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Introducing an Agile Process to an Organization By Mike Cohn and Doris Ford IEEE Computer.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing an Agile Process to an Organization By Mike Cohn and Doris Ford IEEE Computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing an Agile Process to an Organization By Mike Cohn and Doris Ford IEEE Computer

2 Introduction Allows for changing requirements through out cycle Stresses collaboration between developers and customers Stresses early product delivery

3 “Agile Manifesto” Value individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan

4 Agile Processes Extreme Programming Lean Development Crystal Scrum

5 Example: Scrum Month long iterations called sprints Meet with client before each sprint Prioritize work Select tasks During sprint Brief daily meetings End of sprint Team delivers product increment

6 Scrum for all projects? Ideally suited for projects with: Rapidly changing requirements Web projects Product development for new markets

7 Scrum introduced Introduced to 7 organizations Some projects complex, others simple Even in simple projects, many departments or functional areas involved Failure to sell process change to any one area: negatively impact project’s outcome

8 Developers Response: combination of skepticism, enthusiasm and cautious optimism Some resist change Some jump in without forethought Reactions can cause problems

9 Developers: Resistance Agile processes value code production more than plan-driven processes Plan-driven processes UML designs and other non-code items are first-class artifacts Agile processes these items only exist to support coding activity

10 Developers: Resistance Introducing Scrum Found programmers who enjoy creating diagrams Some try to add formalize tasks to agile process

11 Developers: Micromanagement Because of accelerated project cycles, developers interact with managers more frequently but for shorter periods In agile: daily contact is norm Plan-driven: could go week without talking to manager

12 Developers: Micromanagement Developers who view agile as micromanagement: Perceive interactions with managers as about due dates and missed deadlines Want to avoid this Project mgrs. demonstrate desire to remove obstacles quickly Not complain if task takes too long

13 Developers: Transitioning from a heavyweight process Gradual transition from plan-driven process to agile make change easier Some may feel lost without structure of Gantt chart Help ease into Scrum define sprint types: Prototyping Requirement capture Analysis and design Implementation Stabilization Gradually drop sprint types

14 Developers: Distributed Development Decisions made more quickly with agile process Resist distributed development form first 2 or 3 months after initiating agile process

15 Developers: The Need for Top Talent Barry Boehm’s principle “use better and fewer people” Slower workers slow team down or get left behind

16 Developers: Overzealous Teams Agile processes promise greater productivity once in place Productivity may decrease during transition Still need to make decisions with forethought Overzealous teams miss this as they look for speed and agility

17 Developers: Testers No separate coding and testing phases Code written and tested in same iteration Must include testers in transition to agile process

18 Upper Management How can we promise new features to customers? How can we track progress? How will the agile process impact other groups? When does the project end?

19 Upper Management: Customer commitments Must convince management that agile process can result in projects completed on time and with fewer resources Promises greater efficiency

20 Upper Management: Tracking progress Plan driven process helps management track progress Scrum status report includes: List of key dates 2 to 5 paragraph summary of project’s state Chart comparing progress to planned work Key metrics(percentage of tests passed) List of key risks

21 Upper Management: Impact on other groups Project management group use waterfall method Development team using agile process This is not a good combination Management must understand and agree how agile process will impact groups outside development

22 Upper Management: Project completion Management not comfortable with project iterations persisting as long as customer continues to identify high priority work Wrap bugeting and strategic-planning around project Estimate length for initial release (eg. 9 to 15 mths) Management fund 9 mths. with agreement to discuss additional funding near end of that period

23 Human Resources Issues may occur from pair programming HR needs corrective action plans Cite deliverables and deadlines that can result in employee’s termination if not met Must work with HR to define tasks and deadlines and still let project use agile process

24 Conclusion How process introduced impacts success of process change Approaches that worked in one case may not work in another As more companies to transition, best practices will arise

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