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Chapter 16.4 Forecasting the Weather. Forecasting Technology Meteorologist –Person who observes and collects data on atmospheric conditions to make weather.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 16.4 Forecasting the Weather. Forecasting Technology Meteorologist –Person who observes and collects data on atmospheric conditions to make weather."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 16.4 Forecasting the Weather

2 Forecasting Technology Meteorologist –Person who observes and collects data on atmospheric conditions to make weather predictions. Technology Needed to measure various atmospheric conditions

3 Weather Balloons Carry electronic equipment that can measure weather conditions as high as 30 km above Earth’s surface.

4 Thermometer Measures air temperature. (thermos =“heat”) Liquid sealed in a glass tube- as air temperature increases, liquid expands and moves up glass tube. As air temp. decreases, liquid shrinks and moves down tube.

5 Barometer Measures Air Pressure. (High or Low) Glass tube sealed at one end and placed in a container full of mercury. As air pressure pushes on the mercury, it moves up the glass tube. Greater the pressure- higher up the tube.

6 Wind Sock/Wind Vane Measures Wind Direction/ not wind speed

7 Anemometer Measures wind speed. Cups send a weak electric current measured and displayed on a dial.

8 Radar and Satellites Radar –Finds location, movement, amount and form of precipitation. Satellites –Orbit Earth and provide images of weather systems at different alititudes.

9 Weather Maps Station Model –Small circle that shows the location of the weather station Weather Map –Shows air pressure, fronts, precipitation, and Isobars- lines that connect points of equal air pressure.

10 Interpreting Weather Maps Read background info Figure 3…correction –North (from the south) Answer questions in team of 2

11 White Boards Practice vocab as ‘pictionary’ –One person illustrates term –Other person guesses term

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