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Indonesia Country Office “Global Framework and Experiences on Patient, Family and Community Engagement to Improve Quality of Care” Dewi Indriani.

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Presentation on theme: "Indonesia Country Office “Global Framework and Experiences on Patient, Family and Community Engagement to Improve Quality of Care” Dewi Indriani."— Presentation transcript:

1 Indonesia Country Office “Global Framework and Experiences on Patient, Family and Community Engagement to Improve Quality of Care” Dewi Indriani

2 Indonesia Country Office Outlines People Centered and Integrated Health Services (PCIHS) What is PFCE? Why is PFCE? How PFCE can be implemented? Country experiences in implementing PFE










12 Indonesia Country Office What is Patient, Family and Community Engagement? Empowerment – Participation – Involvement – Engagement  use interchangeably Institute of Medicine, 2012 “ When patients, their families, other caregivers and the public are full, active participants in care, health, the experience of care, and economic outcomes can be substantially improved. A learning health care system is anchored on patient needs and perspectives and promotes the inclusion of patients, families and other care givers as vital members of continuously learning care system”

13 Indonesia Country Office What is Patient, Family and Community Engagement?

14 Indonesia Country Office Why is Patient, Family and Community Engagement? Declaration of Alma Ata, 1978 “People have the right and duty to participate individually and collectively in the planning and implementation of their healthcare” Better quality, better health outcomes, improved patient experience, lower costs/financially sustainable

15 Indonesia Country Office How PFCE can be implemented?

16 Indonesia Country Office How to develop “meaningful engagement”? At 4 levels of engagements 1.Policy level  patients/people representatives 2.Organizational level  feedback mechanisms, responsiveness to patients need 3.Direct care  to have voice – shared decision making 4.Community engagement  creating healthy environment

17 Indonesia Country Office Key issues in PFCE Health literacy Communication Resources and systems Capacity building Social determinants Representation Informed decisions/ shared decision making Policy making Accountability

18 Indonesia Country Office Creating enabling environment for patient engagement What is enabling environment? PE expected, encourage and facilitated Identifying and engaging stakeholders Supportive organizational governance, systems and policy Capacity building for engagement Accountability and ethical considerations Advocacy and awareness raising

19 Indonesia Country Office Engagement and empowerment: Malaysian Experience Malaysian Society for Quality in Health (MSQH) In 2012, PFPS Network, capacity building  patient representatives at MSQH and PS Council In 2013, PFPS in country workshop, mixture participants April 2014 patient network launched

20 Indonesia Country Office Engagement and empowerment: Malaysian Experience  Success factors 1.Commitment and support of policy makers and leaders 2.Internalization and institutionalization of safety culture 3.Proactive and committed champions at national and fcaility levels 4.Smart partnership (public, private and professional associations) 5.Top down and bottom up feedback 6.Implementing WHO PS and nationwide safety goals

21 Indonesia Country Office Engagement and empowerment: the Thai Experience In 2009, initiate by Healthcare Accreditation Institute (HA Thailand) In 2014 established “Engagement for Patient safety Programme” Use 4 approaches: “Share, Chain, Shape and Change”

22 Indonesia Country Office

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