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OCT characteristics in Idiopahthic Intracranial Hypertension Michael Waisbourd, MD Igal Leibovitch, MD Dafna Goldenberg, MD Anat Kesler, MD Department.

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Presentation on theme: "OCT characteristics in Idiopahthic Intracranial Hypertension Michael Waisbourd, MD Igal Leibovitch, MD Dafna Goldenberg, MD Anat Kesler, MD Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 OCT characteristics in Idiopahthic Intracranial Hypertension Michael Waisbourd, MD Igal Leibovitch, MD Dafna Goldenberg, MD Anat Kesler, MD Department of Ophthalmology Tel Aviv Medical Center

2 Objective To demonstrate the OCT characteristics in patients with IIH

3 Materials and Methods Retrospective review of medical records and OCT images of IIH patients (2006-2008) Inclusion – Modified Dandy Criteria – Signs and symptoms of increased ICP – Normal neurologic examination with no localizing signs, except for CN VI palsy – Normal neuroimaging – Normal CSF chemistry and cytology with elevated opening pressure

4 Results 48 IIH patients (46F, 2M) Mean age 31y (13y-64y) Mean BMI 31 Kg\m 2 Mean LP 326 mmH 2 O

5 Results Visual Acuity – 20/20 to 20/25 - 91.6% – 20/30 to 20/40 - 4.2% – 20/50 to 20/100 1.0% – 20/120 to 20/400 -1.0% – CF - 1.0% – NLP - 1.0% Automated visual field – Normal 68.8% – Nasal defect 17.7% – Mild constriction 2.1% – Temporal defect 1.0% – Severe constriction 1.0% – Data missing 9.4%

6 Results Peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) was measured for each group by OCT NormalPapilledema

7 Results – average RNFL P=0.004

8 Normal\ mild elevation (N=20) Moderate elevation (N=51) Papilledema (N=20) P Value Mean95% CIMean95% CIMean95% CI Nasal68(58 – 79)84(76 – 93)98(82 – 118)0.007 Inferior117(102 – 134)146(134 – 159)184(158 – 214)<0.001 Temporal62(54 – 70)75(70 – 80)97(80 – 117)<0.001 Superior103(92 – 116)122(109 – 137)140(116 – 170)0.043

9 Conclusion OCT may assist in evaluating the optic nerve in IIH patients Prospective follow up of IIH patients by OCT is being investigated in a sequential study

10 Thank You

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