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Rome and Christianity Chapter 11. 1. Who was Cicero and what did he do? He was a philosopher and orator (public speaker) He wanted to end chaos in Rome.

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1 Rome and Christianity Chapter 11

2 1. Who was Cicero and what did he do? He was a philosopher and orator (public speaker) He wanted to end chaos in Rome and asked for the upperclass Romans to work together to make Rome a better place again

3 2. Who was Julius Caesar and how did he rise to power? He was a great and respected general, great speaker, and had powerful friends He allied himself with Pompey and Crassus and they ruled until he fought his allies and called himself “dictator for life” until people were mad at him and on March 15 th (Ides of March) he was stabbed to death in the Senate

4 3. What was Marc Anthony known for? One of Caesar’s former assistants, killed Caesars men, married Cleopatra in Egypt, made Octavian angry, and Antony and Cleopatra fled and killed themselves to avoid being caught by Octavian

5 4. How did Octavian become an Emperor? He was Caesars adopted son He killed all of Caesars murders Ruled with Marc Antony until they became enemies and Anthony killed himself Changed his name to Augustus to mark the end of the Roman Republic and start of the Roman Empire

6 5. What was the Pax Romana? The first 200 years of the Roman “Empire” It means “Roman Peace” because Rome had a stable government, well run army and there were no major wars or rebellions Trade increased and many Romans were wealthy, leading good lives

7 6. What were the Roman accomplishments in science and engineering? Studied animals and plants to learn more about crops and meat Studied the Greeks advancements in human health Made cement out of volcanic rock Built lasting structures Strong bridges

8 7. Define aqueducts A raised channel used to carry water from mountains into cities 8. Describe Roman architecture and art Columns and open spaces Copied Greek styles Large, strong buildings Realistic statues Lifelike portraits

9 9. What are “romance languages”? Languages that came from Latin Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian

10 10. What are “civil laws”? Legal system based on a written code of laws Rome started this, there are still civil laws based on Rome laws in many countries today

11 11. Describe Rome’s freedom of worship When Rome conquered an area they usually allowed those people to keep their beliefs Sometimes Romans adopted the new peoples beliefs (like Greek gods) Romans prayed to many gods and goddesses The only time they didn’t allow you to keep a religion is if they saw it as a threat

12 12. What was Rome’s problem with Judaism? Judaism only believed in one god and only prayed to that one god Romans saw that as an insult to their gods Jews rebelled against the Romans who took over their land Romans crushed these revolts and forced Jews out Jerusalem

13 13. Describe the “new” religion, Christianity Based on the life and teachings of Jesus Rooted in the ideas and traditions of Judaism but developed in to

14 14. Who was Jesus of Nazareth and describe his birth and the New Testament The man Christians believe to be the Jewish Messiah (God’s anointed one) He was born in a town of Bethlehem, this birth marks the shift from BC years to AD years Mary was his mother and she was married to a carpenter named Joseph but Christians would say God is Jesus' father not Joseph He grew up as a carpenter and at 30 he travelled and taught about his religion, this starts the “New Testament” of the Bible

15 15. Describe the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Romans were angry over Jesus’ teachings and around 30AD he was arrested and crucified (a type of execution in which a person was nailed to a cross) According to Christian beliefs three days after Jesus was buried he arose from the dead (resurrected) this was a sign to some people that Jesus was the son of god and they called him Jesus Christ (which is the Greek word for Messiah)

16 16. Explain some of the teachings of Jesus Love God and love other people (even your enemies) Generous to the poor and sick The way you treat others show how much you love god Salvation (rescue of people from sin) means you enter the kingdom of God when you die People who love money or goods more than they loved God would not be saved

17 17. How did Jesus’ teachings spread? The Apostles were 12 disciples whom Jesus chose to receive special training They traveled widely telling about Jesus and his teachings They wrote these down and its called “Gospels”

18 18. Why did Christianity grow? First they taught only Jews Jesus’ teachings, then they spread to everyone In the 300’s AD the Roman Emperor Constantine became a Christian and removed the bans on Christianity

19 19. What were some of the external and internal threats to Rome? Tribes of fierce Germanic warriors attacked Rome’s northern borders Persians attacked from the east Romans were abandoning their land in fear so the Roman government invited Germanic tribes to come in and grow crops, so eventually many came to live in the empire and chose a leader and ignored Roman law Disease killed many Taxes were risen to aid the defense from invaders

20 20. Who was Diocletian and why did he divide the empire? Roman emperor in the late 200’s AD He believed the empire was to big for one person and divided it, he ruled the eastern half and had another person rule the western half

21 21. Who were some of the early invaders of Rome? Huns from central Asia Goths (Visigoths and Ostrogoths) Vandals Angles Saxons Jutes Franks

22 22. What happened to the Western Empire and who was Attila? It was attacked by MANY outsiders Attila was the leader of the Huns, he attacked the Roman territory in the east

23 23. What were some of the factors in the fall of Rome? The vast size of the empire Communicating among the various parts of the empire was difficult By the 400’s there was corruption in the government Rich people left, homes abandoned, population decrease, schools closed, and taxes soared

24 24. Who was Justinian and what did he do? An eastern empire that ruled from 527 to 565 He wanted to reunite the Roman Empire so he attacked the Western half of the Roman Empire, he simplified the Roman Law and called it the Justinian Code

25 25. Who was Theodora and what did she do? Justinian’s wife When Justinian was about to give in to an uprising she convinced him to stay and fight, then he crushed the riot and ruled effectively for the rest of his reign

26 26. What was the Byzantine Empire? After Justinian died his empire declined rapidly The Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople (the capital) and ended the Roman rule in the east and it became very different than the Western side of Europe

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