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Eco-Region Transport Futures Access and Mobility Working Group Dr. Marie Thynell Peace and Development Research School of Global Studies University of.

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Presentation on theme: "Eco-Region Transport Futures Access and Mobility Working Group Dr. Marie Thynell Peace and Development Research School of Global Studies University of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eco-Region Transport Futures Access and Mobility Working Group Dr. Marie Thynell Peace and Development Research School of Global Studies University of Gothenburg Gothenburg Sweden 1 28.09.2016

2 Access and Mobility All citizens independently of age and living conditions shall access what they need for their well-being in cities Transport planning based on access. Shift from moving vehicles and people to fulfill needs of access Sector of transport is a provider of access to material and immaterial resources Access is an enabling concept and a resource for all kinds of stakeholders A holistic view on the needs for access and how to respond to these needs Access is based on needs and therefore the same applies to urban and rural areas Urban Futures Social development: Reducing poverty and local constraints to well-being and future development Urban Natural Environment: Reducing the CO2 and so on Health: Noise, Pollution, Safety, Security Stakeholders have different access needs Business Public sector Academia (WBCSD 2010, Andersson & Thynell 2011, MDG’s)

3 Mobility plan for Greater Riga  1. Reduce the necessity for private motorised transport and promote attractive alternatives accessible to all  2. Increase the share of journeys made by public transport, on foot and by bicycle  3. Encourage transition to low-emission vehicles  4. Develop an integrated and sustainable urban mobility plan  5. Reduce the impact of transport on the environment and public health 3 28.09.2016

4 Riga mobility initiative 4 28.09.2016

5 Lundby Mobility Center – Smarter communication for business and individual Business: Commercial freight cooperation Cycling for Health Corporate cycling catalysts Travel Plan for Lundby District Administration Car and bike sharing schemes Individual: Cycling course for women Lundby Smart Card Scrap your old car Car and bike sharing schemes Polluting emissions control Mobility coaching – changing travel behaviour - agreement, lectures, travel diary, health check and so on..... 5 28.09.2016

6 What is mobility and access about? SOCIAL AND CITY PROCESSES OF CHANGE Lifestyle changes Family sizes Economic development Employment patterns Educational changes Changes in values  Accessibility: description of the proximity of destinations of choice and the facilitation offered by the transport system (including public transport and non-motorized transport) to reach them.  Mobility: both the ability to travel to destination of choice and the amount of movement required.  Availability: the availability of means of transport facilities such as buses or rail-based systems.

7  Affordability: the cost of fare shall not exceed a certain percentage of house hold income.  Safety: This relates to road safety as well as safety inside buses or trains (e.g. emergency exits), at platforms, station facilities, and access routes to stations.  Security: Passengers must be able to access and ride public transport in a secure fashion, without exposure to theft or harassment.  Health: This relates to exposure of passengers and residents living close to public transport routes and stations to hazardous chemicals or material, air, dust, light and noise pollution. (Thynell, Punte, Arora, 2009)

8 In Preparation: Abstract for the Aalborg Trafikdage 2011 “Road transport initiatives in the Baltic countries from the perspective of sustainable transport” EcoRegion Perspectives on Energy and Transport: Policy issues in Sustainable Transport and Energy – UN/EU/BSR Challenges and opportunities in Transport and Energy Initiatives for Sustainable Energy and Transportation and, Good Practices 8 28.09.2016

9 Policy Recommendations Funding and planning that support green and carbon low ways of mobility: ·Sustainable urban transport plans ·Mobility management centres ·Behaviour changes to overcome the impasse in trsp development Access and mobility services based upon clean and energy-efficient vehicle fleets Integration with other sectors: ·Energy ·Tourism ·Youth and so on 9 28.09.2016

10 E. g. Public transportation Overall benefits of public transport systems in the long run are higher than the (total) costs Update network layout High capacity modes on priority lanes Intra- & inter-modal service integration Travel centers Multi-modal transport: trams buses subways bicycles walking cars trains 10 28.09.2016

11 E. g. non-motorised transport Priority Promote bike use Promote intermodality non- motorised and public transport Measure Finance bikeways and pedestrian facilities Bicycle policies Walking account / policy Park and ride Working with employers: public/private 11 28.09.2016

12 E.g. Travel demand management Priority Speed reduction Traffic calming Parking policies Less car driving to work Less congestion Congestion pricing Less resource outtake Measure Public transport priority Street management Traffic system optimisation Access controls and pricing Behavioural changes Awareness School education 12 28.09.2016

13 E.g. Awareness and behaviorual changes Information campaignes Travel diaries Health promotion School education Travel surveyes Travel coaches 13 28.09.2016

14 E.g. City logistics Areas Improved logistics Freight transfer and consolidation facilities Fleet standards Delivery schedule regulation Terminals Distances Frequency Good examples Less deliveries Sustainable logistics Eco-driving for heavy vehicles Railports Renewable fuels Stakeholder cooperation Consolidation of private/public Long term planning Stimulating cooperation Electric vehicles Bicycles for freigth 14 28.09.2016

15 E.g. Technology and fuel Cleaner, more efficient Renewable fuels Vehicle technologies Inspection and maintenance ITC technology Biogas Electrical vehicles 15 28.09.2016

16 Assess of Access to places and resources in daily life; work, school, food, health clinics, public and eco-systems services  Attention to access: a means to reduce impact on environment  Focus on end user’s needs and resources  Assess constrained access; studies of poor communities  Assess the impact of current urban transport system on social change  Recognition of soft modes of travelling to ensure equity in investment

17 Thank You! 17 28.09.2016

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