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Chapter 21 – He Is Risen Lesson One: Witness. Lesson One Objectives: We will learn that Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday. We also will learn.

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1 Chapter 21 – He Is Risen Lesson One: Witness

2 Lesson One Objectives: We will learn that Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday. We also will learn that Jesus’ resurrected body was the same body that he had throughout his earthly life, though his resurrected body was glorified. Lastly, we will learn that an angel announced that Jesus had risen from the dead and then Jesus appeared to people after the Resurrection.

3 Beginning: On the Jewish Calendar a day beings with sundown. Because of this the Sabbath (Saturday) begins at sundown on Friday. We then count three days between Jesus’ Crucifixion on Friday and Easter Sunday.

4 Mark 16: 1-5 16 When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body. 2 Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb 3 and they asked each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?” 4 But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away. 5 As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed.

5 Compare and Contrast Individual Assignment

6 The Resurrection: The Resurrection is the first of the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. Glorious Mysteries: The Resurrection The Ascension The Descent of the Holy Spirit. The Assumption The Coronation

7 Chapter 21 – He Is Risen Lesson Two: He Is Risen!

8 Lesson Two Objectives: We will learn that by his Resurrection, Jesus was victorious over sin and death. Lastly, Jesus Resurrection showed that he is God.

9 Beginning: When we say “Resurrection” we understand that Jesus was raised from the dead, body and soul. He took up his body, which was glorified and he had the same soul. He is the same divine person who died on the Cross. Jesus was not a ghost, nor did he have a different body. Jesus was not just “spiritually” alive, but really and truly alive.

10 Our Understanding of the Resurrection: When Jesus died on the Cross and rose from the dead, he conquered sin and death. Jesus, in conquering death, won eternal life for man (this eternal life is a share in God’s life, called grace). Because Jesus is the perfect priest and spotless victim, he was an acceptable sacrifice that paid the price for all of our sins – he redeemed us (brought us back) from sin.

11 Our Understanding of the Resurrection: He saved us so that we may live with God in heaven forever. Jesus’ Resurrection is a sign that Jesus restored the union/ friendship between God and man. Jesus opened the gates of heaven so that man could enter heaven. This is the central mystery of our Faith; it is often referred to as the “Paschal Mystery”.

12 “Jesus Greatest Miracle” Jesus by his own power, rose from the dead. This was his greatest miracle. Other prophets did raise other people from the dead, but they did not do it on their own power.

13 Jesus’ Resurrection: Is a sign that Jesus’ life and death were pleasing to God. God accepted the sacrifice. It is proof of the authority of Jesus. Because of his Resurrection, we can believe that Jesus is God. Since Jesus is God, he can neither deceive nor be deceived.

14 Chapter 21 – He Is Risen Lesson Three: His Body

15 Lesson Three Objectives: We will learn that Jesus had a glorified body after the Resurrection. They will learn the qualities of a glorified body. Lastly, we will learn that, because Jesus rose again, we share in the life of grace. We hope for the resurrection of our bodies at the end of time.

16 Jesus’ Body: We will learn that Jesus had a glorified body after the Resurrection. Some qualities include: The body is subject to the will The body is beautiful and spiritual The body will no longer suffer and die Lastly, because Jesus rose again, we share in the life of grace. We hope for the resurrection of our bodies at the end of time.

17 Chapter 21 – He Is Risen Lesson Four: Easter Vigil

18 Lesson Four Objectives: We will learn the Easter Vigil Mass teaches us about the new life of Christ offered to us all. Lastly, in baptism we die with Christ and rise with him, sharing in his life of grace.

19 Beginning: On the Jewish Calendar a day beings with sundown. Because of this the Sabbath (Saturday) begins at sundown on Friday. We then count three days between Jesus’ Crucifixion on Friday and Easter Sunday.

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