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Table of Contents. Lessons 1. Muscular System Go Go 2. Diseases and Disorders Go Go.

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Presentation on theme: "Table of Contents. Lessons 1. Muscular System Go Go 2. Diseases and Disorders Go Go."— Presentation transcript:

1 Table of Contents

2 Lessons 1. Muscular System Go Go 2. Diseases and Disorders Go Go

3 Table of Contents  Please get out your MUSCULAR SYSTEM PACKET

4 Table of Contents  Look through the packet… ◦ HIGH LIGHT or UNDERLINE terms that you aren’t familiar with... (origin, spindle, antagonist, etc)

5 Table of Contents






11  The muscular system contains over 600 muscles.  The muscular system performs these functions: ▫Helps with body movement ▫Supports body posture ▫Produces heat and energy ▫Protects internal organs ▫Helps move blood, food, and waste products through the body ▫Opens and closes body openings

12 Table of Contents  All muscles have four common traits: ▫Excitability or Irritability ▫Contractibility ▫Extensibility ▫Elasticity  Muscle tone

13 Table of Contents  Excitability or Irritability: Ability to respond to a stimulus, such as a nerve or hormone Contractibility: Ability to shorten and produce movement when stimulated  Extensibility: The ability to be stretched and lengthen.  Elasticity: The ability to return to its original shape after contracting or stretching

14 Table of Contents  Ability of muscles to be slightly contracted at all times, even when not in use. It allows a person to be in a state of readiness to act.

15 Table of Contents  Cardiac: muscle forms the walls of the heart  Visceral: or smooth, muscle is found in hollow organs  Skeletal: muscle is attached to the bones

16 Table of Contents  Involuntary Muscles: muscle responds on it’s own (ex. Cardiac and Visceral)  Voluntary Muscles: a person can control their actions (skeletal)

17 Table of Contents  Tendons: Connects muscle to bone  Origin: connected to the bone that does not move  Insertion: connected to the bone that moves when the muscle contracts  Fascia: fibrous tissue that wraps around an individual muscle

18 Table of Contents  Flexion  Extension  Abduction  Adduction  Rotation

19 Table of Contents  Loss of muscle tone can result from serious illness or injury  Lack of muscle use can result in: ▫Atrophy : Reduction in size and strength ▫Contracture: Severe tightening of muscle results in permanent bending of a joint


21 Table of Contents  GOOGLE … POKE-A-MUSCLE  COMPLETE ALL LEVELS…  SHOW ME YOUR SCORE WHEN COMPLETE  Must get at least an 80%


23 Table of Contents  A sheath of fibrous elastic tissue surrounding a muscle  Within the muscle  Tissue that surrounds each muscle fiber  Contains capillaries and nerves

24 Table of Contents  Sheath of connective tissue surrounding a bundle of muscle fibers

25 Table of Contents  Sheath of connective tissue surrounding a bundle of muscle fibers

26 Table of Contents  Myo = Muscle  Cyte = Cell

27 Table of Contents  I WANT YOUR OPINION…  Do you want to take the muscular system/Skeletal system test BEFORE Spring Break or AFTER? ◦ BEFORE = LESS TO TEST ON (ANATOMY OF MUSCLE AND SKELETON + INJURIES) ◦ AFTER = MORE ON TEST (ANATOMY OF MUSCLE AND SKELETON + Injuries + IDENTIFY MUSCLES)

28 Table of Contents  A series of bands visible along the muscle fibers  Peripheral nuclei = nucleus

29 Table of Contents



32 Table of Contents  What are your plans for spring break?  IF YOU DON’T HAVE ANY MAKE SOME!  DO SOMETHING FUN!

33 Table of Contents  BOTH Muscular System packets ◦ Thumbs up/ down ◦ Muscle identification  Skeleton labeling packet… ◦ Packet with the anatomy of the bone broken down (Find on last page)

34 AntagonistAgonist  The muscles that oppose the agonist  Ex. Knee flexion = Quadriceps  The muscle that provides the major force to complete the movement  Ex. Knee flexion = hamstring

35 EccentricConcentric  Muscles not only ‘shorten’ but can also lengthen under load or tension  Ex. Squat exercise, the quadriceps muscles  Any contraction where the muscle shortens under load or tension

36 Table of Contents  Muscles don’t move (shorten or lengthen) at all to contract or develop tension  Ex. Wall sits

37 Table of Contents  States that bone grows and remodels in response to the forces that are placed upon it  Muscles help the shape of the bone ◦ Due to the movements and forces caused by muscles

38 Table of Contents  Muscle Strain: Torn or stretched muscles or tendons  Fibromaylgia: muscle disorders with chronic pain in specific muscle sites.  Muscular Dystrophy: a group of inherited diseases in which the muscles gradually atrophy, or waste away

39 Table of Contents  BUY A HOSA SHIRT &/OR SWEATSHIRT!!!!! DUE FRIDAY!!!! (see design on order form)  Prices between $15-35  SUPPORT YOUR HOSA CLUB!

40 Table of Contents  SIT ANYWHERE…  Get out all skeletal and muscular system notes  REVIEW individually, partner or in a group  PREP FOR JEAPORDY REVIEW  WINNING TEAM = 5 points EXTRA CREDIT

41 Table of Contents  First to buzz in gets to answer… MUST PROVIDE AN ANSWER (THIS PERSON DOES NOT GET TO RE-ANSWER)  IF ANSWER IS WRONG… First to buzz in gets to steal the question AND CONVERSE WITH THEIR GROUP MEMBERS for 60 seconds (YOU CAN USE YOUR NOTES)  IF NO ONE KNOWS THE ANSWER… First to buzz after 5 second count down  Same procedure as if question answered wrong

42 Table of Contents  Last minute prep, review, questions, etc  All you need is a pen or pencil

43 Table of Contents

44  NEXT TUESDAY  APRIL 19 AFTER SCHOOL 2:30-6:30  2-10 people needed

45 Table of Contents  Anatomy 1 ◦ Review test  Anatomy 2 ◦ Draw and Identify the immune system & its disorders  Medical terms ◦ RHS: A Abbreviations WED = quizlet/study ◦ Dance video due TOMORROW (Video and directions) ◦ LHS: Next set of abbreviations (TEST WEDNESDAY) ◦ Make up a term WILL NOT BE TAKEN AFTER TOMORROW ◦ Comic strip Abbreviations




















65 Table of Contents  With a partner ◦ Find a strengthening exercise specifically for your assigned muscle(s) ◦ AND PERFORM


67 Table of Contents  FIND A PERSON IN MOTION PICTURE (CUT OUT OR DRAW)  Make it pop up “3D”

68 Table of Contents  Label on the paper… ◦ What is the main muscle group or muscles performing the movement ◦ Body part (thigh, arm, shin, etc) and specific location (origin and insertion of muscle(s) ◦ Primary movement(s)  flexion, rotation, etc ◦ Purpose of movement  This is based off of your picture  Write a description of the above information in 1-3 sentences. “As the soccer player goes to strike the ball to score a goal…”

69 Table of Contents  Cinquain poem ◦ LINE 1: Noun (1 word) ◦ LINE 2: Verb, Verb (2 actions words) ◦ LINE 3: Adjective, adjective, adjective (3 descriptive words) ◦ LINE 4: 4 word sentence eliciting emotion ◦ LINE 5: Noun (1 word that relates to line 1) Write on a blank piece of paper & illustrate your poem to fill in the white spots around

70 Table of Contents Virus Infecting, Destroying Non-living, Obligate, Parasitic Prevented by having vaccinations Smallpox

71 Table of Contents  AGENDA… ◦ Watch Patch Adams ◦ IF YOU ARE MISSING ANYTHING IN THIS CLASS YOU CAN WORK ON IT TODAY *FYI… I will not here tomorrow, but tomorrow is the same as today.

72 Table of Contents  Hunter Doherty "Patch" Adams is an American physician, comedian, social activist, clown, and author.  He founded the Gesundheit!

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