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Annual General Meeting EuroHaptics Society Tampere, 15 th of June, 2012 Manuel Ferre from CAR UPM-CSIC EHS Threasurer.

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Presentation on theme: "Annual General Meeting EuroHaptics Society Tampere, 15 th of June, 2012 Manuel Ferre from CAR UPM-CSIC EHS Threasurer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual General Meeting EuroHaptics Society Tampere, 15 th of June, 2012 Manuel Ferre from CAR UPM-CSIC EHS Threasurer

2 Outline 1. Report about Euro Haptics Society 2. Minutes of previous meeting 3. Treasurer’s report 4. Membership report, Renewal of membership and membership fees 5. Candidate for EHS Meeting 2014 6. Report about ‘Springer Series on Touch and Haptics Systems’ 7. Open discussion

3 1. Report about Euro Haptics Society

4 EHS history EuroHaptics Society (EHS) was founded in August 2006 during the EuroHaptics Conference 2006 in Paris EHS is governed according to its by-laws EHS is an association according to article 60 ff. ZFG and following of the Swiss Civil Code (CCS)

5 Periods Finance report periods are: – From 1 st August (year N) to 31 st July (year N+1) Membership periods are defined according to the AGM Membership fees are currently applied for 2 periods since conferences are biannual

6 EHS main activities Promote haptics matters, from a multidisciplinary point of view that includes: Neuroscience, Perception & Psychophysics, Haptic Rendering, Devices & Technology, Medical & Rehabilitation Applications, Art & Design Applications, Collaborative Haptics, Multimodal Interaction, Tactile Display & Tactile Sensing, Haptic HCI (Interaction, Visualisation), … EHS main event is the biannual conference that put together researchers in this field A strong effort is done from the Society for publishing and disseminating publications Other activities such as: workshops and awards are also developed Collaboration with other similar societies such as: IEEE TC on haptics, VRIC, …

7 EHS main benefits Contact point for multidisciplinary researchers in order to discuss ideas and future projects Publication of proceedings and books by Springer, which offer discounts to EHS members Increase of the community haptics visibility Mailing list for disseminating relevant information Discount on EHC & WHC Registration

8 2. Minutes of previous meeting

9 Summarize Financial report Actual account : 5.714,68 € Spent: 1.000 € on PhD award Planned activities: Best PhD award Membership report 85 members Biannual membership Membership fee of 30 € is approved with one vote against Future Meetings Eurohaptics meeting 2012: in Tampere, June 12-15, organized by Roope Raisamo WHC2013 will be held in Korea Eurohaptics 2014: we should look for possibilities and applicants

10 3. Treasurer’s report

11 EHS finance report summary PeriodDateAccumulated from prev. period Profit in the period Losses in the period Result of the period 1 st Aug. 2006- July. 2007 0,00241,5016,47225,03 2 nd Aug. 2007- July. 2008 225,033.840,00254,633.585,37 3 rd Aug. 2008- July. 2009 3.585,37488,1076,57411,53 4 th Aug. 2009- July. 2010 4.221,932.439,8762,932.376,91 5 th Aug. 2010- July. 2011 6.598,84132,351.217,40-1.085,05 6 th * Aug. 2011- July. 2012 5.513,79¿3.500,00?¿2.000,00?¿1.500,00? * Finance report is expected by the end of 2012

12 EHS finance model The society is non-profit, i.e. all of the budget goes back to the society Most of the incomes are coming from membership fees Most of the expenses are applied to: awards and webpage maintenance No resources to: personnel, offices, travels, … It allows to guarantee the continuity with a low budget

13 4. Membership report, Renewal of membership and membership fees

14 EHS member evolution PeriodDateNumber of members Event 1 st Aug. 2006- July. 20078 2 nd Aug. 2007- July. 2008128EHC’08-Madrid 3 rd Aug. 2008- July. 200916 4 th Aug. 2009- July. 201081EHC’10-Amsterdam 5 th Aug. 2010- July. 201185 (81+4)Extension of membership 6 th Aug. 2011- July. 2012118 (113+5) +?EHC’12-Tampere 7 th Aug. 2012- July. 2013Extension of membership

15 List of members There are 2 lists of EHS members: – Official list: people that have pay the membership fee of the current year. This list is updated in December, not at the end of the period (July) – EHS friends: people that have been joined to the EHS at any period. It includes current and past members EHS friends list is useful for disseminating information, such as future EH Conferences, publications and other events (managed by Angelika Peer, TUM)

16 EHS membership fee 30 euros This amount will be valid until next EHC in 2014

17 5. Candidate for EHC 2014 Vincent Hayward from ISIR-UPMC

18 6. Report about ‘Springer Series on Touch and Haptics Systems’ Helen Desmond from Springer

19 IEEE Transactions on Haptics Editor in Chief, Ed Colgate (Until Sept 2013) Sponsoring societies – IEEE Robotics and Automation – IEEE Computer Society – IEEE Consumer Electronics Society 19

20 Summary ToH is now indexed by Thompson Reuters … we expect an Impact Factor this month. Features podcasts on authors, editors, and issues – (see Paper submission via Manuscript central (available from the web address) Special Issues – Haptics in Medicine and Clinical Skills Acquisition – Haptics in Consumer Electronics – Haptics in Human-Robot Interaction – Check the website for future proposed Special Issues 20

21 Editorial Board performance Timeliness – Average days from submission to 1 st decision: 67 (80 last June) Average time to assign reviewers: 9 days (16 last June) Average reviewer turnaround: 27 days (28) – Average time from submission to Final decision: 4.2 months 21

22 7. Open discussion Suggestions and ideas for further activities and actions

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