual. Year123123123123 1 System Automation 1.0 0.3 2 Data Process. 0.3 3 Fast Reconstr. 1.0 0.3 Total

18 28-Sep-1618 Research Theme 5 - Detector Control System CERNETMISEG Fellow Months Technic. & compl. SCADA Open Hardware Year123123123 1Data-bases3*120.5 3.0 2 Equip. & Devices 3*120.5 3.0 3 ALICE-LHC int. 3*120.5 3.0 Total1084.56.03.0

19 What happens next? Associated partners vital information and LoI sent to Frank CLIFF 14 th January 2011 Deadline for submission26 th January 2011 EvaluationMid-April Evaluation reportsMid-May Successful coordinators informedJuly Letter to unsuccessful coordinators…August Signature of first grant agreementsFrom September Recruitment processEarly 2012 First ESRs arriveSpring 2012 28-Sep-1619

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